On this page I, [vigal], would like to present my own personal fresh look at Tcl as well as possibly suggest a potentially fresh look at Tcl in general. This will be a work in progress for some time, hopefully not long. Initially I met Tcl in 1996 after a year of intensively using Perl. When I met Perl, it too was new to me but I learned it quickly from the quick reference at first and more from manuals, books and mainly personal experience over time. So, I used Perl for a year and loved it. Then, I got ownership of a C-library that was intended to serve as an essential building block for multiple newly planned C-applications. Naturally, I wanted to expose it to Perl so it could be used from Perl too. However, and I don't remember why, I got stuck. For some reason, integrating that library into Perl just didn't want to work out. At that point, a pier recommended me to try Tcl. It took me maybe a week to read the book, learn it and perform the initial integration. And the rest is a whole separate story. Suffice to say that I became a Tcl devotee and never looked back. More later... ------ <>Enter Category Here