!!!!!! |[Tcl Commands%|%previous : Tcl Commands]|[Contents%|%up: Contents]|[About the Wiki%|%next : About the Wiki]| !!!!!! '''Advanced Tcl''' is a guide for programmers who are beyond [Beginning Tcl], and would really like to exploit some of the power of the Tcl language and/or the Tk Toolkit, here is a list of pages describing some advanced concepts. ** See Also ** [Tcl Developer Guide]: A guide to various aspectes of develping Tcl. ** General ** [The Tcl Core]: [Tcl data types]: [Tcl Performance]: [Tcl Questions and Answers]: ** Style ** [Tcl style discussion]: ** Tcl Facilities ** [Regular Expressions]: [Arrays / Hash Maps]: [String Processing]: Variable [Traces]: when are they useful? [Serial Port]: How to control a physical device ** Toolbox ** [Techniques for reading and writing application configuration files%|%configuration files]: [debugging]: [command options]: Techniques for processing the arguments to a command. [Profiling Tcl%|%profiling]: [Template and Macro processing%|%templates and macros]: ** Builtin Extensions ** [dde]: ** Caveats ** [Dangers of creative writing]: ** Language Tricks ** [New Control Structures]: [Radical language modification]: ever wanted to write i = 1? [Playing C]: [Salt and sugar]: how to make Tcl code look nicer [Tcl Gems]: [Braintwisters]: [code golf]: Due to the emphasis on brevity, these exercises tend toward the dense side. ** Design Patterns ** [Introspection]: [Guarded proc]: [Meta Programming]: [Local procedures]: [How can I add a new option to an existing Tcl command]?: [How do I manage lock files in a cross platform manner in Tcl]?: [Data is code]: [Predicates: on being and having]: [paragraphing]: ** Event-Driven Programming ** [Animations and Timing issues]: ** Parsing ** [http://users.pandora.be/koen.vandamme1/papers/tcl_fileformats/tcl_fileformats.html%|%Data files in Tcl]: simple tricks to parse text files [Syntax parsing in Tcl]: [Simple tree layout]: ** Inter-Process Communication ** [Inventory of IPC methods%|%inter-process communication]: Information about the lines of communications between processes. [message passing]: Information about higher-level systems that pass their messages via some [Inventory of IPC methods] mechanism. ** Object-Oriented Programming ** [http://www.wjduquette.com/tcl/objects.html%|%Will's Guide to Creating Object Commands]: [http://users.pandora.be/koen.vandamme1/papers/tcl_objects/tcl_objects.html%|%Objects in Tcl ]: [Curbside Collection for Object Systems]: [Gadgets]: [LOST]: [On things]: [Doing things]: [Doing things in namespaces]: [Chaining things]: [The Anatomy of an Object System]: A modern take, in the spirit of [http://www.wjduquette.com/tcl/objects.html%|%Will's Guide to Creating Object Commands], on working with objects. ** Functional Style ** [functional programming]: [Steps towards functional programming]: [Lambda in Tcl]: [Tail call optimization]: [linked lists]: ** Integration ** [Sendmail]: Sockets demonstration using an all-Tcl [telnet]: [Interacting with the internet]: [Interacting with databases]: ** Distributing Software ** [What should I be sure to do so my Tcl based programs run cross platform]: ? ** Administering tcl ** [Dynamic Libraries in Tcl]: ** [Extending Tcl] ** See [Extending Tcl] ** Tk Concepts ** [Tk Performance]: [Entry Field Processing]: [Event Processing]: [Overloading a widget command]: [Drag-N-Drop Example%|%Poor Man's Drag-N-Drop]: by Bryan Oakley [Geometry Managers]: [Practical Guide to Choosing Fonts]: [Grab Tips]: for when you want to redirect events from one window to another [http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/tcl/option-tutorial.html%|%Option Database Tutorial]: a great way of getting user-configurable and localizable applications [Adding User Data to Widgets the Megawidget Way]: [Tk image Dos and Don'ts]: [Cross Platform differences in Tcl/Tk]: ** Internationalization ** [i18n - Writing for the world]: [Unicode and UTF-8]: [UTF-8 bit by bit]: [Encoding Translations and i18n]: [i18n tester]: [A little Unicode editor]: [A little Korean editor]: [Unicode file reader]: [The Lish family]: converters from 7-bit ASCII to Arab/Cyrillic/Greek/Hebrew/Japanese/Korean.. Unicodes [Bag of number/time spellers]: on the interface between people and numbers [Chinese numbers]: [Hebrew numbers]: [Roman numbers]: [Natural languages]: [Things British]: [Things Japanese]: [taiku goes multilingual]: [Endekalogue]: has links to almost a dozen translations of man Tcl into different languages ** Old Skool ** [BASIC in Tcl]: [Retrocomputing]: [Playing Assembler]: 8080! [RPN in Tcl]: reverse Polish notation ** Other Languages ** [Playing Prolog]: [Playing Python]: [Playing C]: [Playing APL]: [Playing Smalltalk]: [Tcl and LISP]: [Playing Haskell]: [Turtle graphics the LOGO way]: [Unix shells]: [Perl]: [TclJava]: [Eiffel-like Invariants]: Design by Contract stuff. ** Diversions ** [99 bottles of beer]: [ANSI color control]: [Tcl/Tk games]: [Obfuscation]: [Quines]: [Turtleshell]: [Horseracing in Tcl]: [Model railroading with Tcl]: [Notes on a canvas]: [Postcard from Switzerland]: [Toy cars]: ** Misc ** [Bag of algorithms]: [Bag of Tk algorithms]: [Bag of number/time spellers]: [Example scripts everybody should have]: [Braintwisters]: [Tcl gems]: [Hacks]: [When should Tcl/Tk/etc. NOT be used]?: [Halting Problem]: Tcl-style [Tk in a set-userid application]: [How do I report a bug in Tcl, Tk, ...]?: [Incr Tcl Design Patterns]: [http://bodhost.com/web-hosting/index.php/2006/12/25/tool-command-language/%|%dead link%|%]: [Graph theory in Tcl]: [Searching A Star in Space]: [http://avc.inrim.it/%|%AVC%|%]: A multi-platform, fully automatic, live connection among graphical interface widgets and application variables for the python language. !!!!!! |[Tcl Commands%|%previous : Tcl Commands]|[Contents%|%up: Contents]|[About the Wiki%|%next : About the Wiki]| !!!!!! <> Tutorial