Version 36 of About Tcl and popularity

Updated 2004-06-09 14:12:19

From: [email protected] on June 09 10:03:00 am

  I would welcome the opportunity, to get involved in writing a series of books that demonstrates the strengths that live with in TCL/TK. The series should start with a gentle approach and end up with a hard core use of TCL/TK, including the use of contributed packages. This would give the public, the chance to see the growth and development that TCL/TK supports. I would also say this would change the outlook perceived at the book stores. In addition I know that just with the individuals that have shown their concerns for the future of TCL/TK have the art and sophistication of creating such a series of books. For example this website alone is a wealth of information that if put in a book perspective could create a series of books that would make script-ers from other languages jealous.

    I would welcome and love to here from any and all of the individuals involved with WIKI.TCL.TK. Please forward this posting on to friends/colleagues of interest. Oh 

                     My email address is [email protected] 

     Thanks and I hope this results in a positive outcome 

August 01, 2003 - Tcl's popularity is deemed low in Icon and many other places. It is often argued that the number of books on Tcl is very small. In Brazil (where I live), there only seems to be one book about Tcl, and it's one of the "pocket reference" type, by a publisher that seems to be willing to publish "pocket reference" books on just about anything computer related. A couple of geeky magazines published here discuss a lot about programming, and I only saw Tcl/Tk mentioned once in the cover, unlike other languages.

As I write this, there is a thread going on at c.l.t. about how Tk's allegedly ugly widgets put a lot of people off. That c.l.t. seems to have been caused by an article at Freshmeat about GUI toolkits, whose author expressely refused to include Tcl/Tk in the round-up because it was not even worth bothering. This thread spawned Good Looking Tk.

I recall someone once said here that Tcl seems to have caught on very well on Francophone countries (though I suspect he meant more Canada than France). And I wonder:

  • Would you say that Tcl/Tk is popular in your country?
  • Does Tcl have to be popular? Is it good, bad or we shouldn't really care?
  • Why isn't Tcl popular and how could that be changed?

I think that Tcl could become more popular if more people contributed code, doc, applications and extensions. The more functionality a language has, the less someone who has a need has to do to be able to use the language. There are many more non-programmers than there are programmers. Non-programmers come looking for appliance software and when they find it, they use it. They don't care what language is used - they just want the job done.

If people were developing in perl, or most other languages, and they wanted some feature that was not there, they would, in general, find things in the same state as tcl - there isn't a body of developers sitting around sighing and saying I sure wish I had something to program - I'm really bored today. Doesn't someone need a brand new windowing system? Instead, they would likely be told Here's the existing source code - start hacking in your solution.

LSES - Of course having more people contributing would be very welcome. But Tcl already has more than enough contribution done to attract a lot of interest. Why doesn't it then, why is it so often scoffed at, is the main question here.

Salvatore Sanfilippo: In Italy TCL popularity seems not so bad. I write for a Linux magazine here (called Linux&C , no english) and we are planning to do a number of articles about TCL. BTW the fact that TCL is not very popular does not means it's a TCL's problem: the mass likes to code with algol-like not-so-flexible languages like PHP, a big part of programmers just don't understand TCL: because it is much more simple to say it is slow then to make an effort to understand how it works, it is how it goes. With Lisp it is pretty much the same, for the average programmer it is hard to undestand Lisp, while to say there are too brackets and that isn't good of real programming tasks is much more simple. Not to mention stack-based languages like FORTH or Joy: this programming languages are IMHO very great, it's fantastic how they are able to build great abstractions using few semantics: if you ask the average programmer, he will tell you that's just crazy to program with an RPN language.

RR: I think Tcl/Tk's usefulness and appropriateness depends on what you're trying to do with it. Most of the time, I use it for engineering analysis and test data generation. Mostly that relies on Tcl with Tk thrown in to make it easier to give direction. In that case I don't really care how "modern" the windows look. I have used it in part of a delivered application but in that case it was sort of a dispatcher for submitting a batch job; again, modernity wasn't important. That Tcl isn't as popular as Perl, for example, has more to do with cgi scripts than anything else. If you're going for a wide distribution, maybe Tcl/Tk isn't the "right" language (the right language, however, is always the one you speak!).

One thing that would enhance Tcl's utility would be a decent translator into some more standard industrial language (C or Java come to mind). I can think of no faster way to test out an algorithm than in Tcl. Then, I could, presto/changeo, turn it into C and stick it in a project in progress.

