Version 9 of ActiveState

Updated 2002-08-30 17:22:14

ActiveState Corp., Vancouver, BC, Canada announced on Feb 26, 2001 that "Tcl finds a home" [L1 ]. Excerpts:

ActiveState, the leader in open source programming languages, announced today the addition of Tcl to the languages they support. In addition to providing supported versions of Tcl, core Tcl consulting and Tcl development tools, ActiveState will also soon be hosting the primary Tcl community website. ... As part of this initiative, prominent Tcl developer, Jeff Hobbs, has joined ActiveState as the Tcl technical lead. Jeff is the maintainer of the Tk Usage FAQ and is a program committee member for the USENIX Tcl/Tk Conference. Previously Jeff was with Scriptics, where he was the Tcl ambassador, responsible for liaising with the Tcl community and managing development of the Tcl core.

"I'm keen to continue working full time on Tcl development," said Jeff Hobbs, Senior Developer, ActiveState. "This is great news for the Tcl community since ActiveState can devote significant resources to Tcl development."

AS summary on the Tcl initiative:

One of the products is Komodo, a Mozilla-based IDE.

ActiveState "productizes" two bundles for Tcl developers: ActiveTcl (no charge) (without Komodo or Tcl Dev Kit, but "batteries-included"); and ASPN Tcl, which includes Komodo, TclDevKit, and support in its $495 price.

Can someone discuss the relationship of the Tcl Dev Kit to the products above?

AK (I am developer at ActiveState):

  • TclPro is the open source collection of development tools created by Scriptics/Ajuba Solutions. The term 'TclPro' is trademarked. The trademark is held by Interwoven, due to their buy-out of Scriptics/Ajuba.
  • Tcl Dev Kit is based on the TclPro tools. We fixed bugs, added more UI's, added new functionality. Essentially a version 2.0 of TclPro. It is not named TclPro because of the trademark I mentioned above, and AS not holding said trademark. This version is not open-source, as we do not wish to support competing products based on TclPro with our work.
  • Note: ActiveState's TclPro (1.5), and now Tcl Dev Kit, include / come with ActiveState's ActiveTcl distribution, a Batteries included distribution of Tcl/Tk and many important extensions.
  • ASPN Tcl is a bundle of Tcl Dev Kit, Komodo and an subscription to ActiveState's ASPN (ActiveState Programmers Network).

CL supplied background on ActiveState in articles on a Perl plugin ([L2 ] and [L3 ]) and ...

" " is a Purl for " " (thanks to LV).

Note that thanks to David Welton we the community now have and too. Both refer to the site above, i.e. " " But even fancier is which also goes to the Tcl Developer Xchange

Category Company

Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming