Version 2 of ::oo:: too

Updated 2018-01-15 18:21:56 by jsuntheimer72

An investigatory analysis.

Tcl00. Okay, got it.

I'm not much for extraneous syntax, but if you have to have it, ::oo:: is not a bad way to go. Looks cool. Pew pew pew, it's a spaceship. Or a spider. Maybe it's a moose. maybe it's looking deeply into the eyes of a lover. ::oo:: is pretty cool, as far as syntax goes.

Well, it's been a long stretch in the JavaScript mines, better brush up on my cannon.


 ::oo::class          new in 8.6
 ::oo::copy           new in 8.6
 ::oo::define         new in 8.6
 info class           provides introspection of classes (many subcommands)
 info object          provides introspection of objects (many subcommands)

 Method Commands      The following commands are only available within the body of a method
 my                   new in 8.6
 next                 new in 8.6 
 self                 new in 8.6

Now, I'm not one of them big city software architects, but I can't help but notice there are some top level tcl commands, and all I know about them right now is that they are brand-spanking new, and they are only available within the body of a method. This feels, subtly, ever so slightly, on the fringes of my spider-sense, like name space pollution. Like, if ever there was a reason to use namespaces, wouldn't it be to prevent commands that can only be used in a specific context from becoming top level commands? I'm just thinking out loud here. We'll see later if perhaps some radical language modification or maybe a complex, streaming build system might come to our rescue on that.

Okay, folks, shows over. That's TclOO, you've seen it, time to get codi..

Wait- I think I've seen that spaceship-spider-moose lover before. Was her name Valerie? No, that's not it...

 noop Sherlock/Mr. Robot-style eidetic memory sequence ensues, consisting mostly of tcl code, sandworms, and Stevie Nicks

Wait, I know! It was in the Tcllib 1.18 documentation! Yeah, it was ::oo::util, and of course, it's twin, the other ::oo::util! I knew I saw it before. Wait, not just there, but.. somewhere..

 noop Fragments from Madonna's 1984 video "Borderline" flash in rapid succession

No, it wasn't in the Tcllib 1.18 documentation, it was in the "README of Changes" of Tcllib 1.18! Of course it was, it was there the whole time, and we learned the true TclOO was the friendships we made along the way.

 oodialect       oo::dialect         0.3

 oometa          oo::meta            0.4.1
                 oo::option          0.3

No, I'm wrong. Nothing here but a third of an infinite language, less than half of a meta infinity, and a ukulele option.

Hold on just a gosh darn minute! That's not even a tiny bit of a meta infinity, let alone almost half of one. It's that silly tcl namespacing, isn't it?

 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::info tclversion
 ::info tclversion
 info tclversion

Never judge a namespace by the number of preceding colons. That's what pappy used ta always say.

So herm, maybe that's all of them? Maybe it would do for now. So now what are we looking at again?

 ::oo::class            new in 8.6
 ::oo::copy             new in 8.6
 ::oo::define           new in 8.6
 ::oo::objdefine        new in france
 ::oo::object           big in japan
 ::oo::util             namespaces solve problems
 ::oo::util             twice as nice as the last ::oo::util
 ::oo::dialect          new in tcllib 1.18 release notes
 ::oo::meta             new in tcllib 1.18 release notes
 ::oo::option           new in tcllib 1.18 release notes
 ::info class           provides introspection of classes (many subcommands)
 ::info object          provides introspection of objects (many subcommands)

 Method Commands      The following commands are only available within the body of a method
 ::my                   new in 8.6
 ::next                 new in 8.6 

to be continued