Version 3 of weeDraw

Updated 2009-05-28 16:30:42 by JSB

AK: From the header this seems to be a direct copy of the Impress drawing tool, right ? Just renamed ? Does this mean that weeDraw is now a fork of it ? What is Impress's license ? The official Impress homepage seems to be . Please also note the Wiki page here for same, i.e. ImPress. JSB In the Readme file inside the tar ball it states GPL. Other things inside have other types. It's a mixed bag, so Tkpaint may be a better choice since it's just GPL with no addons.

 # Copyright © 1996,1997,1998 Christopher Jay Cox, All rights reserved.
 # $Header: /home/ccox/impress/RCS/impress.tcl,v 1.8 1998/08/08 06:24:52 ccox Exp $
 # restart trick \
 exec wish "$0" "$@"
 option add *Radiobutton*borderWidth 1
 option add *Button*borderWidth 1

 global Group GroupNo
 global Global

 set Global(PointsInch) [winfo fpixels . 1i]

 set Global(FontList) {
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 image create bitmap stripe -data "
 #define stripe4_width 4
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 static char stripe4_bits[] = {
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 set Global(Message) "Select"
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 set Global(PrintCmd) {lpr -Plp2}
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 set Global(PrivateCmap) ""
 set GroupNo [clock clicks]
 set Global(ButtonSize) .35i
 set Global(ButtonRelief) flat
 set Global(ButtonOrient) top
 set Global(ButtonCount)  10
 set Global(ColorWidth) 400
 set Global(ColorHeight) 100
 set Global(SlideBG) white
 button .b
 set Global(Background) [.b cget -bg]
 set Global(ActiveBackground) [.b cget -activebackground]
 destroy .b

 set Global(DefButtonColor) [. cget -bg]
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                         round -smooth 0 -splinesteps 12 -stipple $Global(ButtonStipple2) \
                         -tags {} -width 1]
                 set Global(Smooth_Line) [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 25.0 \
                         175.0 25.0092307692 100.036923077 100.036923077 100.036923077 \
                         175.064615385 100.036923077 175.064615385 25.0092307692 -arrow \
                         none -arrowshape {8 10 3} -capstyle butt -fill \
                         $Global(ButtonColor) -joinstyle miter -smooth 0 -splinesteps 12 \
                         -stipple $Global(ButtonStipple2) -tags {} -width 4]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 25.0 125.0 \
                         25.0092307692 100.036923077 50.0184615385 100.036923077 -arrow \
                         none -arrowshape {8 10 3} -capstyle butt -fill black -joinstyle \
                         miter -smooth 0 -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags {} -width 1]
         {Button Rulers {
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create polygon 3.0 3.0 28.0 \
                         3.0 28.0 3.0 150.0 3.0 150.0 3.0 175.0 3.0 175.0 28.0 175.0 28.0 \
                         175.0 140.0 175.0 140.0 175.0 165.0 150.0 165.0 150.0 165.0 28.0 \
                         165.0 28.0 165.0 3.0 165.0 3.0 140.0 3.0 140.0 3.0 28.0 3.0 28.0 \
                         -fill {} -outline {} -smooth 0 -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags \
                         {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create polygon \
                         23.1891100047 21.8326710294 44.4914676605 21.8326710294 \
                         44.4914676605 21.8326710294 55.1426464886 21.8326710294 \
                         55.1426464886 21.8326710294 76.4450041446 21.8326710294 \
                         76.4450041446 36.3892820942 76.4450041446 36.3892820942 \
                         76.4450041446 134.646406785 76.4450041446 134.646406785 \
                         76.4450041446 149.203017849 55.1426464886 149.203017849 \
                         55.1426464886 149.203017849 44.4914676605 149.203017849 \
                         44.4914676605 149.203017849 23.1891100047 149.203017849 \
                         23.1891100047 134.646406785 23.1891100047 134.646406785 \
                         23.1891100047 36.3892820942 23.1891100047 36.3892820942 -fill \
                         $Global(ButtonColor) -outline black -smooth 0 -splinesteps 12 \
                         -stipple $Global(ButtonStipple1) -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create polygon \
                         150.149425814 22.2067661339 150.149425814 44.2377862974 \
                         150.149425814 44.2377862974 150.149425814 55.2532963793 \
                         150.149425814 55.2532963793 150.149425814 77.2843165428 \
                         141.662699325 77.2843165428 141.662699325 77.2843165428 \
                         84.3772955216 77.2843165441 84.3772955216 77.2843165441 \
                         75.8905690324 77.2843165441 75.8905690324 55.2532963806 \
                         75.8905690324 55.2532963806 75.8905690324 44.2377862985 \
                         75.8905690324 44.2377862985 75.8905690324 22.206766135 \
                         84.3772955216 22.2067661348 84.3772955216 22.2067661348 \
                         141.662699325 22.2067661341 141.662699325 22.2067661341 -fill \
                         $Global(ButtonColor) -outline black -smooth 0 -splinesteps 12 \
                         -stipple $Global(ButtonStipple1) -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 140.131665428 \
                         77.2080834672 140.121591494 63.5149289413 -arrow none -arrowshape \
                         {8 10 3} -capstyle butt -fill black -joinstyle miter -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 131.037141491 \
                         77.2080834672 131.023709578 49.7455413384 -arrow none -arrowshape \
                         {8 10 3} -capstyle butt -fill black -joinstyle miter -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 121.942617553 \
                         77.2080834672 121.925827663 63.5149289413 -arrow none -arrowshape \
                         {8 10 3} -capstyle butt -fill black -joinstyle miter -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 112.848093615 \
                         77.2080834672 112.827945747 49.7455413384 -arrow none -arrowshape \
                         {8 10 3} -capstyle butt -fill black -joinstyle miter -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 103.753569678 \
                         77.2080834672 103.730063832 63.5149289413 -arrow none -arrowshape \
                         {8 10 3} -capstyle butt -fill black -joinstyle miter -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 94.65904574 \
                         77.2080834672 94.632181916 49.7455413384 -arrow none -arrowshape \
                         {8 10 3} -capstyle butt -fill black -joinstyle miter -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 85.5645218024 \
                         77.2080834672 85.5343 63.5149289413 -arrow none -arrowshape {8 10 \
                         3} -capstyle butt -fill black -joinstyle miter -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 76.4699978647 \
                         77.2080834672 76.436418084 49.7455413384 -arrow none -arrowshape \
                         {8 10 3} -capstyle butt -fill black -joinstyle miter -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 76.4843170578 \
                         77.2080834672 76.4253476873 49.7455413384 -arrow none -arrowshape \
                         {8 10 3} -capstyle butt -fill black -joinstyle miter -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 76.3712924314 \
                         30.9204790109 63.1310306103 30.9305529451 -arrow none -arrowshape \
                         {8 10 3} -capstyle butt -fill black -joinstyle miter -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 76.3712924314 \
                         40.0150029485 49.8170570746 40.0284348608 -arrow none -arrowshape \
                         {8 10 3} -capstyle butt -fill black -joinstyle miter -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 76.3712924314 \
                         49.1095268862 63.1310306103 49.1263167766 -arrow none -arrowshape \
                         {8 10 3} -capstyle butt -fill black -joinstyle miter -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 76.3712924314 \
                         58.2040508238 49.8170570746 58.2241986923 -arrow none -arrowshape \
                         {8 10 3} -capstyle butt -fill black -joinstyle miter -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 76.3712924314 \
                         67.2985747615 63.1310306103 67.3220806079 -arrow none -arrowshape \
                         {8 10 3} -capstyle butt -fill black -joinstyle miter -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 76.3712924314 \
                         76.3930986992 49.8170570746 76.4199625237 -arrow none -arrowshape \
                         {8 10 3} -capstyle butt -fill black -joinstyle miter -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 76.3712924314 \
                         85.4876226368 63.1310306103 85.5178444394 -arrow none -arrowshape \
                         {8 10 3} -capstyle butt -fill black -joinstyle miter -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 76.3712924314 \
                         94.5821465745 49.8170570746 94.6157263552 -arrow none -arrowshape \
                         {8 10 3} -capstyle butt -fill black -joinstyle miter -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 76.3712924314 \
                         103.676670512 63.1310306103 103.713608271 -arrow none -arrowshape \
                         {8 10 3} -capstyle butt -fill black -joinstyle miter -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 76.3712924314 \
                         112.77119445 49.8170570746 112.811490186 -arrow none -arrowshape \
                         {8 10 3} -capstyle butt -fill black -joinstyle miter -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 76.3712924314 \
                         121.865718387 63.1310306103 121.909372102 -arrow none -arrowshape \
                         {8 10 3} -capstyle butt -fill black -joinstyle miter -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 76.3712924314 \
                         130.960242325 49.8170570746 131.007254018 -arrow none -arrowshape \
                         {8 10 3} -capstyle butt -fill black -joinstyle miter -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create line 76.3712924314 \
                         140.054766263 63.1310306103 140.105135933 -arrow none -arrowshape \
                         {8 10 3} -capstyle butt -fill black -joinstyle miter -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags {} -width 1]
         {Button Print {
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create polygon 4.0 2.0 29.0 \
                         2.0 29.0 2.0 153.0 2.0 153.0 2.0 178.0 2.0 178.0 27.0 178.0 27.0 \
                         178.0 141.0 178.0 141.0 178.0 166.0 153.0 166.0 153.0 166.0 29.0 \
                         166.0 29.0 166.0 4.0 166.0 4.0 141.0 4.0 141.0 4.0 27.0 4.0 27.0 \
                         -fill {} -outline {} -smooth 0 -splinesteps 12 -stipple {} -tags \
                         {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create polygon 18.112852546 \
                         78.1413823784 29.689679783 78.1413823784 29.689679783 \
                         78.1413823784 145.509246403 78.1413823784 145.509246403 \
                         78.1413823784 157.08607364 78.1413823784 157.08607364 \
                         92.3229957436 157.08607364 92.3229957436 157.08607364 \
                         106.520317973 157.08607364 106.520317973 157.08607364 \
                         120.701931339 145.509246403 120.701931339 145.509246403 \
                         120.701931339 29.689679783 120.701931339 29.689679783 \
                         120.701931339 18.112852546 120.701931339 18.112852546 \
                         106.520317973 18.112852546 106.520317973 18.112852546 \
                         92.3229957436 18.112852546 92.3229957436 -fill \
                         $Global(ButtonColor) -outline #000000000000 -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple $Global(ButtonStipple1) -tags {} -width \
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create polygon \
                         29.6939543042 121.928678622 34.3263950074 121.928678622 \
                         34.3263950074 121.928678622 140.872531179 121.928678622 \
                         140.872531179 121.928678622 145.504971882 121.928678622 \
                         145.504971882 130.395811007 145.504971882 130.395811007 \
                         145.504971882 134.629377198 145.504971882 134.629377198 \
                         145.504971882 143.096509583 140.872531179 143.096509583 \
                         140.872531179 143.096509583 34.3263950074 143.096509583 \
                         34.3263950074 143.096509583 29.6939543042 143.096509583 \
                         29.6939543042 134.629377198 29.6939543042 134.629377198 \
                         29.6939543042 130.395811007 29.6939543042 130.395811007 -fill \
                         $Global(ButtonColor) -outline #000000000000 -smooth 0 \
                         -splinesteps 12 -stipple $Global(ButtonStipple2) -tags {} -width \
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create polygon \
                         37.0084235148 76.6096100677 37.0084235148 76.6096100677 \
                         136.511731999 76.6096100677 136.511731999 76.6096100677 \
                         136.511731999 54.2857931245 148.949645559 31.9619761813 \
                         148.949645559 31.9619761813 49.4463370753 31.9619761813 \
                         49.4463370753 31.9619761813 37.0084235148 54.2857931245 \
                         37.0084235148 76.6096100677 -fill #FFFFFFFFFFFF -outline \
                         #000000000000 -smooth 1 -splinesteps 12 -stipple \
                         $Global(ButtonStipple2) -tags {} -width 1]
                 set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create polygon \
                         148.978487615 31.8672316384 142.932094742 42.6870925685 \
                         150.25141243 42.6870925685 -fill #FFFFFFFFFFFF -outline black \
                         -smooth 0 -splinesteps 12 -stipple $Global(ButtonStipple1) -tags \
                         {} -width 1]