FW: What about ICE?

See also Tcl advocacy.

Anyone see this URL and have comments about it?

DKF: Someone ought to show starkits to that guy!

rjk: I am "that guy." I don't think Starkit was around when I wrote that page a couple years ago.... I never did finish that emulator front end interface, mostly because I don't really use Windows anymore and haven't had as much of a need for crossplatform stuff. My crossplatform goals of late are to get VB forms more or less translatable to Gambas ( ) (sorry, don't know this wiki's markup well enough to link those...) I noticed a number of hits to my tcl page from around here, and so I've browsed through the site a little. I mean no disrespect, but I don't think any of the X-based screenshots on the Good Looking Tk page are especially good-looking, or rather, they would have looked great in 1994 but now it's 2003. Performance-wise, I put a program called "Hack-O-Matic" out there on my site around the time I wrote the above article, only to have it reimplemented by someone else recently in a Windows-based BASIC clone called "RapidQ", ten times faster, seemingly easier to develop, and more stable. Tcl/Tk seems more and more stuck in the past to me, and I feel less positively about it these days than I did when I wrote the above article.

KPV: See Hack-O-Matic for a fast version of this utility.

rjk: Yep, it seems H-O-M's slowness was due to my own poor practices and not to tcl itself. That takes care of the performance issue, at least. At any rate, the portability thing was (as noted on that page linked above) my only reason for muddling through Tcl/Tk in the first place, and since that's not an issue for me anymore I don't have much motivation to try to like (or improve) the language or toolkit.

FW: I think Tcl is inevitably going to be not-highly-popular and thought of as weak, because even more than other unpopular-ish languages like Lisp, it irks people on a syntactic level. People think of "programming" as typed, with a separate syntax and semantics. Even Lisp is closer to this idea than Tcl. Even people who do code in Tcl routinely make mistakes by thinking in that paradigm. A weird analogy is that if programming is like hauling scrap metal and the language is a crane or whatnot, Tcl admits that the crane itself is made of the same materials, which is interpreted as "weakness" when it's really enlightenment. Ah, we'll never be understood. ... In simple terms, all this means is again, people like Algolish languages <g>

On another note, Tcl is a terrible first language IMO because it exposes you to the opposite paradigm to "real" languages syntax-wise.

RS Sad, but true... if someone starts with Tcl, and really gets the spirit, and then takes up Java, C++ or whatever, lessons learnt will be: "you can't do this here... you can't do that there..."

"People think of "programming" as typed, with a separate syntax and semantics. Even LISP is closer to this idea than Tcl. Even people who do code in Tcl routinely make mistakes by thinking in that paradigm." Would you please elaborate more on what you mean ... what is exactly THIS IDEA?

FW: Well, for example, the fact that unlike other languages data isn't considered abstracted from the language, it's all directly accessable as a string.

RS: Yes - sometimes when Tcl'ing (for eight years or so) I have to free my mind from limitations learnt 30 years ago...

[email protected]

I will repost what I posted at the CIT website just a little while ago. TCL has its strengths and weaknesses. But its strengths far out weigh its weaknesses. As far some of the other scripting languages I feel that TCL/TK has its competitors beat hands down. Please read the following

I have been a programmer for 15 Years now. The languages I use are: C++, C and Java. Out of the scripting languages I have used Perl. I really was not very happy with its mix of grammar, nomenclature and vagueness. Out of curiosity I picked up a book written for TCL/TK. I was amazed how organized TCL's syntax is. I am also taken back on how solid the programming structure is from package to package throughout. And last but not least how easy it is read TCL code. What's even more amazing is that in one week I was able to develop a tool that has upgraded over 2000 devices in about two hours. And what's funny about that is, the enterprise commercial equivalent could not even come close to the features built into the tool I wrote in "TCL/TK". The TCL project started on a Monday morning and was complete in one week. Please understand I am not bashing Perl. Thanks to PERL the competition is tight. But I have to admit I have been able to turn more people on to TCL and get them up and running in less time than in PERL. Others like me in experience and some with much less programming experience. And as far as the graphics is concerned, no one new it was a TCL script. They thought it was bonafide Windows program. Oh well that's it for me, for now.

Xtended 31 May 2004, 03:20 GMT

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