String Performance: split vs regexp vs scan

xk2600 I swear I had seen this documented somewhere on the wiki, however I can't find the reference, so I added this. Feel free to update add additional options, etc..

The problem: Have a string that needs to be split on a delimiter.. what is the fastest way to accomplish this, especially when the string is exceptionally long or variable in length?


# '''USAGE:''' '''testStringSplittingOptions''' ''delims tokens iterations ?detail?''
#              delims     - list of delimiters to test with 
#              tokens     - quantity of random tokens to split with delim
#              iterations - iterations to go through when running the time commands
#                           within this proc
#              detail     - provide detailed reporting instead of tabular.
proc testStringSplittingOptions {tokens iterations} {

  proc baseline {var1 var2} {

  set iMax $iterations
  set iterations [list]
  for {set i 1} {$i <= $iMax} {set i [expr {$i * 10}]} {
    lappend iterations $i

  # prep string
  set testlist [list var0=0]
  for {set i 0} {$i < $tokens} {incr i} {
    lappend testlist [list var[expr {int(rand()*1000)}]=[expr {int(rand()*100000)}]]

  foreach iteration $iterations {
    foreach separator [list & { } \n] {
      puts -nonewline [format {iteration: %6d   } $iteration]
      puts -nonewline [format {separator: %2s   } [string map {\n LF} $separator]]

      # join teststring with separator
      set teststring [join $testlist $separator]

      # store string length for putput
      set strlen [string length $teststring]
      puts -nonewline [format {strlen: %6d   } $strlen]
      set proctime [ time { baseline test test2 } $iteration]
      puts -nonewline [format {proc: %8f   } [scan $proctime %f]]
      #puts \ \ \ \ $proctime
      flush stdout

      # split ####################################################
      set splitTime [time { 
        split $teststring $separator
      } $iteration]
      puts -nonewline [format {split: %8f   } [scan $splitTime %d]]
      #puts \ \ \ \ $splitTime
      flush stdout

      # inline-re ################################################
      set regexpTime [time { 
        regexp -inline -all -- "(\[^$separator\]*)$separator" $teststring
      } $iteration]
      puts -nonewline [format {inline-re: %8f   } [scan $regexpTime %d]]
      #puts \ \ \ \ $regexpTime
      flush stdout
      # scan #####################################################
      set scanTime [time { 
        set end [string length $teststring]
        set token {}
        set cursor 0
        set c 0
        while {$cursor < $end} {
          lassign [scan [string range $teststring $cursor $end] "%\[^$separator\]%n$separator"] token c
          incr cursor [expr {$c + 1}]
      } $iteration]
      puts [format {inline-re: %8f   } [scan $scanTime %d]]
      #puts \ \ \ \ $scanTime
      flush stdout
      puts {#################################################################}
      puts ""

% testStringSplittingOptions [list & { } \n] 1000 1000
iteration:      1   separator:  &   strlen:  12802   proc: 36.000000   split: 172.000000   inline-re: 3143.000000   inline-re: 38266.000000   
iteration:      1   separator:      strlen:  12802   proc: 2.000000   split: 59.000000   inline-re: 2059.000000   inline-re: 34889.000000   
iteration:      1   separator: LF   strlen:  12802   proc: 1.000000   split: 77.000000   inline-re: 1933.000000   inline-re: 34756.000000   
iteration:     10   separator:  &   strlen:  12802   proc: 0.900000   split: 73.000000   inline-re: 1985.800000   inline-re: 35495.700000   
iteration:     10   separator:      strlen:  12802   proc: 0.800000   split: 77.800000   inline-re: 2006.200000   inline-re: 34469.900000   
iteration:     10   separator: LF   strlen:  12802   proc: 0.700000   split: 84.300000   inline-re: 2011.000000   inline-re: 34777.700000   
iteration:    100   separator:  &   strlen:  12802   proc: 0.570000   split: 67.090000   inline-re: 1980.850000   inline-re: 34749.980000   
iteration:    100   separator:      strlen:  12802   proc: 0.790000   split: 66.790000   inline-re: 1970.210000   inline-re: 34732.560000   
iteration:    100   separator: LF   strlen:  12802   proc: 0.720000   split: 66.380000   inline-re: 1981.890000   inline-re: 35311.660000   
iteration:   1000   separator:  &   strlen:  12802   proc: 0.381000   split: 66.803000   inline-re: 2005.331000   inline-re: 34960.505000   
iteration:   1000   separator:      strlen:  12802   proc: 0.446000   split: 68.072000   inline-re: 1998.458000   inline-re: 34863.826000   
iteration:   1000   separator: LF   strlen:  12802   proc: 0.453000   split: 66.062000   inline-re: 2004.961000   inline-re: 34810.200000