Version 24 of **

Updated 2012-03-08 18:37:23 by AMG

expr "raise to power" operator, similar to pow function

Returns an integer value if both arguments are integers, and double-precision floating-point otherwise.

For integer-only arguments:

  • The left operand may be any integer from Tcl's unlimited integer range.
  • The right operand is limited to a max integer value of 268435455 (0xfffffff) (i.e., 28 bits) (unless the left operand is -1, 0, or 1, so that the answer is trivial).
  • Expect to wait a long while for [expr 2**0xfffffff] to return.

If either argument is a floating-point value, this operator just call's the C math library pow() function behind the scenes.


During early 2009, a thread broke out in the comp.lang.tcl usenet group discussing the observation that Tcl's calculation for

puts [expr {-2**2}]

surprised someone who was expecting that to mean

puts [expr {-(2**2)}

while Tcl's operator precedence rules cause it to mean

puts [expr {(-2)**2}

What this does mean is that it is consistently possible to interpret -2 as minus two; no other operators around can change the interpretation.

It also means the answer you get will be different than most, if not all, other computer programming languages.

AMG: Is this set in concrete? I was recently surprised by this behavior, not for the first time, and likely not for the last time. I'm hard pressed to think of any case where it's important that - have higher precedence than **, especially since Tcl expr doesn't do complex numbers.

RLE: (2012-03-07) The problem is that the raw (no parens) equation is requesting expr to calculate this value: Image: minus two squared

Does that mean the negative of the square of two, or does it mean the square of negative two? If I am remembering my math correctly from way too long ago, I would interpret that equation to mean the square of minus two, which would result in four, just as Tcl produces.

AMG: Typically exponents have precedence over multiplication [L1 ], and I suggest that negation is multiplication. I take your expression to mean negative four, and my TI-89 agrees. Naturally, there's debate over this point [L2 ]. While Tcl's interpretation may be valid, it's also not very useful. What's the point in applying negation first, when Tcl doesn't have complex numbers?

From comp.lang.tcl:

In math:

a**0 == 1, a != 0, and 
0**a == 0, a != 0. 
0**0 is indeterminate

In Tcl (8.5.7):

expr {0**0} => 1 

Here is an interesting example which tests the precedence of ** and - and demonstrates the right to left application of **:

expr {2**-2**2} => 16 

Force delayed application of -:

expr {2.0**-(2**2)} => .0625 

Force left to right exponentiation:

expr {(2.0**-2)**2} => .0625 


expr {(2.0)**((-2)**2)} => 16