Version 1 of 3D polyhedra with simple tk canvas

Updated 2005-06-01 18:23:15

3D polyhedra with simple tk canvas

GS - This code displays 3d polyhedra in shaded or wireframe mode. It uses only the tk canvas. The illumination model is a simple flat shading model [L1 ]. The color intenisty of a face is proportional to the angle between its normal and a light direction.

- A starkit version with more demos is available at [L2 ] - A lightweight tclet version can be seen at [L3 ]

The hidden face removal algorithm works well with convex objects but is very limited for the others. See for instance the torus or the shuttle example.

 # polyhedra.tcl 
 # Author:      Gerard Sookahet
 # Date:        30 Mai 2005 
 # Description: Rotating polyhedra using a 'standard' tk canvas.
 #              Flat shading and wireframe mode.

 bind all <Escape> {exit}

 package require Tk 8.4

 proc Barycenter {lcoords} {
  set X 0
  set Y 0
  set n [llength $lcoords]

  foreach vtx $lcoords {
     foreach {x y} $vtx {
        set X [expr {$X + $x}]
        set Y [expr {$Y + $y}]
  return [list [expr {$X/$n}] [expr {$Y/$n}]]

 proc CrossProduct {x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2} {
  return [list [expr {$y1*$z2 - $y2*$z1}] \
               [expr {$z1*$x2 - $z2*$x1}] \
               [expr {$x1*$y2 - $x2*$y1}]]

 proc DotProduct {x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2} {
  return [expr {$x1*$x2 + $y1*$y2 + $z1*$z2}]

 proc MatrixVectorProduct {M V} {
  set x [lindex $V 0]
  set y [lindex $V 1]
  set z [lindex $V 2]
  return [list [expr {[lindex $M 0 0]*$x+[lindex $M 1 0]*$y+[lindex $M 2 0]*$z}] \
               [expr {[lindex $M 0 1]*$x+[lindex $M 1 1]*$y+[lindex $M 2 1]*$z}] \
               [expr {[lindex $M 0 2]*$x+[lindex $M 1 2]*$y+[lindex $M 2 2]*$z}]]

 proc MatrixProduct {M1 M2} {
  set M {{0 0 0 0} {0 0 0 0} {0 0 0 0} {0 0 0 0}}

  for {set i 0} {$i<4} {incr i} {
     for {set j 0} {$j<4} {incr j} {
        lset M $i $j 0
        for {set k 0} {$k<4} {incr k} {
           lset M $i $j [expr {[lindex $M $i $j]+[lindex $M1 $i $k]*[lindex $M2 $k $j]}]
  return $M

 proc MatrixRotation { ax ay az } {
  set sax [expr {sin($ax)}]
  set cax [expr {cos($ax)}]
  set say [expr {sin($ay)}]
  set cay [expr {cos($ay)}]
  set saz [expr {sin($az)}]
  set caz [expr {cos($az)}]
  set Mx {{1 0 0 0} {0 0 0 0} {0 0 0 0} {0 0 0 1}}
  set My {{0 0 0 0} {0 1 0 0} {0 0 0 0} {0 0 0 1}}
  set Mz {{0 0 0 0} {0 0 0 0} {0 0 1 0} {0 0 0 1}}

  # Rotation matrix around X axis with angle ax
  lset Mx 1 1 $cax
  lset Mx 1 2 $sax
  lset Mx 2 1 [expr {-1*$sax}]
  lset Mx 2 2 $cax
  # Rotation matrix around Y axis with angle ay
  lset My 0 0 $cay
  lset My 0 2 [expr {-1*$say}]
  lset My 2 0 $say
  lset My 2 2 $cay
  # Rotation matrix around Z axis with angle az
  lset Mz 0 0 $caz
  lset Mz 0 1 $saz
  lset Mz 1 0 [expr {-1*$saz}]
  lset Mz 1 1 $caz
  return [MatrixProduct [MatrixProduct $Mx $My] $Mz]