 if {[info exists embed_args] || [info exists env(PLUGIN)]} {
         set Global(Plugin) 1
         set Global(ButtonSize) 25
         set Global(ButtonOrient) left
         set Global(ButtonCount) 10
 } else {
         set Global(Plugin) 0

 proc RotateF { r x y args } {
         set newshape ""
         set count [llength $args]
         set c 0
         set sr [expr sin($r*3.14159265358979323846/180.0)]
         set cr [expr cos($r*3.14159265358979323846/180.0)]
         while {$c < $count} {
                 set xc [lindex $args $c]
                 set yc [lindex $args [expr $c + 1]]
                 set c [expr $c + 2]
                 lappend newshape [expr ($xc - $x) * $cr - ($yc - $y) * $sr + $x] \
                         [expr ($xc - $x) * $sr + ($yc - $y) * $cr + $y]
         return $newshape
 set Global(CornerUL) { 5 5 25 5 25 15 15 15 15 25 5 25 5 5 }
 set Global(CornerUR) [eval RotateF 90 20 20 $Global(CornerUL)]
 set Global(CornerLR) [eval RotateF 90 20 20 $Global(CornerUR)]
 set Global(CornerLL) [eval RotateF 90 20 20 $Global(CornerLR)]

 proc setTags {w reqName} {
         global windowtag reqtag CjNames

         if {[info exists CjNames($w)]} {
                 set windowtag $CjNames($w)
         set reqtag "$reqName"

 proc initRequestor {name w class title trans} {
         global reqName

         toplevel $w -class $class
         tk_bindForTraversal $w
         if {$trans != "" && $trans != 0} {
                 wm transient $w .
         wm title $w "$title"
         wm iconname $w "$name"
         set reqName "$name"

 proc bindEntry {entry type width} {
         global CjNames CjWindows CjWidth

         set name $CjNames($entry)
         set CjWidth($entry) $width
         switch [string tolower $type] {
                 hex {
                 bind $entry <Key> {
                         if {[expr [string length [%W get]] + 1] > $CjWidth(%W) &&\
                                 "%A" != "{}" && "%A" >= " " && "%A" <= "~" } {
                                 if {[%W selection present]} {
                                         %W icursor sel.first
                                         %W delete sel.first sel.last
                                 } else {
                         set a [string toupper "%A"]
                         if { ("%A" < "0" || "%A" > "9") && ("$a" < "A" || "$a" > "F") } {
                                 if { "%A" != "{}" && "%A" >= " " && "%A" <= "~" } {
                                         if {[%W selection present]} {
                                                 %W icursor sel.first
                                                 %W delete sel.first sel.last
                                         } else {
                 proc set_$name { val } "
                         $entry delete 0 end
                         $entry insert 0 \[format \"%0${width}X\" \$val\]
                 proc get_$name {} "
                         set val \[$entry get\]
                         scan \${val} %x tvalue
                         return \$tvalue
                 unit {
                 bind $entry <Key> {
                         if {[expr [string length [%W get]] + 1] > $CjWidth(%W) &&\
                                 "%A" != "{}" && "%A" >= " " && "%A" <= "~" } {
                         if { "%A" < "0" || "%A" > "9" } {
                                 if { "%A" == "." } {
                                         if {[string first "." "[%W get]"] != -1} {
                                 } elseif { "%A" == "m" } {
                                         if {[string first "m" "[%W get]"] != -1} {
                                 } elseif { "%A" == "c" } {
                                         if {[string first "c" "[%W get]"] != -1} {
                                 } elseif { "%A" == "i" } {
                                         if {[string first "i" "[%W get]"] != -1} {
                                 } elseif { "%A" == "p" } {
                                         if {[string first "p" "[%W get]"] != -1} {
                                 } elseif { "%A" != "{}" && "%A" >= " " && "%A" <= "~" } {
                 proc set_$name { val } "
                         $entry delete 0 end
                         $entry insert 0 \[format \$val]
                 proc get_$name {} "
                         set val \[$entry get\]
                         return \$val
                 float {
                 bind $entry <Key> {
                         if {[expr [string length [%W get]] + 1] > $CjWidth(%W) &&\
                                 "%A" != "{}" && "%A" >= " " && "%A" <= "~" } {
                         if { "%A" < "0" || "%A" > "9" } {
                                 if { "%A" == "." } {
                                         if {[string first "." "[%W get]"] != -1} {
                                 } elseif { "%A" != "{}" && "%A" >= " " && "%A" <= "~" } {
                 proc set_$name { val } "
                         $entry delete 0 end
                         $entry insert 0 \[format \$val]
                 proc get_$name {} "
                         set val \[$entry get\]
                         return \$val
                 int {
                 bind $entry <Key> {
                         if {[expr [string length [%W get]] + 1] > $CjWidth(%W) &&\
                                 "%A" != "{}" && "%A" >= " " && "%A" <= "~" } {
                         if { "%A" < "0" || "%A" > "9" } {
                                 if { "%A" != "{}" && "%A" >= " " && "%A" <= "~" } {
                 proc set_$name { val } "
                         $entry delete 0 end
                         $entry insert 0 \$val
                 proc get_$name {} "
                         set val \[$entry get\]
                         return \$val
                 text -
                 default {
                 proc set_$name { val } "
                         $entry delete 0 end
                         $entry insert 0 \$val
                 proc get_$name {} "
                         set val \[$entry get\]
                         return \$val

