Tcl docker container

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I'm using Naviserver in Docker, but lately I've decided to make images smaller, so I switched to Alpine based images. Everything is compiled from source code stable versions.
So here I have:


'''Alpine-based Tcl Base Image'''

This image serves as a base image with Tcl 8.6.14 and Tcllib 1.21 compiled and installed on Alpine Linux. It's optimized for size, making it an excellent choice for Tcl applications that require a minimal footprint. 

Image Size: 44.5 MB

You can get it from Docker Hub:
docker pull siqsuruq/tcl:tcl-alpine
Run interactive:
docker run -it siqsuruq/tcl:tcl-alpine
======|%Alpine-based Tcl Base Image GitHub repo%|%


'''Alpine-based Tcl batteries-included Image'''

This Docker image provides a lightweight, Alpine-based environment equipped with Tcl (Tool Command Language),Tcllib and some more Tcl packages, offering a robust platform for developing and running Tcl applications.

Image Size: 54.4MB

You can get it from Docker Hub:
docker pull siqsuruq/tcl:tclbi-alpine
Run interactive:
docker run -it siqsuruq/tcl:tclbi-alpine
======|%Alpine-based Tcl batteries-included Image GitHub repo%|%

In this image, in addition to Tcl 8.6.14 and Tcllib 1.21, the following packages have been included:

 * tdom 0.9.3
 * Pgtcl 3.0.1
 * tls 1.8.0
 * nsf 2.4.0
 * tzint 1.1.0
 * TclCurl 7.22.0
 * vfs 1.4.2
 * ooxml 1.6.1
 * money 1.0.1
 * mimext 1.0.0
 * hrfilesize 1.0.0
 * nats 3.0
I don't know if this helpful but you can create images and containers based on them, if you need more packages to be included in Tcl batteries-included Image, just send me a msg.