 # Compute normal vector and norm for each face
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
 proc NormalVector {lvtx lcnx} {
  set lnv {} 
  set lmv {} 

  foreach face $lcnx {
     foreach {nx ny nz} [CrossProduct \
     [expr {[lindex $lvtx [lindex $face 1] 0] - [lindex $lvtx [lindex $face 0] 0]}] \
     [expr {[lindex $lvtx [lindex $face 1] 1] - [lindex $lvtx [lindex $face 0] 1]}] \
     [expr {[lindex $lvtx [lindex $face 1] 2] - [lindex $lvtx [lindex $face 0] 2]}] \
     [expr {[lindex $lvtx [lindex $face 2] 0] - [lindex $lvtx [lindex $face 1] 0]}] \
     [expr {[lindex $lvtx [lindex $face 2] 1] - [lindex $lvtx [lindex $face 1] 1]}] \
     [expr {[lindex $lvtx [lindex $face 2] 2] - [lindex $lvtx [lindex $face 1] 2]}]] {}
     lappend lnv [list $nx $ny $nz]
     lappend lmv [DotProduct $nx $ny $nz $nx $ny $nz]
  return [list $lnv $lmv]

 # 2D projection
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
 proc Projection {x y z M} {
     global scx scy vdist

   set nx [expr  {[lindex $M 0 0]*$x+[lindex $M 1 0]*$y+[lindex $M 2 0]*$z}]
   set ny [expr  {[lindex $M 0 1]*$x+[lindex $M 1 1]*$y+[lindex $M 2 1]*$z}]
   set nz [expr {([lindex $M 0 2]*$x+[lindex $M 1 2]*$y+[lindex $M 2 2]*$z+10)/$vdist}]
   return [list [expr {$nx/$nz+$scx/2.0}] [expr {$ny/$nz+$scy/2.0}]]

 # Apply transformations to vertex coordinates
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
 proc Transformations {lvtx lnv} {
     global ax ay az 

  set lnew {}
  set lvn {}
  # Compute matrix rotation
  set M [MatrixRotation $ax $ay $az]
  set i 0
  # Apply projection
  foreach vtx $lvtx {
     lappend lnew [Projection [lindex $vtx 0] [lindex $vtx 1] [lindex $vtx 2] $M]
     incr i
  # Normal vector rotation
  foreach v $lnv {lappend lvn [MatrixVectorProduct $M $v]}

  return [list $M $lnew $lvn]

 # Compute color entensity for each face
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
 proc Intensity {lnv lmv lvv} {
  set lclr {}
  set v [DotProduct [lindex $lvv 0] [lindex $lvv 1] [lindex $lvv 2] \
                    [lindex $lvv 0] [lindex $lvv 1] [lindex $lvv 2]]
  set i 0
  foreach nv $lnv {
     set clr 31
     set a [DotProduct [lindex $nv 0]  [lindex $nv 1]  [lindex $nv 2] \
                       [lindex $lvv 0] [lindex $lvv 1] [lindex $lvv 2]]
     set b [expr {sqrt([lindex $lmv $i]*$v)}]
     set clr [expr {round(31*($a/$b))}] 
     lappend lclr [expr {$clr < 0 ? 31 : [expr {32 - $clr}]}]
     incr i
  return $lclr

 # Start the display and rotation loop
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
 proc DisplayModel {w s} {
     global stop
     global display
     global ax ay az tx ty tz

  $w.c delete all
  set stop 0
  set ax 0.2
  set ay 0.1
  set az 0.3
  set tx 0
  set ty 0
  set tz 0

  set d $display
  foreach {t lvtx lcnx lclr} [ReadData $s] {}
  $w.c create text 10 10 -anchor w -fill white -text $t
  foreach {lnv lmv} [NormalVector $lvtx $lcnx] {}

  set lpoly [DisplayInit $w $d $lcnx $lclr]

  if {$d == "shaded"} then {
   for {set i 1} {$i<=820} {incr i} {
      if $stop break
      set ax [expr {$ax-0.02}]
      set az [expr {$az+0.02}]
      set ay [expr {$ay+0.025}]
      after 40
      DisplayShaded $w $lpoly $lvtx $lcnx $lnv $lmv
  } else {
   for {set i 1} {$i<=820} {incr i} {
      if $stop break
      set ax [expr {$ax-0.02}]
      set az [expr {$az+0.02}]
      set ay [expr {$ay+0.025}]
      after 40
      Display $w $lpoly $lvtx $lcnx $lnv $lmv