 proc createEntry {w name type width args} {
         global CjNames CjWindows
         set e [eval entry $w.${name}_e $args]
         set CjNames($e) $name
         set CjWindows($name) $e
         bindEntry $w.${name}_e $type $width
         return $e

 proc createScale {w name args} {
         global CjNames CjWindows
         set s [eval scale $w.${name}_sc $args]

         set CjNames($s) $name
         set CjWindows($name) $s
         return $s

 proc createComboScale {w name label scale entry} {
         global CjNames CjWindows

         frame $w.${name}_f -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.${name} -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.${name}_f.bottom -highlightthickness 0
         set l [label $w.${name}_l -text "$label" -highlightthickness 0]
         raise $scale
         raise $entry

         pack $l -in $w.${name} -anchor sw -side left
         pack $scale -in $w.${name}_f.bottom -anchor nw -side left \
                 -fill x -expand true
         pack $entry -in $w.${name}_f.bottom -padx 2m -anchor sw -side right
         pack $w.${name} $w.${name}_f.bottom -in $w.${name}_f -side top \
                 -padx 2m -fill x -expand true

         set ename $CjNames($entry)
         $scale configure -command set_${ename}
         bind $entry <Key-Return> "
                 set_${ename} \[get_${ename}\]
                 $scale set \[get_${ename}\]
         bind $entry <FocusOut> "
                 if {\[$entry get\] == \"\"} {
                         set_${ename} \[$scale get\]
                 } else {
                         set_${ename} \[get_${ename}\]
                         $scale set \[get_${ename}\]
         set CjNames($w.${name}_f) $name
         set CjWindows($name) $w.${name}_f
         return $w.${name}_f

 proc createButton {w name default args} {
         global CjNames CjWindows

         set b [eval button $w.${name}_b $args]
         if {"$default" == 1} {
                 bind $b <Key-Return> {
                         %W invoke
                 focus $b

         set CjNames($b) $name
         set CjWindows($name) $b
         return $b

 proc deleteComboBox {combobox} {
         global CjNames CjWindows

         eval .$CjNames($combobox) delete 0 end
 proc insertComboBox {combobox pos args} {
         global CjNames CjWindows

         eval .$CjNames($combobox) insert $pos $args

 proc createComboBox {w name label entry button height} {
         global CjNames CjWindows

         frame $w.${name}_fcb -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.${name}_fcbe -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.${name}_dummy -highlightthickness 0
         set d $w.${name}_dummy
         if { "$label" != "" } {
                 set l [label $w.${name}_l -text "$label" -highlightthickness 0]
                 pack $l -in $w.${name}_fcb -side top -anchor w
         $button configure -command "
                 set rhght \[winfo reqheight .${name}\]
                 set rwdth \[expr \[winfo reqwidth .${name}\] + \
                         \[winfo reqwidth $button\]\]
                 raise .${name}_tflb
                 wm geometry .${name}_tflb \
                         \${rwdth}x\${rhght}+\[winfo rootx $d\]\+\[winfo rooty $d\]
                 wm deiconify .${name}_tflb
                 focus .${name}
                 set CjPriv(background) \[.${name} cget -selectbackground\]
         pack $entry -in $w.${name}_fcbe -side left -fill x -expand true -anchor w
         pack $button -in $w.${name}_fcbe -side right -fill both -anchor w -padx .05c
         pack $w.${name}_fcbe $d -in $w.${name}_fcb -side top -anchor w
         raise $entry
         raise $button

         toplevel .${name}_tflb -bd 1 -relief raised -class ComboBox \
                 -highlightthickness 0
         wm overrideredirect .${name}_tflb 1

         listbox .${name} -height $height -width [$entry cget -width] \
                 -yscrollcommand ".${name} set" -relief flat
         scrollbar .${name} -command ".${name} yview" -relief ridge
         pack .${name} -in .${name}_tflb -side left -pady 2 -ipadx 1
         pack .${name} -in .${name}_tflb -side right -fill y -pady 2
         wm withdraw .${name}_tflb

         bind .${name}_tflb <Key-Escape> "
                 grab release \[grab current\]
                 .${name} configure -selectbackground \$CjPriv(background)
                 wm withdraw .${name}_tflb
                 if {\[info exists tkPriv(relief)\]} {
                         $button configure -relief \$tkPriv(relief)
                 $button configure -state normal
                 if {\"$w\" != \"\"} {
                         focus -lastfor $w
                 } else {
                         focus [focus -lastfor .]
                 set tkPriv(buttonWindow) \"\"
                 focus [focus -lastfor $w]
         bind .${name} <Key-Return> "
                 set ${name}_e_val [$entry cget -textvariable]
                 set current \[.${name} curselection\]
                 if {\"\$current\" != \"\"} {
                         set \$${name}_e_val \[.${name} get \
                 eval \[bind .${name}_tflb <Key-Escape>\]
         bind .${name}_tflb <ButtonRelease-1> "
                 if {\"%W\" != \".${name}\"} {
                         eval \[bind .${name}_tflb <Key-Escape>\]
                         focus [focus -lastfor $w]
         bind .${name} <ButtonRelease-1> "
                 eval \[bind .${name} <Key-Return>\]
                 set tkPriv(buttonWindow) \"\"
         bind .${name} <Leave> "
                 if {\$tkPriv(buttonWindow) != \"\"} {
                         .${name} configure -selectbackground \
                                 \[.${name} cget -background\]
                 focus .${name}_tflb
         bind .${name} <Enter> "
                 .${name} configure -selectbackground \
         bind .${name} <Any-Key> "
                 .${name} configure -selectbackground \$CjPriv(background)
         bind $button <Key-Return> "
                 tkButtonUp %W
                 %W invoke
                 focus .${name}
                 grab -global .${name}_tflb
         bind $button <ButtonRelease-1> {
         bind $button <Button-1> {
                 tkButtonUp %W
                 %W invoke
         bind $button <Leave> "
                 if {\[wm state .${name}_tflb\] == \"normal\"} {
                         focus .${name}_tflb
                         grab -global .${name}_tflb

         set CjNames($w.${name}_fcb) $name
         set CjNames(.${name} $name
         set CjNames(.${name}_tflb) $name
         set CjWindows($name) $w.${name}_fcb
         return $w.${name}_fcb

 proc checkUnit {entry} {
         set value [$entry get]
         if {[regexp {^[.0-9][.0-9]*[ipcm]$} $value]} {
                 if {[regexp {^[^.]*[.][^.]*[.].*$} $value]} {
                         return 0
                 } else {
                         return 1
         } else {
                 return 0

 proc labeledEntry { pathname label type args} {
         frame ${pathname}_f
         label ${pathname}_l -text "$label"
         eval entry ${pathname} $args
         pack ${pathname}_l -side left -in ${pathname}_f -fill x
         pack ${pathname} -side right -in ${pathname}_f -fill x

         return ${pathname}_f

 proc textLower {name} {
         global Global

         set w ${name}
         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 pack forget $w
                 pack [winfo parent $Global(TextReplace)] -fill both -expand true
         } else {
                 wm withdraw $w

 proc propLower {name} {
         global Global

         set w ${name}
         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 pack forget $w
                 pack [winfo parent $Global(PropReplace)] -fill both -expand true
         } else {
                 wm withdraw $w

 proc slideLower {name} {
         global Global

         set w ${name}
         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 pack forget $w
                 pack [winfo parent $Global(SlideReplace)] -fill both -expand true
         } else {
                 wm withdraw $w
         set Global(colortype) $Global(colortypeSave)

 proc printLower {name} {
         global Global

         set w ${name}
         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 pack forget $w
                 pack [winfo parent $Global(PrintReplace)] -fill both -expand true
         } else {
                 wm withdraw $w

 proc gridLower {name} {
         global Global

         set w ${name}
         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 pack forget $w
                 pack [winfo parent $Global(GridReplace)] -fill both -expand true
         } else {
                 wm withdraw $w

 proc msgLower {name} {
         global Global

         set w ${name}
         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 pack forget $w
                 pack [winfo parent $Global(MsgReplace)] -fill both -expand true
         } else {
                 wm withdraw $w

 proc msgRequestor {name} {
         global Global

         set w ${name}
         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 frame $w -borderwidth 0
         } else {
                 toplevel $w
 #                wm transient $w .
                 wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set dummy 1}
         frame $w.f -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.texttop -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.textbottom -relief raised -bd 1
         label $w.message
         button $w.ok -text "Dismiss" -command "msgLower $w"
         pack $w.message -in $w.texttop -fill both -expand true
         pack $w.ok -in $w.textbottom -side left -padx 2m -pady 2m
         pack $w.texttop $w.textbottom -anchor sw -in $w -fill x -expand true
         pack $w.f -in $w
         if { !$Global(Plugin) } {
                 wm withdraw $w
 proc msgRaise {name message} {
         global Global

