Version 9 of A Canonical Structure for Tk Code --- and variations

Updated 2012-09-20 14:28:45 by uniquename

uniquename 2012sep18 - A Canonical Structure for Tk Code --- and variations

In essentially all of my posts of Tk code on this site (for various utilities), I have used a 'canonical' structure for the Tk code --- as follows:

  0) Set general window parms (win-name, win-position, color-scheme,
                 fonts,widget-geometry-parameters, win-size-control).
  1a) Define ALL frames and sub-frames.
  1b) Pack ALL the frames and sub-frames.
  2) Define & pack all widgets in the frames --- typically going
     top-to-bottom and/or left-to-right.

  3) Define key and mouse action BINDINGS, if needed.
  4) Define PROCS, if needed.
  5) Additional GUI initialization (typically with one or more of
     the procs), if needed.

And to cover the case when I find that I need to make a new widget (from existing widgets), via a proc, then I insert the step:

  1c) Define a 'new-widget' proc that is used to make one or more
      widgets in step 2.

I find this structure helps

   - when generating and testing a Tk script,

   - when looking, among my scripts, for code snippets to include in other scripts.

As I mentioned at the top of one of my first code-postings here A non-obfuscated color selector GUI:

Way back around 1998 when I was first learning the Tcl-Tk language, I would do web searches on keyword strings such as 'usr bin wish button' or 'usr bin wish scale rgb' to find examples of complete Tcl-Tk scripts --- because the code 'snippets' in Tcl-Tk books and tutorials were not very helpful in creating 'production' scripts (relatively quickly).

I was always amazed (and dismayed) at the variety of coding styles that I found --- many of the authors apparently coming from the C-programming world and putting all their code in procs at the top of their scripts --- sometimes even putting the code defining the widgets for the Tk GUI in a proc --- and putting a single-word line at the bottom of their scripts calling a proc named 'Main' or 'main' or 'doit' or the like.

Others seemed to follow a 'whatever works' or 'stream of consciousness' coding method. From the same author, one script might have the Tk widget definitions at the top of the code --- another time in a proc in the middle of the code --- another time in statements at the bottom of the code.

That is all OK when you are writing code that is about a paragraph (or two or three) long. But I found that when I was writing my Freedom Environment code [L1 ] and was aiming for contributing the code to the public, I needed to come up with some Tk coding-structure standards before publishing the code to the world.

So I was strongly motivated to come up with a 'canonical' coding structure to use for Tk scripts in my Freedom Environment software --- as well as for the 2 reasons mentioned above --- (1) facilitation of the coding-and-testing process and (2) facilitation of finding useful code snippets in my own code (code re-use).


Ousterhout's application of Occam's Razor:

There is no obvious event-handling loop in Tk scripts. At the bottom of my posting YAFSG - Yet Another Font Selector GUI, I gave praise to Ousterhout's wonderful implementation of Tk --- and how he has spared us programmers from writing superfluous code --- over and over and over. The hidden event handling loop is one of the wonderful decisions that he made --- along with 1000's of others.

Just look at the typical C or C++ program that has an event handling loop for

  - window-manager events,  or

  - OpenGL events, or

  - SDL events (where SDL = Simple DirectMedia Layer --- a library that
                provides low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse,
                joystick, 3D hardware via OpenGL, and 2D framebuffer
                across multiple platforms).

Here are a couple of examples:

      handler.redraw = false;

   // Wait for events and call event handlers
   window.wait(); // wait for events (using Display::wait)

Here's an example from a game-programming site.

while ( game should run )

  renderFrame() // OpenGL frame drawing code goes here



In a Tk script, we never have to put loops like that in our code to handle the events specified in our 'bind' commands or in the bindings that are built into the Tk widgets.

Furthermore, we are not required to put a 'main' routine in every one of our Tk scripts.

Ousterhout apparently had the vision to see that the event-handling-loop (and the 'main' routine requirement) could be handled by the 'wish' interpreter and not by the programmer.

Thank you, Ousterhout.

By the way, I mention the hidden event handler because it is helpful to know what is going on 'underneath the covers' in order to make some sense out of what is possible and what is not possible when structuring one's Tk code.


Variations on the Canonical Structure Above:

Experienced Tk scripters may have noticed that the sections in the canonical layout above --- with the exception of steps 1c and 5 --- defining-widget-making procs and calling-additional-GUI-initialization procs --- can be put in almost any order.

For example,the BINDINGS section can go almost any place, top to bottom.

This is because the 'bind' statements are not used until 'wish' drops us into the event-handling loop.

And all the window-and-frame-and-widget defining-and-packing --- steps 0, 1, and 2 --- those code sections can be placed almost anywhere, top to bottom --- because these definitions and packing are, typically, not required by any other section of code (procs and bindings) until 'wish' drops us into the event-handling loop and starts using the procs and bindings.


Some people might want to put BINDINGS below PROCS. The main reason that I put BINDINGS first is that most of the code-detail is in the procs. I prefer saving the detail for last --- or as close to last as possible.

Since I typically use one or two procs in the PROCS section to do the 'additional-GUI-initialization', the code in that last section will 'throw an error' if the proc is not available.

So I DO need to keep the PROCS section before the 'additional-GUI-initialization' section.

Nicely enough, the code in the BINDINGS section does not 'throw errors' if the procs that are used in bindings are not defined yet (i.e if the procs are not above the 'bind' statements). So I can put the BINDINGS section almost anywhere.

Similarly, the 'wish' interpreter does not object if you use a proc in a '-command' option of a widget definition statement and the proc has not been defined yet (as the interpreter 'assimilates' the statements of the script, from top to bottom). So widget definitions can go almost anywhere in the code --- that is above or below the PROCS and BINDINGS sections.


Summary (and conclusion):

In summary, I could try some other orderings of the 'canonical' structure at the top of this page. But that ordering has worked for me in making over a hundred Tk scripts. So I think I will stick with that for now.

One 'improvement' (that I see at this time - 2012sep), that I might add at some point, relates to the intialization of variables used in the various widgets of a GUI.

Sometimes I find that I would like to go back and change some intial settings for widgets --- like entry fields, checkbuttons, radiobuttons, scale variable, initial listbox selection, etc. --- either temporarily during testing or just before 'release' as I settle on appropriate initial settings.

Currently, I tend to put the initial values for widgets just before the definition of each widget. This scatters the initializations throughout code section 2, which can be a quite extensive section.

Instead, I may someday break section-2 into two sections:

  2a) Define & pack all widgets in the frames.
  2b) Set initial values for the widget variables.

Other than that, I have been a quite 'happy camper' so far with the canonical structure shown at the top of this page.