 # Data structure for models with vertices and connectivity
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
 proc ReadData { n } {

     set lvtx {}
     set lcnx {}
     set lclr {}
     set txt ""

  switch $n {
  tetrahedron {
    set txt "tetrahedron: 4 faces 4 vertices 5 edges" 
    set a [expr {1.0/sqrt(3.0)}]
    set lvtx [list [list $a $a $a] [list $a -$a -$a] \
                   [list -$a $a -$a] [list -$a -$a $a]]
    set lcnx {{0 3 1} {2 0 1} {3 0 2} {1 3 2}}

  cube {
    set txt "cube: 6 faces 8 vertices 12 edges"
    set lvtx {{0.7 0.7 0.7} {-0.7 0.7 0.7} {-0.7 -0.7 0.7} {0.7 -0.7 0.7} 
              {0.7 0.7 -0.7} {-0.7 0.7 -0.7} {-0.7 -0.7 -0.7} {0.7 -0.7 -0.7}}
    set lcnx {{4 7 6 5} {0 1 2 3} {3 2 6 7} {4 5 1 0} {0 3 7 4} {5 6 2 1}}

  octahedron {
    set txt "octahedron 8 faces  6 vertices 16 edges"
    set lvtx {{1 0 0} {0 1 0} {-1 0 0} {0 -1 0} {0 0 1} {0 0 -1}}
    set lcnx {{0 1 4} {1 2 4} {2 3 4} {3 0 4}
              {1 0 5} {2 1 5} {3 2 5} {0 3 5}}

  dodecahedron {
    set txt "dodecahedron 12 faces 20 vertices 30 edges"
    set s3 [expr sqrt(3)]
    set s5 [expr sqrt(5)]
    set alpha [expr {sqrt(2.0/(3 + $s5))/$s3}]
    set beta [expr {(1.0 + sqrt(6.0/(3 + $s5) - 2 + 2*sqrt(2.0/(3.0 + $s5))))/$s3}]
    set gamma [expr {1.0/$s3}]
    set lvtx [list \
         [list -$alpha 0 $beta] \
         [list $alpha 0 $beta] \
         [list -$gamma -$gamma -$gamma] \
         [list -$gamma -$gamma $gamma] \
         [list -$gamma $gamma -$gamma] \
         [list -$gamma $gamma $gamma] \
         [list $gamma -$gamma -$gamma] \
         [list $gamma -$gamma $gamma] \
         [list $gamma $gamma -$gamma] \
         [list $gamma $gamma $gamma] \
         [list $beta $alpha 0] \
         [list $beta -$alpha 0] \
         [list -$beta $alpha  0] \
         [list -$beta -$alpha 0] \
         [list -$alpha 0 -$beta] \
         [list $alpha 0 -$beta] \
         [list 0 $beta $alpha] \
         [list 0 $beta -$alpha] \
         [list 0 -$beta $alpha] \
         [list 0 -$beta -$alpha]]
     set lcnx {{0 1 9 16 5} {1 0 3 18 7} {1 7 11 10 9} {11 7 18 19 6} 
               {8 17 16 9 10} {2 14 15 6 19} {2 13 12 4 14} {2 19 18 3 13} 
               {3 0 5 12 13} {6 15 8 10 11} {4 17 8 15 14} {4 12 5 16 17}} 

  icosahedron {
    set txt "icosahedron: 20 faces 12 vertices 30 edges"
    set X 0.525731112119133606
    set Z 0.850650808352039932
    set lvtx [list [list -$X 0.0 $Z] [list $X 0.0 $Z] [list -$X 0.0 -$Z] \
                   [list $X 0.0 -$Z] [list 0.0 $Z $X] [list 0.0 $Z -$X] \
                   [list 0.0 -$Z $X] [list 0.0 -$Z -$X] [list $Z $X 0.0] \
                   [list -$Z $X 0.0] [list $Z -$X 0.0] [list -$Z -$X 0.0]]
    set lcnx {{4 0 1} {9 0 4} {5 9 4} {5 4 8}
              {8 4 1} {10 8 1} {3 8 10} {3 5 8}
              {2 5 3} {7 2 3} {10 7 3} {6 7 10}
              {11 7 6} {0 11 6} {1 0 6} {1 6 10}
              {0 9 11} {11 9 2} {2 9 5} {2 7 11}}

  for {set i 0} {$i <= [llength $lcnx]} {incr i} {
     lappend lclr "0000[format %2.2x 255]"
  return [list $txt $lvtx $lcnx $lclr]

