New experimental command added in ::[tcl::unsupported] on 2009-12-07. : '''[tcl::unsupported]::yieldTo''' ''command'' ?''arg ...''? Suspends the current [coroutine] and makes the current coroutine's caller invoke ''command'' (with the optional ''arg''s). ''Command'' is resolved prior the suspension in the context of the current coroutine, and can refer to another coroutine (though this is not required). May only be called from within a [coroutine]; it is an error to call it from elsewhere. Docs forthcoming, for now just the tclcore thread at [] ---- [AMG]: Why is this command named with an internal capital letter? All other built-in Tcl commands (as opposed to utility procs) are named with multiple words (or abbreviations thereof) jammed together with no capitals or underscores. Examples abound: [[[bgerror]]], [[[fblocked]]], [[[filename]]], [[[foreach]]], [[[gets]]], [[[lappend]]], [[[regexp]]], [[[uplevel]]], and [[[vwait]]]. [MS] no special reason <> Command