Arnulf P. Wiedemann I am living in a little village in the south of Germany near Augsburg (Bavaria) I have more than 30 years of programming behind me using languages like: Algol60, Pascal, BCPL, CPM-80, [C], [C++], Icon, [Java], [Tcl] and also [awk], [sed], sh-scripts ... After all the years I like mostly to program in Tcl/Tk Programming with Tcl/Tk since 1995. I have been and am using Tcl/[Tk] and [Itcl] in commercial applications in the company I am working for, mostly for client server applications (client on [windows], server [Linux]/[Unix] protocol [http] using apache server and [rivet], with [oracle] and [mysql] databases). At home I am using Tcl/Tk and Itcl for doing a lot of stuff on my computers for example a [GUI] for administrating my CD's in a [mysql] database using ID3 tags or making a selection on that database and send that to xmms for playing etc. That was before I found [snackamp]. Projects: * tclurtp the low level part of [tcluno] [] an uno interface for written in pure Tcl. Work in progress: * [itcl-ng] a reimplementation of [Itcl] based on [tclOO], trying to make that an extension using only stubs interfaces to the Tcl core. 2008-12-11 beta version released [] * [ntkWidget] a reimplementation of [NexTk] based on [itcl-ng] * [tclGL] a Tcl wrapper for [OpenGL] gl* functions generated mostly from GL/gl.h by a Tcl script * [tclGLMWFW] a Tcl wrapper for [GLFW] but with multiple windows * collecting ideas for a Tcl based web framework [ToW Tcl on WebFreeWay] maybe it will be called TRAX (Tcl's Rapid webAccess eXtension). Later on I plan to start the implementation as a "fun" project. 2010-03-05: The start of an implementation of such a tool can be found here: [] It is called [ATWF] now. * [Reporting Tools with Tcl] some tools written with [itcl-ng] to allow easy building of GUI's for reports to be shown as web pages or in a client * [itclwidgets] a reimplementation of [Iwidgets] using [itcl-ng] (and [Tk]) without using [itk] * [ATWF] A Tcl Web Framework written with [itcl-ng] using a lot of ideas from [php] [Zend Framework] Presentations on Tcl conferences: * [ntkWidget] on [8th European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting] * [Reporting Tools with Tcl] on [9th European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting] One evening every month you can find me at TUGM []. arnulf at wiedemann-pri dot de ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Person] |% !!!!!!