[Googie] 2008-07-14 - A-star (aka [A*]) is a shortest path finding algorithm. Implementation below (based on book 'Developing Games in Java' by David Brackeen, Bret Barker, Laurence Vanhelsuwe) is done usign [Itcl], maybe there is someone who could get it done with [TclOO] or event [pure-Tcl]. It would be nice. Since [Itcl] is enough for me I don't bother with other implementations. package require Itcl namespace import itcl::* class AStarNode { constructor {x y cost} { set _x $x set _y $y set _myCost $cost } private { variable _x "" variable _y "" variable _myCost "" } public { variable pathParent "" variable costFromStart 0.0 variable estimatedCostToGoal 0.0 method getCostNoArg {} { return [expr {$costFromStart + $estimatedCostToGoal}] } # Gets the cost between this node and the specified # adjacent (aka "neighbor" or "child") node. method getCost {args} { if {$args == ""} { return [getCostNoArg] } set node [lindex $args 0] return [$node getYourCost] } # Gets the estimated cost between this node and the # specified node. The estimated cost should never exceed # the true cost. The better the estimate, the more # efficient the search. method getEstimatedCost {node} { set dx [$node getX] set dy [$node getY] set cost [expr {sqrt(($_x - $dx)**2 + ($_y - $dy)**2)}] } # Gets the children (aka "neighbors" or "adjacent nodes") # of this node. method getNeighbors {} { set list [list] foreach {x y} [list \ [expr {$_x - 1}] [expr {$_y - 1}] $_x [expr {$_y - 1}] [expr {$_x + 1}] [expr {$_y - 1}] \ [expr {$_x - 1}] $_y [expr {$_x + 1}] $_y \ [expr {$_x - 1}] [expr {$_y + 1}] $_x [expr {$_y + 1}] [expr {$_x + 1}] [expr {$_y + 1}] \ ] { if {[info exists ::nodeAt($x:$y)]} { lappend list $::nodeAt($x:$y) } } return $list } method getYourCost {} { return $_myCost } method getX {} { return $_x } method getY {} { return $_y } } } # A simple priority list, also called a priority queue. # Objects in the list are ordered by their priority. # The highest priority item is first in the list. class PriorityList { private { variable list "" } public { method add {object} { for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $list]} {incr i} { if {[$object getCost] <= [[lindex $list $i] getCost]} { set list [linsert $list $i $object] return } } lappend list $object } method isEmpty {} { return [expr {[llength $list] == 0}] } method removeFirst {} { set toRet [lindex $list 0] set list [lreplace $list 0 0] return $toRet } method remove {node} { set idx [lsearch $list $node] if {$idx > -1} { set list [lreplace $list $idx $idx] } } method contains {node} { return [expr {$node in $list}] } } } proc constructPath {node} { set path [list] while {[$node cget -pathParent] != ""} { set path [linsert $path 0 $node] set node [$node cget -pathParent] } return $path } # Find the path from the start node to the end node. A list # of AStarNodes is returned, or null if the path is not # found. proc findPath {startNode goalNode} { set openList [PriorityList #auto] set closedList [list] $startNode configure -costFromStart 0 $startNode configure -estimatedCostToGoal [$startNode getEstimatedCost $goalNode] $startNode configure -pathParent "" $openList add $startNode while {![$openList isEmpty]} { set node [$openList removeFirst] if {$node == $goalNode} { # construct the path from start to goal return [constructPath $goalNode] } set neighbors [$node getNeighbors] foreach neighborNode $neighbors { set isOpen [$openList contains $neighborNode] set isClosed [expr {$neighborNode in $closedList}] set costFromStart [expr {[$node cget -costFromStart] + [$node getCost $neighborNode]}] if {$costFromStart < [$neighborNode cget -costFromStart]} { if {$isClosed} { set idx [lsearch $closedList $neighborNode] if {$idx > -1} { set closedList [lreplace $closedList $idx $idx] } } if {$isOpen} { $openList remove $neighborNode } } # check if the neighbor node has not been # traversed or if a shorter path to this # neighbor node is found. if {!$isOpen && !$isClosed} { $neighborNode configure -pathParent $node $neighborNode configure -costFromStart $costFromStart $neighborNode configure -estimatedCostToGoal [$neighborNode getEstimatedCost $goalNode] $openList add $neighborNode } } lappend closedList $node } # no path found return ""; } # # Demo # set mapY 0 proc createMapRow {args} { set x 0 foreach arg $args { set ::nodeAt($x:$::mapY) [AStarNode ::#auto $x $::mapY $arg] incr x } incr ::mapY } proc prettyPathPrint {start path} { foreach p $path { puts "cost [$p getX]:[$p getY] = [$p getYourCost]" } for {set row 0} {$row < 8} {incr row} { for {set col 0} {$col < 8} {incr col} { set node $::nodeAt($col:$row) if {$node in $path || $node == $start} { puts -nonewline .\t } else { puts -nonewline [$node getYourCost]\t } } puts "" } } createMapRow 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 createMapRow 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 createMapRow 1 100 100 100 100 100 1 1 createMapRow 1 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 createMapRow 1 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 createMapRow 1 1 1 100 1 100 3 1 createMapRow 1 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 createMapRow 1 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 # Start at x:y = 2:4 and finish at x:y = 5:6 set path [findPath $nodeAt(2:4) $nodeAt(5:6)] prettyPathPrint $nodeAt(2:4) $path # Reset set mapY 0 array unset ::nodeAt createMapRow 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 createMapRow 1 1 100 100 100 100 1 1 createMapRow 1 1 1 1 1 100 1 1 createMapRow 1 1 1 1 1 100 1 1 createMapRow 1 1 1 1 1 100 1 1 createMapRow 1 1 1 1 1 100 1 1 createMapRow 1 1 100 100 100 100 1 1 createMapRow 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 # Start at x:y = 0:4 and finish at x:y = 6:4 set path [findPath $nodeAt(0:4) $nodeAt(6:4)] prettyPathPrint $nodeAt(0:4) $path Demo code prints dots in places of path. See also: [finding the shortest paths in a graph] ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Algorithm] | [Category Graph theory] |% !!!!!!