         set w ${name}
         set Global(MsgReplace) $Global(CurrentCanvas)

         if {![winfo exists $name]} {
                 msgRequestor $name
         $w.message configure -text "$message"
         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 pack forget [winfo parent $Global(MsgReplace)]
                 pack $w -fill both -expand true
         } else {
                 wm deiconify $w
                 focus $w
 proc textRaise {name} {
         global Global

         set w ${name}
         set Global(TextReplace) $Global(CurrentCanvas)

         if {![winfo exists $name]} {
                 textRequestor $name
         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 pack forget [winfo parent $Global(TextReplace)]
                 pack $w -fill both -expand true
         } else {
                 wm deiconify $w
                 raise $w
                 focus $w
         $w.text delete 1.0 end
 proc propDisplay {name item} {
         global Global concmd

         if {[winfo exists $name.p.p]} {
                 eval destroy [pack slaves $name.p.p]
         } else {
                 frame $name.p.p
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag current
         set props [$Global(CurrentCanvas) itemconfigure $item]
         set type [$Global(CurrentCanvas) type $item]
         set i 0
         set concmd ""
         foreach prop $props {
                 set propname [string range [lindex $prop 0] 1 end]
                 global var${propname}
                 set var${propname} [lindex $prop 4]
                 frame $name.p.p.f$i
                 label $name.p.p.f$i.l${propname} -text "$propname"
                 if {"$type" == "text" && "$propname" == "text"} {
                         text $name.p.p.f$i.e${propname} -width 20 -height 2
                         $name.p.p.f$i.e${propname} insert 0.0 [lindex $prop 4]
                         set textwidget $name.p.p.f$i.e${propname}
                 } else {
                         entry $name.p.p.f$i.e${propname} -textvariable var${propname} \
                                 -width 20
                 pack $name.p.p.f$i.l${propname} -in $name.p.p.f$i -side left -fill x
                 pack $name.p.p.f$i.e${propname} -in $name.p.p.f$i -side right
                 pack $name.p.p.f$i -in $name.p.p -side top -fill x -expand true
                 incr i
                 if {"$type" == "text" && "$propname" == "text"} {
                         append concmd " -${propname} \"\[${textwidget} get 0.0 end\]\""
                 } else {
                         append concmd " -${propname} \"\$var${propname}\""
         button $name.p.p.b -text "Apply" \
                 -command "eval \$Global(CurrentCanvas) itemconfigure $item \$concmd;
         pack $name.p.p.b -in $name.p.p
         pack $name.p.p -in $name.p
 proc propDraw {name sc or items index} {
         global Global

         set w ${name}
         set Global(PropDraw) ""
         eval $w.c delete [$w.c find withtag all]
         set item [lindex $items [expr $index - 1]]
         set props [getProperties $Global(CurrentCanvas) $item Esc 0]
         $w.l configure -text "Object $index of [llength $items]"
         set coords [$Global(CurrentCanvas) coords $item]
         set type [$Global(CurrentCanvas) type $item]
         append Global(PropDraw) \
                 "set i \[eval $w.c create $type $coords $props -tags this\]
                 eval $w.c scale this 0 0 $sc $sc;"
         if {"$type" == "text"} {
                 append Global(PropDraw) \
                 "set fn \[$w.c itemcget \$i -font\];
                 regexp {(\[-\]\[^-\]*-\[^-\]*-\[^-\]*-\[^-\]*-\[^-\]*-\[^-\]*-\[^-\]*-)(\[^-\]*)(-.*)} \$fn dummy d1 size d2;
                 if {\$dummy != \"\"} {
                         set nsize \[expr round(\$size * $sc\)];
                         if { \$nsize < 20 } {
                                 set nsize 20
                         $w.c itemconfigure \$i -font \${d1}\${nsize}\${d2};
                         set fnn \[$w.c itemcget \$i -font\];
                         regexp {(\[-\]\[^-\]*-\[^-\]*-\[^-\]*-\[^-\]*-\[^-\]*-\[^-\]*-\[^-\]*-)(\[^-\]*)(-.*)} \$fnn dummy d1 nsize d2;
                         if {(\$sc < 1 && \$nsize < \$size) || \
                                 (\$sc > 1 && \$nsize > \$size)} {
                                 $w.c itemconfigure \$i -width \[expr \[$w.c itemcget \$i \
                                         -width\] * $sc\];
                         } else {
                                 $w.c itemconfigure \$i -font \$fn;
         if {"$type" != ""} {
                 eval $Global(PropDraw)
                 propDisplay $name $item

 proc propRaise {name items} {
         global Global

         set w ${name}
         set Global(PropReplace) $Global(CurrentCanvas)

         if {![winfo exists ${name}]} {
                 propRequestor $name
         set ph [winfo fpixels $Global(CurrentCanvas) $Global(PageHeight)]
         set pw [winfo fpixels $Global(CurrentCanvas) $Global(PageWidth)]
         if {$ph > $pw} {
                 set pix [expr 200.0 / $ph]
         } else {
                 set pix [expr 200.0 / $pw]
         set ch [expr $pix * $ph]
         set cw [expr $pix * $pw]
         set sc $pix

         $w.c configure -width $cw -height $ch
         set or [getOrigin "$items"]
         $w.s configure -to [expr [llength $items]] \
                 -command "propDraw $w $sc {$or} {$items}"
         $w.s set 1
         propDraw $w $sc "$or" "$items" 1
         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 pack forget [winfo parent $Global(PropReplace)]
                 pack $w -fill both -expand true
         } else {
                 wm deiconify $w
                 raise $w
                 focus $w

 proc slideRaise {name} {
         global Global

         set w ${name}

         if {![winfo exists ${name}]} {
                 slideRequestor $name
         set Global(F_SlideBG) $w
         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 set Global(colortypeSave) $Global(colortype)
                 set Global(colortype) SlideBG
                 pack forget [winfo parent $Global(SlideReplace)]
                 pack $w -fill both -expand true
         } else {
                 wm deiconify $w
                 raise $w
                 focus $w

 proc printRaise {name} {
         global Global

         set w ${name}

         if {![winfo exists ${name}]} {
                 printRequestor $name
         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 pack forget [winfo parent $Global(PrintReplace)]
                 pack $w -fill both -expand true
         } else {
                 wm deiconify $w
                 raise $w
                 focus $w

 proc gridRaise {name} {
         global Global

         set w ${name}

         set Global(GridReplace) $Global(CurrentCanvas)
         if {![winfo exists ${name}]} {
                 gridRequestor $name
         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 pack forget [winfo parent $Global(GridReplace)]
                 pack $w -fill both -expand true
         } else {
                 wm deiconify $w
                 raise $w
                 focus $w
 proc gridCheck {name} {
         global Global
         set w ${name}
         if {$Global(Grid)} {
                 $w.gridx configure -state normal
                 $w.gridy configure -state normal
                 $w.gridx configure -relief sunken -bg white
                 $w.gridy configure -relief sunken -bg white
         } else {
                 $w.gridx configure -state disabled
                 $w.gridy configure -state disabled
                 $w.gridx configure -relief flat -bg [$w cget -bg]
                 $w.gridy configure -relief flat -bg [$w cget -bg]
 proc fontSel {fontl} {
         global Global

         set fsel ""
         catch {set fsel [exec tkxfontsel.tcl]}
         if { "$fsel" != "" } {
                 $fontl insert end $fsel
 proc textRequestor {name} {
         global Global

         set w ${name}
         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 frame $w -borderwidth 0
         } else {
                 toplevel $w
                 wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set dummy 1}
         frame $w.f -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $ -width 5i -height 4i -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.topr
         frame $w.bottom -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0

         listbox $w.fonts -relief sunken -height 3 -selectmode single \
                 -yscrollcommand "$ set" -relief flat
         scrollbar $ -orient v -command "$w.fonts yview"

         foreach font $Global(FontList) {
                 $w.fonts insert end $font
         text $w.text -height 1 -width 20

         bind $w.fonts <Button-1> "
                 set Global(Font) \[%W get \[%W nearest %y\]\]
                 $w.text configure -font \$Global(Font)
         if { !$Global(Plugin) } {
                 button $w.addfont -text "Add Fonts..." -command "fontSel $w.fonts"
         button $w.ok -text "Ok" -command "
                 regsub -all {(\[^
 \])} \[$w.text get 1.0 end\] {\\1 \\2} match
                 \$Global(CurrentCanvas) itemconfigure \$Global(Text) \
                         -text \$match -font \$Global(Font);textLower $w"

         button $w.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "textLower $w"
         bind $w <Key-Escape> "textLower $w"
         bind $w <Key-Escape> "textLower $w"

