Version 3 of Æjaks compares to Tcl/Tk

Updated 2013-04-25 10:26:37 by XO

Move from the main Æjaks page

Here is a side-by-side comparison between Tcl/Tk and Æjaks. Neither of these will look very pretty, as I have left out any sort of whitespace padding and grid type of layout.

 Tk                                         Aejaks
 --------------------------------------   ----------------------------------------
 # classic Tk style! Tk has reasonable    # Aejaks looks pretty awful without some
 # (but dated) default style per OS       # style, try without and you will agree.
 tk_bisque                                . setDefaultStyle bisque

 # Tk doesn't need a top frame for        # Aejaks can only pack one component or
 # this simple example, but we will       # container into ".", so we create a
 # add one for consistency                # top level Column

 # Tk 'frames' don't have a set shape,    # Aejaks 'Column' will always pack
 # but order child widgets based on       # children into column orientation.
 # pack options.                          # Row containers are similarly row oriented.

 frame .top                               Column .top
 pack .top                                Pack .top

 frame .top.row1                          Row .top.row1
 label .top.row1.l1 -text X               Label .top.row1.l1 -text X

 # Tk has 'entry' widget                  # Aejaks has 'TextField' widget
 entry .top.row1.x                        TextField .top.row1.x
 # pack with options '-side left'         # Pack knows parent is a Row
 pack .top.row1.l1 .top.row1.x \          Pack .top.row1.l1 .top.row1.x
      -side left
 pack .top.row1                           Pack .top.row1

 frame .top.row2                          Row .top.row2
 label .top.row2.l1 -text Y               Label .top.row2.l1 -text Y
 entry .top.row2.y                        TextField .top.row2.y
 pack .top.row2.l1 .top.row2.y \          Pack .top.row2.l1 .top.row2.y
      -side left
 pack .top.row2                           Pack .top.row2

 frame .top.row3                          Row .top.row3
 # exit button runs tcl 'exit'            # exit button runs Window 'exitApp' method
 button .top.row3.exit -text Exit \       Button .top.row3.exit -text Exit \
      -command exit                            -command {. exitApp /}
 pack .top.row3.exit -side left           Pack .top.row3.exit
 button .top.row3.mult -text Multiply \   Button .top.row3.mult -text Multiply \
      -command doMultiply                     -command doMultiply
 label .top.row3.result                   Label .top.row3.result
 pack .top.row3.mult .top.row3.result \   Pack .top.row3.mult .top.row3.result
      -side left
 pack .top.row3                           Pack .top.row3

 # not an ideal proc, since we have       # ditto
 # tied the gui widgets to actual         #  "
 # code.  Easily fixable, but this        #  "
 # will suffice for comparisons           #  "

 proc doMultiply {} {                     proc doMultiply {} {
   set x [.top.row1.x get]                    set x [.top.row1.x get]
   set y [.top.row2.y get]                    set y [.top.row2.y get]
   set res "can't multiply $x * $y"           set res "can't multiply $x * $y"
   catch {set res [expr { $x * $y }]}         catch {set res [expr { $x * $y }]}
   .top.row3.result configure -text $res      .top.row3.result configure -text $res
 }                                        }

NOTE please take care when editing this page to preserve the side-by-side formatting.