The Accumulator Generator is a problem used by Paul Graham to compare the relative power of differents programming languages. ***The Problem*** We want to write a function that generates accumulators-- a function that takes a number n, and returns a function that takes another number i and returns n incremented by i. (That's incremented by, not plus. An accumulator has to accumulate.) The original easy: The implementation in other languages: ====== package require TclOO namespace import oo::* proc foo n { set obj [object new] objdefine $obj method init {_n} {my variable n; set n $_n} objdefine $obj method acc i {my variable n; incr n $i} $obj init $n list ::apply [list i [subst -novariables {[set obj] acc $i}]] } proc destroy_acc acc { [lindex $acc 1 1 0] destroy } ====== A test: ====== > set acc [foo 3] > {*}$acc 1 4 > {*}$acc 10 14 > {*}$acc 0 14 > destroy_acc $acc > {*}$acc 1 invalid command name "::oo::Obj ====== ***Comments*** I'm not happy with my implementation, It works but It still too vebose compared with other languages. Feel free to insert here your own better/clever approach.