         if { !$Global(Plugin) } {
                 button $ -text "Open" -command "
                         if { \[openFile \"\"\ \"\"] != \"\" } {
                                 set f \[open \$Global(OpenFile) r\]
                                 set in \[read -nonewline \$f\]
                                 $w.text insert 0.0 \$in

         pack $ -in $w.topr -side right -fill y
         pack $w.fonts -in $w.topr -side left -expand true -fill both
         pack $w.topr -in $ -expand true -side top -fill both
         pack $w.text -in $ -expand true -fill both
         if { !$Global(Plugin) } {
                 pack $w.addfont -in $w.bottom -side left -padx 1m -pady 1m
         pack $w.ok $w.cancel -in $w.bottom -side left -padx 1m -pady 1m
         if { !$Global(Plugin) } {
                 pack $ -in $w.bottom -side right -padx 1m -pady 1m
         pack $ -side top -expand true -fill both -in $w.f
         pack $w.bottom -side top -fill x -in $w.f
         pack $w.f -in $w -fill both -expand true

         if { !$Global(Plugin) } {
                 wm withdraw $w
         return $w

 proc propRequestor {name} {
         global Global

         set w ${name}

         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 frame $w -borderwidth 0
         } else {
                 toplevel $w
 #                wm transient $w .
                 wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set dummy 1}
         frame $w.f -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.p
         frame $w.fsel -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.texttop -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.textbottom -relief raised -bd 1
         canvas $w.c -width 1.5i -height 1.5i -relief sunken -bd 1 -bg white
         label $w.l
         scale $w.s -orient horiz -resolution 1 -from 1 -to 1 \
         -variable Global(PropItem) -bd 2 -relief raised -highlightthickness 0 \
         -width 8 -showvalue true

         button $w.ok -text "Ok" -command "propLower $w"
         button $w.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "propLower $w"
         bind $w <Key-Escape> "propLower $w"

         pack $w.c -in $w.texttop
         pack $w.l -in $w.texttop -fill x
         pack $w.s -in $w.texttop -fill x
         pack $w.ok $w.cancel -in $w.textbottom -side left -padx 1m -pady 1m
         pack $w.texttop -anchor sw -in $w.fsel
         pack $w.fsel $w.textbottom -anchor sw -in $w.f -fill x
         pack $w.f $w.p -in $w -anchor sw -side left

         if { !$Global(Plugin) } {
                 wm withdraw $w
         return $w

 proc gridRequestor {name} {
         global Global GridX GridY

         set w ${name}

         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 frame $w -borderwidth 0
         } else {
                 toplevel $w
 #                wm transient $w .
                 wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set dummy 1}
         frame $w.f -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.textleft -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.texttop -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.gridgravf -bd 1 -relief raised
         frame $w.textbottom -relief raised -bd 1

         set gridB [checkbutton $w.gridb -variable Global(Grid) -text "Grid On"\
                 -command "gridCheck $w"]
         set gridX [labeledEntry $w.gridx "Grid X:" unit  \
                 -textvariable GridX -width 5 -bg #FF00FF00FF00 ]
         set gridY [labeledEntry $w.gridy "Grid Y:" unit  \
                 -textvariable GridY -width 5 -bg #FF00FF00FF00 ]
         gridCheck $w

         label $w.gridgravl -text "Gravity Strength"
         scale $w.gridgrav -variable Global(GravityVal) -from 0 -to 50 \
                 -showvalue true -resolution 1 -orient horiz -width 2m

         button $w.ok  -text "Ok" -command \
                 "if {\[checkUnit $w.gridx\]} {
                         set Global(GridX) \$GridX
                         set Global(GridY) \$GridY
                         gridLower $w
                 } else {
                         msgRaise .diagmsg \"Wrong Format: should be number followed by:
     i-(inches) or
                         if {!$Global(Plugin)} {
                                 wm deiconify $w
                         raise $w
                         focus $w
         button $w.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "gridLower $w"
         bind $w <Key-Escape> "gridLower $w"

         pack $gridB $gridX $gridY -in $w.textleft -side top -padx 1m -pady 1m
         pack $w.gridgravl $w.gridgrav -in $w.gridgravf -side top -fill x
         pack $w.textleft $w.gridgravf -in $w.texttop -side top
         pack $w.ok $w.cancel -in $w.textbottom -side left -padx 1m -pady 1m
         pack $w.texttop $w.textbottom -anchor sw -in $w -fill x -expand true
         pack $w.f -in $w
         set GridX $Global(GridX)
         set GridY $Global(GridY)

         if { !$Global(Plugin) } {
                 wm withdraw $w
         return $w

 proc pagePropOpenLower {name} {
         global Global

         set w ${name}
         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 pack forget $w
                 pack [winfo parent $Global(PagePropReplace)] -fill both -expand true
         } else {
                 wm withdraw $w

 proc pagePropLower {name} {
         global Global

         set w ${name}
         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 pack forget $w
                 pack [winfo parent $Global(PagePropReplace)] -fill both -expand true
         } else {
                 wm withdraw $w
         set Global(colortype) $Global(colortypeSave)

 proc pagePropRaise {name} {
         global Global pageHeight pageWidth

         set w ${name}

         set pageWidth $Global(PageWidth)
         set pageHeight $Global(PageHeight)
         set Global(PagePropReplace) $Global(CurrentCanvas)

         if {![winfo exists ${name}]} {
                 pagePropRequestor $name
         set Global(F_SlideBG) $w
         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 set Global(colortypeSave) $Global(colortype)
                 set Global(colortype) SlideBG
                 pack forget [winfo parent $Global(PagePropReplace)]
                 pack $w -fill both -expand true
         } else {
                 wm deiconify $w
                 raise $w
                 focus $w

 proc pagePropOpenRaise {name} {
         global Global

         set w ${name}

         set Global(URL) ""
         if {![winfo exists ${name}]} {
                 pagePropOpenRequestor $name
         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 pack forget [winfo parent $Global(PagePropReplace)]
                 pack $w -fill both -expand true
         } else {
                 wm deiconify $w
                 raise $w
                 focus $w

 proc pagePropOpenRequestor {name} {
         global Global

         set w ${name}

         set Global(PagePropReplace) $Global(CurrentCanvas)
         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 frame $w -borderwidth 0
         } else {
                 toplevel $w
 #                wm transient $w .
                 wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set dummy 1}
         frame $w.f -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.textleft -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.textright -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.texttop -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.textbottom -relief raised -bd 1

         set url [labeledEntry $w.url "URL:" unit -textvariable Global(URL) \
                 -width 50 -bg #FF00FF00FF00 ]
         set tout [scale $w.tout -from 1000 -to 900000 -resolution 1000 -bd 1 \
                 -orient h -showvalue true -variable Global(Timeout) \
                 -label "Timeout in milliseconds"]

         button $w.ok  -text "Ok" -command "pagePropOpenLower $w;openURL"
         button $w.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "pagePropOpenLower $w"
         bind $w <Key-Escape> "pagePropOpenLower $w"

         pack $url $tout -in $w.textleft -side top -fill x -padx 1m -pady 1m
         pack $w.textleft -in $w.texttop -side top
         pack $w.ok $w.cancel -in $w.textbottom -side left -padx 1m -pady 1m
         pack $w.texttop $w.textbottom -anchor sw -in $w -fill x -expand true
         pack $w.f -in $w

         if { !$Global(Plugin) } {
                 wm withdraw $w
         return $w

 proc pagePropRequestor {name} {
         global Global

         set w ${name}

         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 frame $w -borderwidth 0
         } else {
                 toplevel $w
 #                wm transient $w .
                 wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set dummy 1}
         frame $w.f -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.textleft -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.textright -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.texttop -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.textbottom -relief raised -bd 1

         set landscapeB [checkbutton $w.landscapeb -variable Global(Landscape) \
                 -text "Landscape"]
         set pageW [labeledEntry $w.pagewidth "Page Width:" unit  \
                 -textvariable pageWidth -width 5 -bg #FF00FF00FF00 ]
         set pageH [labeledEntry $w.pageheight "Page Height:" unit  \
                 -textvariable pageHeight -width 5 -bg #FF00FF00FF00 ]

         button $w.ok  -text "Ok" -command \
                 "if {\[checkUnit $w.pagewidth\]} {
                         set Global(PageWidth) \$pageWidth
                         set Global(PageHeight) \$pageHeight
                         changePageProp \$Global(PageWidth) \$Global(PageHeight) \
                         pagePropLower $w
                 } else {
                         msgRaise .diagmsg \"Wrong Format: should be number followed by:
     i-(inches) or
                         if {!$Global(Plugin)} {
                                 wm deiconify $w
                         raise $w
                         focus $w
         button $w.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "pagePropLower $w"
         bind $w <Key-Escape> "pagePropLower $w"