 # Initialization of canvas with polygonal objects filled or not
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
 proc DisplayInit {w d lcnx lclr} {
  set lpoly {}
  set i 0
  if {$d == "shaded"} then {
    foreach cnx $lcnx {
       lappend lpoly [$w.c create polygon \
                     [string repeat " 0" [expr {2*[llength $cnx]}]] \
                     -fill "#[lindex $lclr $i]"]
       incr i
  } else {
    foreach cnx $lcnx {
       lappend lpoly [$w.c create polygon \
                     [string repeat " 0" [expr {2*[llength $cnx]}]] \
                     -fill black -outline blue]
  return $lpoly

 # Flat shaded display with gradient color
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
 proc DisplayShaded {w lpoly lvtx lcnx lnv lmv} {

  set lgradB {}
  foreach {M lnew lvn} [Transformations $lvtx $lnv] {}
  # Light vector is set to <1 1 -1> 
  foreach i [Intensity $lvn $lmv [list 1 1 -1]] {
     lappend lgradB [format %2.2x [expr {100+154*$i/32}]]
  set i 0
  foreach cnx $lcnx {
     set lcoords {}
     foreach j $cnx {lappend lcoords [lindex $lnew $j]}
     # Backface culing for hidden face. Not removed but only reduced to a point
     if {[lindex $lvn $i 2] < 0} {
       eval $w.c coords [lindex $lpoly $i] [join $lcoords]
       $w.c itemconfigure [lindex $lpoly $i] -fill "#0000[lindex $lgradB $i]"
     } else {
       $w.c coords [lindex $lpoly $i] [string repeat " [join [Barycenter $lcoords]]" [llength $cnx]]
     incr i

 # Wireframe display 
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
 proc Display {w lpoly lvtx lcnx lnv lmv} {

  foreach {M lnew lvn} [Transformations $lvtx $lnv] {}
  set i 0
  foreach cnx $lcnx {
     set lcoords {}
     foreach j $cnx {lappend lcoords [lindex $lnew $j]}
     # Backface culing for hidden face. Not removed but only reduced to a point
     if {[lindex $lvn $i 2] < 0} {
       eval $w.c coords [lindex $lpoly $i] [join $lcoords]
     } else {
       $w.c coords [lindex $lpoly $i] [string repeat " [join [Barycenter $lcoords]]" [llength $cnx]]
     incr i

 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
 proc Main {} {
     global stop
     global display
     global scx scy vdist

  set w .tdc
  catch {destroy $w}
  toplevel $w
  wm withdraw .
  wm title $w "Rotating polyhedra in Tk canvas "

  set display shaded
  set scx 420
  set scy 420
  set vdist 1200

  pack [canvas $w.c -width $scx -height $scy -bg white -bg black -bd 0]
  $w.c delete all

  set f1 [frame $w.f1 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2]
  pack $f1 -fill x
  button $f1.brun -text Stop -command {set stop 1}
  button $ -text Quit -command exit
  label $f1.l1 -text "  "
  radiobutton $f1.rbs -text "Shaded" -variable display -value shaded 
  radiobutton $f1.rbw -text "Wireframe" -variable display -value wireframe
  eval pack [winfo children $f1] -side left
  set f2 [frame $w.f2 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2]
  pack $f2 -fill x
  foreach i {tetrahedron cube octahedron dodecahedron icosahedron} {
     button $f2.b$i -text $i -command "DisplayModel $w $i"
  eval pack [winfo children $f2] -side left
  set f3 [frame $w.f3 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2]
  pack $f3 -fill x
  label $f3.l1 -text "View distance "
  scale $ -from 300 -to 1600 -length 300 \
                -orient horiz -bd 1 -showvalue true -variable vdist 
  eval pack [winfo children $f3] -side left
