Version 11 of xxHash

Updated 2017-06-08 17:49:31 by dbohdan

xxHash is a non-cryptographic hashing algorithm (i.e., an alternative to CRC but not SHA256) developed by Yann Collet.

Tcl implementation

The following module implements the algorithm in pure Tcl with an optional Critcl replacement for the main loop. The pure Tcl implementation is slow. The Critcl version is significantly faster and performs on average at about 20% of the speed of zlib crc32 in Tcl 8.6.6, which means it can hash dozens to hundreds of megabytes a second on a reasonably modern CPU. The module works in Jim Tcl 0.72 or later, but it runs several times slower than in Tcl 8.6 without Critcl.

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# A xxHash32 implementation in pure Tcl with optional Critcl acceleration.
# Copyright (c) 2017 dbohdan
# License: MIT
namespace eval ::xxhash {
    variable version 0.2.0
    variable useCritcl 0
    if {![catch {
        package require critcl 3
    }]} {
        set useCritcl [::critcl::compiling]

proc ::xxhash::rol {x n} {
    set x [expr {$x & 0xffffffff}]
    return [expr {(($x << $n) | ($x >> (32 - $n))) & 0xffffffff}]

if {$::xxhash::useCritcl} {
    critcl::ccommand xxhash::scan-loop {cdata interp objc objv} {#define \
        XXHASH32_ROL(x,n) ((x << n) | (x >> (32 - n)))
        char *buf;
        int rc, pos = 0, len, i;
        unsigned int v[4], x, seed, hash;
        Tcl_Obj* result;
        const unsigned int prime1 = 0x9e3779b1, prime2 = 0x85ebca77;

        if (objc != 3) {
            Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "data seed");
            return TCL_ERROR;
        rc = Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[2], &seed);
        if (rc != TCL_OK) {
                             Tcl_NewStringObj("seed must be integer", -1));
            return TCL_ERROR;

        buf = Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(objv[1], &len);
        v[0] = seed + prime1 + prime2;
        v[1] = seed + prime2;
        v[2] = seed;
        v[3] = seed - prime1;
        do {
            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                x = *(unsigned int*)buf;
                buf += 4;
                pos += 4;
                v[i] += x * prime2;
                v[i] = XXHASH32_ROL(v[i], 13) * prime1;
        } while (pos <= len - 16);

        hash = (XXHASH32_ROL(v[0], 1)  +
                XXHASH32_ROL(v[1], 7)  +
                XXHASH32_ROL(v[2], 12) +
                XXHASH32_ROL(v[3], 18)) & 0xffffffff;

        result = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL);
        rc = Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, result, Tcl_NewWideIntObj(pos));
        if (rc != TCL_OK) {
            Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf("can't create result list"));
            return TCL_ERROR;
        rc = Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, result, Tcl_NewWideIntObj(hash));
        if (rc != TCL_OK) {
            Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf("can't create result list"));
            return TCL_ERROR;

        Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, result);
        return TCL_OK;
    xxhash::scan-loop {} 0

proc ::xxhash::xxhash32 {data seed} {
    set prime1 0x9e3779b1
    set prime2 0x85ebca77
    set prime3 0xc2b2ae3d
    set prime4 0x27d4eb2f
    set prime5 0x165667b1

    set ptr 0
    set len [string length $data]
    if {$len >= 16} {
        if {$::xxhash::useCritcl} {
            lassign [xxhash::scan-loop $data $seed] ptr hash
        } else {
            set limit [expr {$len - 16}]
            set v1 [expr {$seed + $prime1 + $prime2}]
            set v2 [expr {$seed + $prime2}]
            set v3 $seed
            set v4 [expr {$seed - $prime1}]

            while 1 {
                binary scan $data "@$ptr iu iu iu iu" x1 x2 x3 x4
                incr ptr 16

                incr v1 [expr {$x1 * $prime2}]
                set v1 [expr {[rol $v1 13] * $prime1}]

                incr v2 [expr {$x2 * $prime2}]
                set v2 [expr {[rol $v2 13] * $prime1}]

                incr v3 [expr {$x3 * $prime2}]
                set v3 [expr {[rol $v3 13] * $prime1}]

                incr v4 [expr {$x4 * $prime2}]
                set v4 [expr {[rol $v4 13] * $prime1}]

                if {$ptr > $limit} break

            set hash [expr {
                ([rol $v1 1] + [rol $v2 7] + [rol $v3 12] + [rol $v4 18])
                & 0xffffffff
    } else {
        set hash [expr {$seed + $prime5}]

    incr hash $len

    set limit [expr {$len - 4}]
    while {$ptr <= $limit} {
        binary scan $data "@$ptr iu" x
        set hash [expr {$hash + $x * $prime3}]
        set hash [expr {[rol $hash 17] * $prime4}]
        incr ptr 4

    while {$ptr < $len} {
        binary scan $data "@$ptr cu" x
        set hash [expr {$hash + $x * $prime5}]
        set hash [expr {[rol $hash 11] * $prime1}]
        incr ptr 1

    set hash [expr {$hash & 0xffffffff}]
    set hash [expr {(($hash ^ ($hash >> 15)) * $prime2) & 0xffffffff}]
    set hash [expr {(($hash ^ ($hash >> 13)) * $prime3) & 0xffffffff}]
    set hash [expr {($hash ^ ($hash >> 16)) & 0xffffffff}]

    return $hash

proc ::xxhash::assert-equal-int {actual expected} {
    if {$actual != $expected} {
        error "expected 0x[format %08x $expected],\
               but got 0x[format %08x $actual]"

proc ::xxhash::test {} {
    assert-equal-int [rol 0 0] 0
    assert-equal-int [rol 0xffffffff 5]  0xffffffff
    assert-equal-int [rol 0xcd0000ab 8]  0x0000abcd
    assert-equal-int [rol 0xcd0000ab 16] 0x00abcd00
    assert-equal-int [rol 0xcd0000ab 24] 0xabcd0000
    assert-equal-int [rol 0xcd0000ab 32] 0xcd0000ab
    assert-equal-int [xxhash32 abc 0] 0x32d153ff
    assert-equal-int [xxhash32 abc 0x12345678] 0x11364062
    assert-equal-int [xxhash32 {Hello, World! This is a test.} 0] 0x9ea357ea
    variable useCritcl
    if {$useCritcl} {
        set seq {}
        for {set i 0} {$i < 4} {incr i} {
            append seq [string repeat $i 64]
            set useCritcl 1
            set critcl [xxhash32 $seq 0]
            set useCritcl 0
            set pureTcl [xxhash32 $seq 0]
            assert-equal-int $critcl $pureTcl
    } else {
        puts stderr {skipping tests that require Critcl}

if {[info exists argv0] && ([file tail [info script]] eq [file tail $argv0])} {

See also