         if {$Global(Plugin)} "
                 button $ -text {New} -anchor w\
                         -command {pagePropLower $w;clearAll}
                 button $ -text {Open...} -anchor w\
                         -command {pagePropLower $w;pagePropOpenRaise .pagePropOpen}
                 button $ -text {Save As...} -anchor w\
                         -command {pagePropLower $w;saveToPlugin _parent}
                 frame $w.sbgf
                 pack $ $ $ $w.sbgf -in $w.textleft -side top -expand 1 -fill x
         pack $landscapeB $pageW $pageH -in $w.textright -side top -padx 1m -pady 1m
         pack $w.textleft $w.textright -in $w.texttop -side left -expand 1
         pack $w.ok $w.cancel -in $w.textbottom -side left -padx 1m -pady 1m
         pack $w.texttop $w.textbottom -anchor sw -in $w -fill x -expand true
         pack $w.f -in $w
         set pageHeight $Global(PageHeight)
         set pageWidth $Global(PageWidth)

         if { !$Global(Plugin) } {
                 wm withdraw $w
         return $w

 proc slideRequestor {name} {
         global Global

         set w ${name}

         set Global(SlideReplace) $Global(CurrentCanvas)
         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 frame $w -borderwidth 0
         } else {
                 toplevel $w
 #                wm transient $w .
                 wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set dummy 1}
         frame $w.f -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.texttop -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.textbottom -relief raised -bd 1

         frame $w.sbgf
         set slideBG [radiobutton $w.sbg -value SlideBG -text "Background Color" \
                 -variable Global(colortype) \
                 -pady 1m -anchor sw -indicatoron false -selectcolor ""]
         set slideCirc [checkbutton $w.scirc -text "Circulate" \
                 -variable Global(Circulate)]

         bind $slideBG <Double-Button-1> "
                 colorPaletteReq .colorpalette \
                         {0000 3300 6600 9900 CC00 FF00} \
                         {0000 3300 6600 9900 CC00 FF00} \
                         {0000 3300 6600 9900 CC00 FF00} \
         set slideBGC [frame $w.f_SlideBG -bg $Global(SlideBG) -relief sunken -bd 1 -width 5m -height 5m]

         button $w.dismiss -text "Dismiss" -command "slideLower $w"
         bind $w <Key-Escape> "slideLower $w"

         pack $slideBGC $slideBG -side left -in $w.sbgf -fill x -expand true
         pack $w.sbgf $slideCirc -in $w.texttop -fill both -expand true
         pack $w.dismiss -in $w.textbottom -side left -padx 1m -pady 1m
         pack $w.texttop -in $w -fill x -expand true
         pack $w.textbottom -anchor sw -in $w -fill x -expand true
         pack $w.f -in $w

         if { !$Global(Plugin) } {
                 wm withdraw $w
         return $w

 proc printRequestor {name} {
         global Global

         set w ${name}

         set Global(PrintReplace) $Global(CurrentCanvas)
         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 frame $w -borderwidth 0
         } else {
                 toplevel $w
 #                wm transient $w .
                 wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set dummy 1}
         frame $w.f -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.texttop -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.textbottom -relief raised -bd 1

         set e [labeledEntry $w.e "Print Cmd:" unit -width 30 -textvariable Global(PrintCmd)]
         set landscapeB [checkbutton $w.landscapeb -variable Global(Landscape) \
                 -text "Landscape"]
         set printToFileB [checkbutton $w.ptf -variable Global(ToFile) \
                 -text "Print To File"]
         set printColor [radiobutton $w.pc -variable Global(PSColor) \
                 -text "Color" -value {color}]
         set printGrayScale [radiobutton $ -variable Global(PSColor) \
                 -text "Gray Scale" -value {gray}]

         button $w.ok -text "Ok" -command "printCanvas \$Global(PrintCmd);printLower $w"
         button $w.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "printLower $w"
         bind $w <Key-Escape> "printLower $w"

         pack $e -in $w.texttop -fill both -expand true
         pack $landscapeB $printToFileB $printColor $printGrayScale -anchor w -in $w.texttop -expand true
         pack $w.ok $w.cancel -in $w.textbottom -side left -padx 1m -pady 1m
         pack $w.texttop -in $w -fill x -expand true
         pack $w.textbottom -anchor sw -in $w -fill x -expand true
         pack $w.f -in $w

         if { !$Global(Plugin) } {
                 wm withdraw $w
         return $w

 proc printCanvas {cmd} {
         global Global

         if {$Global(ToFile)} {
         } else {

 proc printToFile {} {
         global Global

         set filename [tk_getSaveFile \
                 -filetypes {{{Postscript} {.ps .eps}}} \
                 -parent .]
         set saveit $Global(CurrentCanvas)
         if {"$filename" != ""} {
                 set f [open $filename w]
                 for {set page 1} {[winfo exists .can.c${page}]} {incr page} {
                         set Global(CurrentCanvas) .can.c${page}
                         set out [doPostscript]
                         regsub -all {%%Page: [0-9][0-9]* [0-9][0-9]*} $out \
                                 "%%Page: $page $page" newout
                         regsub -all {%%EOF} $newout {%%} newout
                         if { ! [info exists f] } {
                                 msgRaise .diagmsg "ERROR: Cannot open $filename for writing."
                                 set $Global(CurrentCanvas) $saveit
                         } else {
                                 puts $f $newout
                 close $f
                 set $Global(CurrentCanvas) $saveit

 proc printToStream {} {
         global Global

         set saveit $Global(CurrentCanvas)
         if {"$Global(PrintCmd)" != ""} {
                 set f [open "|$Global(PrintCmd)" "w"]
                 for {set page 1} {[winfo exists .can.c${page}]} {incr page} {
                         set Global(CurrentCanvas) .can.c${page}
                         set out [doPostscript]
                         regsub -all {%%Page: [0-9][0-9]* [0-9][0-9]*} $out \
                                 "%%Page: $page $page" newout
                         regsub -all {%%EOF} $newout {%%} newout
                         if { ! [info exists f] } {
                                 msgRaise .diagmsg "ERROR: Cannot open stream for writing."
                                 set $Global(CurrentCanvas) $saveit
                         } else {
                                 append newout2 "$newout"
                 regsub -all {%%Pages: [0-9][0-9]*} $newout2 \
                         "%%Pages: [expr $page - 1]" newout3
                 puts $f $newout3
                 close $f
                 set $Global(CurrentCanvas) $saveit

 proc saveAsFile {} {
         global Global

         set filename [tk_getSaveFile \
                 -filetypes {{{Tcl} {.tcl .tk}} {{ImPress} {.tki}}} \
                 -parent .]
         if {"$filename" != ""} {
                 set out [saveAll]
                 set f [open $filename w]
                 if { ! [info exists f] } {
                         msgRaise .diagmsg "ERROR: Cannot open $filename for writing."
                 } else {
                         puts $f "$out"
                         close $f

 proc openfile {cmd filename} {
         global Global Group
         if {"$filename" != ""} {
                 if {[file readable "$filename"]} {
                         set Global(OpenFile) "$filename"
                         if {"$cmd" != ""} {
                                 . configure -cursor watch
                                 update idletasks
                                 eval $cmd "$filename"
                                 update idletasks
                                 . configure -cursor ""
                                 update idletasks
                         return $Global(OpenFile)
                 } else {
                         set filename ""
                         msgRaise .diagmsg "ERROR: Cannot open file: $filename"
                         return ""

 proc openFile {cmd type} {
         global Global Group

         if {"$type" == "Tk"} {
                 set ftype {{{Tcl} {.tcl .tk}} {{ImPress} {.tki}}} \
         } else {
                 set ftype "$type"
         set filename [tk_getOpenFile \
                 -filetypes "$ftype" \
                 -parent .]
         return [openfile $cmd "$filename"]

 proc explodeList {menu list parentmenu} {
         global menu_buttons Global

         set menuname [lindex $list 0]
         set menutitle [lindex $list 1]
         set menuopts [lindex $list 2]
         set menucmd [lindex $list 3]
         set newlist [lindex $list 4]

