[rmax] 2007-09-25 This is my first Q&D take on a viewer for the MJPEG stream from the conference. It doesn't do any more than receiving the stream and displaying the images. Ideas for improvement are: * allow switching between the two servers * reconnect (after a random backoff time) when the stream breaks down * save the images (either all or selected ones on a button click) * keep a history of the last N images so that the user can go back Feel free to overwrite the code with improved versions, but please add a short log entry to this page that says what you changed. ---- package require Tk package require img::jpeg image create photo foo -width 800 -height 600 pack [label .l -image foo] set fd [socket us.tclers.tk 80] fconfigure $fd -buffering full -translation crlf puts $fd "GET /video.mjpg HTTP/1.0" puts $fd "" flush $fd fileevent $fd readable [list READ $fd] set state response set frame "" proc READ {fd} { global state toread frame switch -- $state { response { gets $fd line puts "RESPONSE: $line" if {$line ne "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"} exit set state header } header { gets $fd line puts "HEADER: $line" if {$line eq ""} { set state boundary } } boundary { gets $fd line puts -nonewline stderr "." if {$line eq "--myboundary"} { set state mime } } mime { gets $fd line puts "MIME: $line" regexp {Content-Length: ([[:digit:]]+)} $line -> toread if {$line eq ""} { fconfigure $fd -translation binary set state data } } data { set n [expr { $toread > 1000 ? 1000 : $toread }] set data [read $fd $n] incr toread -[string length $data] append frame $data if {$toread == 0} { foo configure -data $frame set frame "" set state boundary fconfigure $fd -translation crlf } } } }