I like to write the weekly {Tcl,Python,...}-URL! digests. It's recreational, for me.
I write also for more conventional publications. I've written chapters on Tcl [L1 ] and other scripting languages for several books, and do a column [L2 ] twice a month on scripting.
Along with this part-time journalism, I'm a full-time software developer [L3 ].
One of my characteristic habits is to threaten over an extended period to work on various community projects.
Occasionally, with enough motivation, I actually follow through. On the possibility that one of these will interest someone, I'll list a few of the half-baked items currently on the shelves:
- tcllib
- documentation, performance enhancements, examples, corrections to RFC non-conformance, ... Andreas Kupries: If you have time please add such information to the tcllib tracker at SourceForge . Or feed them piecemeal through me.
- Memory introspection commands
- Win-Tcl documentation
- Greatly sanitized tcltest distributions
- More Tcl/Java write-ups
- Testing theory
- Help with TinyTcl
- Elaboration of George Peter Staplin's Tk-Xlib work
- which I greatly admire
- Propaganda on why Tk is wonderful
- More explanations of the "option database"
- Write-ups of "Tcl in the real world"
- Tclish expert systems
- response to Larry Virden's observation that "this is part of the info that I keep harping about being needed for USERS of Tcl...
- most of the Tcl doc is written for application developers accustomed to code diving". package-ing is a particular example.
- Tclkit evangelism
Dave Snyderman claims I described myself as a "walking Wiki index". I don't remember that ...
Maybe you didn't write it on the Wiki, and therefore don't have the index.
- mailto:Cameron@Lairds.com
[mailto:claird@phaseit.net?Subject=tcllib%|%claird at phaseit dot net]
- Regular Expressions: Programming Down to the Silicon