         # Menubutton
         if {"${parentmenu}" == "${menu}"} {
         menubutton ${parentmenu}.${menuname}_b -text "$menutitle" \
                         -menu ${parentmenu}.${menuname}_b.${menuname} -padx 4m
                 if { "$menuopts" != ""} {
                         eval ${parentmenu}.${menuname}_b configure $menuopts
                 pack ${parentmenu}.${menuname}_b -side left -fill x
         menu ${parentmenu}.${menuname}_b.${menuname}
                 lappend menu_buttons ${parentmenu}.${menuname}_b
                 set menuname ${menuname}_b.${menuname}
         # MenuItem
         } elseif {"$newlist" == ""} {
                 if {"${menutitle}" == ""} {
                         eval ${parentmenu} add separator ${menuopts}
                 } else {
                         eval ${parentmenu} add command -label \"${menutitle}\" \
                                 -command \"${menucmd}\" ${menuopts}
         # MenuCascade (subMenu)
         } else {
                 eval ${parentmenu} add cascade -label \"$menutitle\" \
                         -menu ${parentmenu}.${menuname} ${menuopts}
                 menu ${parentmenu}.${menuname}
         set len [llength "$newlist"]
         if {$len} {
                 for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} {
                         set l [lindex "$newlist" $i]
                         explodeList "$menu" "$l" "${parentmenu}.${menuname}"
         return $menu_buttons

 proc createMenu {w name menulist} {
         global Global

         frame $w.${name}_frame
         pack $w.${name}_frame -fill x

         set newlist [lindex $menulist 4]
         set len [llength "$newlist"]
         for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} {
                 set l [lindex "$newlist" $i]
                 set menu_buttons \
                         [explodeList "$w.${name}_frame" "$l" "$w.${name}_frame"]
         bind . <Any-FocusIn> "
                 if {(\"%d\" == \"NotifyVirtual\") && (\"%m\" == \"NotifyNormal\")} {
                         focus $w.${name}_frame

         return "$w.${name}_frame $menu_buttons"

 proc handleOrigin { handle } {
         global Global

         set bbox [ $Global(CurrentCanvas) bbox \
                 [ $Global(CurrentCanvas) find withtag $handle ] ]
         if { "$bbox" != "" } {
                 set x1 [lindex $bbox 0]
                 set y1 [lindex $bbox 1]
                 set x2 [lindex $bbox 2]
                 set y2 [lindex $bbox 3]
                 switch "$handle" {
                         "top_left_corner" {
                                 return "$x2 $y2"
                         "top_side" {
                                 return "[expr $x1 + 5] $y2"
                         "top_right_corner" {
                                 return "$x1 $y2"
                         "right_side" {
                                 return "$x1 [expr $y1 + 5]"
                         "bottom_right_corner" {
                                 return "$x1 $y1"
                         "bottom_side" {
                                 return "[expr $x1 + 5] $y1"
                         "bottom_left_corner" {
                                 return "$x2 $y1"
                         "left_side" {
                                 return "$x2 [expr $y1 + 5]"

 proc disableButton { name } {
         global Global

         $name create rectangle 0 0 $Global(ButtonSize) $Global(ButtonSize) \
                 -fill $Global(Background) -stipple gray50 -outline {} -tags disabled
 proc enableButton { name } {
         $name delete disabled

 proc disablePaste {} {
         global Global

         if {$Global(Cut) == ""} {
                 disableButton .buttons.b_Paste

 proc enablePaste {} {
         .buttons.b_Paste delete disabled

 proc enableSelectionButtons {} {
         enableButton .buttons.b_Rotate
         enableButton .buttons.b_Cut
         enableButton .buttons.b_Duplicate
         enableButton .buttons.b_Raise
         enableButton .buttons.b_Lower
         enableButton .buttons.b_Group
         enableButton .buttons.b_UnGroup
         enableButton .buttons.b_Flip_Vert
         enableButton .buttons.b_Flip_Horiz

 proc disableSelectionButtons {} {
         disableButton .buttons.b_Rotate
         disableButton .buttons.b_Cut
         disableButton .buttons.b_Duplicate
         disableButton .buttons.b_Raise
         disableButton .buttons.b_Lower
         disableButton .buttons.b_Group
         disableButton .buttons.b_UnGroup
         disableButton .buttons.b_Flip_Vert
         disableButton .buttons.b_Flip_Horiz

 proc setCursor { value } {
         global Global

         set Global(Cursor) $value
         setRadioButton Global(Cursor) $value

 proc handleBindings {} {
         global Global

         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind top_side <Enter> {
                 set Global(CursorSave) $Global(Cursor)
                 setCursor Scale
                 %W configure -cursor top_side
                 set Global(Message) Scale
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind top_side <Leave> {
                 setCursor $Global(CursorSave)
                 %W configure -cursor ""
                 set Global(Message) $Global(CursorSave)
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind right_side <Enter> {
                 set Global(CursorSave) $Global(Cursor)
                 setCursor Scale
                 %W configure -cursor right_side
                 set Global(Message) Scale
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind right_side <Leave> {
                 setCursor $Global(CursorSave)
                 %W configure -cursor ""
                 set Global(Message) $Global(CursorSave)
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind left_side <Enter> {
                 set Global(CursorSave) $Global(Cursor)
                 setCursor Scale
                 %W configure -cursor left_side
                 set Global(Message) Scale
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind left_side <Leave> {
                 setCursor $Global(CursorSave)
                 %W configure -cursor ""
                 set Global(Message) $Global(CursorSave)
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind bottom_side <Enter> {
                 set Global(CursorSave) $Global(Cursor)
                 setCursor Scale
                 %W configure -cursor bottom_side
                 set Global(Message) Scale
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind bottom_side <Leave> {
                 setCursor $Global(CursorSave)
                 %W configure -cursor ""
                 set Global(Message) $Global(CursorSave)
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind top_left_corner <Enter> {
                 set Global(CursorSave) $Global(Cursor)
                 setCursor Scale
                 %W configure -cursor top_left_corner
                 set Global(Message) Scale
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind top_left_corner <Leave> {
                 setCursor $Global(CursorSave)
                 %W configure -cursor ""
                 set Global(Message) $Global(CursorSave)
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind top_right_corner <Enter> {
                 set Global(CursorSave) $Global(Cursor)
                 setCursor Scale
                 %W configure -cursor top_right_corner
                 set Global(Message) Scale
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind top_right_corner <Leave> {
                 setCursor $Global(CursorSave)
                 %W configure -cursor ""
                 set Global(Message) $Global(CursorSave)
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind bottom_right_corner <Enter> {
                 set Global(CursorSave) $Global(Cursor)
                 setCursor Scale
                 %W configure -cursor bottom_right_corner
                 set Global(Message) Scale
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind bottom_right_corner <Leave> {
                 setCursor $Global(CursorSave)
                 %W configure -cursor ""
                 set Global(Message) $Global(CursorSave)
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind bottom_left_corner <Enter> {
                 set Global(CursorSave) $Global(Cursor)
                 setCursor Scale
                 %W configure -cursor bottom_left_corner
                 set Global(Message) Scale
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind bottom_left_corner <Leave> {
                 setCursor $Global(CursorSave)
                 %W configure -cursor ""
                 set Global(Message) $Global(CursorSave)

 proc unHandleBindings {} {
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind top_side <Enter> {}
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind top_side <Leave> {}
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind right_side <Enter> {}
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind right_side <Leave> {}
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind left_side <Enter> {}
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind left_side <Leave> {}
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind bottom_side <Enter> {}
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind bottom_side <Leave> {}
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind top_left_corner <Enter> {}
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind top_left_corner <Leave> {}
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind top_right_corner <Enter> {}
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind top_right_corner <Leave> {}
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind bottom_right_corner <Enter> {}
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind bottom_right_corner <Leave> {}
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind bottom_left_corner <Enter> {}
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) bind bottom_left_corner <Leave> {}

 proc bboxToCorners { coords } {
         return "[lindex $coords 0]  [lindex $coords 1]  [lindex $coords 2]  [lindex $coords 1]  [lindex $coords 2]  [lindex $coords 3]  [lindex $coords 0]  [lindex $coords 3]"

 proc createHandles {} {
         global Global

         $Global(CurrentCanvas) delete handles
         set bb [$Global(CurrentCanvas) bbox Imp_Selected]
         if {"$bb" != ""} {
         set bboxcoords [bboxToCorners $bb]
         set x2_1 [lindex $bboxcoords 0]
         set y2_1 [lindex $bboxcoords 1]
         set x1_1 [eval expr $x2_1 - 10]
         set y1_1 [eval expr $y2_1 - 10]
         set tlc [eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) create polygon \
                 [bboxToCorners "$x1_1 $y1_1 $x2_1 $y2_1"] \
                 -tags \"selectorbox handles disabled Imp_Selected top_left_corner\" \
                 -stipple gray50 \
                 -outline white -fill black]
         set x2_2 [eval expr ([lindex $bboxcoords 2] - $x2_1)/2 + $x2_1 + 5]
         set y2_2 $y2_1
         set x1_2 [eval expr $x2_2 - 10]
         set y1_2 [eval expr $y2_2 - 10]
         set ts [eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) create polygon \
                 [bboxToCorners "$x1_2 $y1_2 $x2_2 $y2_2"] \
                 -tags \"selectorbox handles disabled Imp_Selected top_side\" \
                 -stipple gray50 \
                 -outline white -fill black]
         set x2_3 [eval expr [lindex $bboxcoords 2] + 10]
         set y2_3 $y2_1
         set x1_3 [eval expr $x2_3 - 10]
         set y1_3 [eval expr $y2_3 - 10]
         set trc [eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) create polygon \
                 [bboxToCorners "$x1_3 $y1_3 $x2_3 $y2_3"] \
                 -tags \"selectorbox handles disabled Imp_Selected top_right_corner\" \
                 -stipple gray50 \
                 -outline white -fill black]
         set x2_4 [eval expr $x1_3 + 10]
         set y2_4 [eval expr ([lindex $bboxcoords 5] - $y2_3)/2 + $y2_3 + 5]
         set x1_4 $x1_3
         set y1_4 [eval expr $y2_4 - 10]
         set rs [eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) create polygon \
                 [bboxToCorners "$x1_4 $y1_4 $x2_4 $y2_4"] \
                 -tags \"selectorbox handles disabled Imp_Selected right_side\" \
                 -stipple gray50 \
                 -outline white -fill black]
         set x1_5 [lindex $bboxcoords 4]
         set y1_5 [lindex $bboxcoords 5]
         set x2_5 [eval expr $x1_5 + 10]
         set y2_5 [eval expr $y1_5 + 10]
         set brc [eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) create polygon \
                 [bboxToCorners "$x1_5 $y1_5 $x2_5 $y2_5"] \
                 -tags \"selectorbox handles disabled Imp_Selected bottom_right_corner\" \
                 -stipple gray50 \
                 -outline white -fill black]
         set x2_6 $x1_2
         set y2_6 [eval expr $y1_5 + 10]
         set x1_6 [eval expr $x2_6 + 10]
         set y1_6 $y1_5
         set bs [eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) create polygon \
                 [bboxToCorners "$x1_6 $y1_6 $x2_6 $y2_6"] \
                 -tags \"selectorbox handles disabled Imp_Selected bottom_side\" \
                 -stipple gray50 \
                 -outline white -fill black]
         set x1_7 $x1_1
         set y1_7 $y1_6
         set x2_7 [eval expr $x1_7 + 10]
         set y2_7 [eval expr $y1_7 + 10]
         set blc [eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) create polygon \
                 [bboxToCorners "$x1_7 $y1_7 $x2_7 $y2_7"] \
                 -tags \"selectorbox handles disabled Imp_Selected bottom_left_corner\" \
                 -stipple gray50 \
                 -outline white -fill black]
         set x1_8 $x1_1
         set y1_8 $y1_4
         set x2_8 [eval expr $x1_8 + 10]
         set y2_8 [eval expr $y1_8 + 10]
         set ls [eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) create polygon \
                 [bboxToCorners "$x1_8 $y1_8 $x2_8 $y2_8"] \
                 -tags \"selectorbox handles disabled Imp_Selected left_side\" \
                 -stipple gray50 \
                 -outline white -fill black]

 proc doRuler { ruler len th m1 m2 step orient mark_list mastertemplate} {
 # ruler is a canvase for the ruler to reside in.
 # m1 (margin left, top)
 # m2 (margin right, bottom) define margin sizes on each end of the ruler.
 # len  is the length of the ruler.
 # th is the thickness (width) of the ruler.
 # step  numerical entry at every increment of step units (e.g. 1 for every 1i).
 # orient h=horizontal, v=vertical.
 # mark_list specifies the breakdown of ruler (max 4).
 #   (e.g. {.0625, .125, .25, .5})
 # mastertemplate specifies (optional) a list of values indicating the length
 #   of the hash mark at each breaddown in mark_list (percentage of th).
 #   defaults to $th * .1, $th * .2, $th * .5

         regexp {(.*)(.)$} "$len" match len unit
         regexp {(.*).$} "$th" match th

         if {"$mark_list" == ""} {
                 switch "$unit" {
                         i {
                                 set mark_list {.0625 .125 .25 .5}
                         c {
                                 set mark_list {.1 .5 1}
                         m {
                                 set mark_list {5 20}
                         p {
                                 set mark_list {50 100 200}

         # Clear ruler
         eval $ruler delete all

         # Put down the base of ruler for size.

         if {$mastertemplate == ""} {
                 # define lengths for divisions in units
                 set mastertemplate \
                         "[expr $th * .2] [expr $th * .3] [expr $th * .5] [expr $th * .8]"
         set template [lrange $mastertemplate [expr 4 - [llength $mark_list]] end]
         set largest [lindex $mastertemplate 3]

         set ti 0
         foreach b $mark_list {
                 if {"$b" == ""} {
                         incr ti
                 set mlength [lindex $template $ti]
                 for {set i 0} {$i <= $len} {set i [expr $i + $b]} {
                         if {"$orient" == "h"} {
                                 $ruler create line ${i}${unit} [expr $th - ${mlength}]i \
                                         ${i}${unit} ${th}i
                                 if {$i == [expr int($i)]} {
                                         $ruler create text ${i}${unit} [expr $th - ${largest} - \
                                                 .05]i \
                                                 -anchor ne -text [expr int($i)]
                         } else {
                                 $ruler create line [expr $th - ${mlength}]i ${i}${unit} ${th}i \
                                 if {$i == [expr int($i)]} {
                                         $ruler create text [expr $th - ${largest} - \
                                                 .05]i ${i}${unit} \
                                                 -anchor sw -text [expr int($i)]
                 incr ti
         if {$orient == "h"} {
             $ruler configure -scrollregion \
                         "${m1}${unit} 0i [expr ${len} - ${m2}]${unit} ${th}i"
                 $ruler configure -xscrollincrement 1
                 $ruler create line 0 ${th}i 0 0 -tags h -fill red
         } else {
             $ruler configure -scrollregion \
                         "0i ${m1}${unit} ${th}i [expr ${len} - ${m2}]${unit}"
                 $ruler configure -yscrollincrement 1
                 $ruler create line 0 0 ${th}i 0 -tags v -fill red


 proc trans { x y shape } {
         set newshape ""
         set count [llength $shape]
         set c 0
         while {$c < $count} {
                 set xc [lindex $shape $c]
                 set yc [lindex $shape [expr $c + 1]]
                 set c [expr $c + 2]
                 lappend newshape [expr $xc + $x] [expr $yc + $y]
         return $newshape

 proc doPostscript {args} {
         global Global

         if { "$args" == "" } {
                 set ps [$Global(CurrentCanvas) postscript -x -0i -y -0i\
                         -width $Global(PageWidth) -colormode $Global(PSColor) \
                         -height $Global(PageHeight) -rotate $Global(Landscape)]
         } else {
                 set ps [$Global(CurrentCanvas) postscript -channel $args -x -0i -y -0i\
                         -width $Global(PageWidth) -colormode $Global(PSColor) \
                         -height $Global(PageHeight) -rotate $Global(Landscape)]
         return $ps

 proc display {topname args} {
         catch {
                 set f [browser::openStream $topname application/postscript]
                 set out [doPostscript]
                 browser::writeToStream $f $out
                 browser::closeStream $f

 proc saveToPlugin {topname} {
         global Global

         if {[catch {policy javascript} errMsg]} {
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) create text 20 100 -text "$errMsg
 Could not activate javascript policy.
 Check tclplug config/plugin.cfg." \
                         -anchor sw -tags Imp_Text -fill red \
                         -font {-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-240-72-72-p-0-iso8859-1}
         } else {
                 catch {
                         set f [browser::openStream $topname application/impress]
                         set out [saveAll]
                         browser::writeToStream $f $out
                         browser::closeStream $f

 proc printToPlugin {topname} {
         global Global

         set saveit $Global(CurrentCanvas)
         if {"$Global(PrintCmd)" != ""} {
                 catch {
                         set f [browser::openStream $topname application/postscript]
                         for {set page 1} {[winfo exists .can.c${page}]} {incr page} {
                                 set Global(CurrentCanvas) .can.c${page}
                                 set out [doPostscript]
                                 regsub -all {%%Page: [0-9][0-9]* [0-9][0-9]*} $out \
                                         "%%Page: $page $page" newout
                                 regsub -all {%%EOF} $newout {%%} newout
                                 if { ! [info exists f] } {
                                         msgRaise .diagmsg "ERROR: Cannot open stream for writing."
                                         set $Global(CurrentCanvas) $saveit
                                 } else {
                                         browser::writeToStream $f $newout
                         browser::closeStream $f
                 set $Global(CurrentCanvas) $saveit

 proc newOne {url mimetype lastmodified size} {
         global Global

         set Global(MessageSave) $Global(Message)
         set Global(Total) $size
         set Global(TotalSize) 0
         set Global(Message) "Loading: $Global(Total) of $Global(TotalSize)"
         update idletasks
 proc writeOne {size data} {
         global Global

         set Global(TotalSize) [expr $Global(TotalSize) + $size]
         set Global(Message) "Loading: $Global(Total) of $Global(TotalSize)"
         update idletasks
 proc openURL {} {
         global Global

         if {"$Global(URL)" != ""} {
                 if {[catch {policy javascript} errMsg]} {
                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) create text 20 100 -text "$errMsg
 Could not activate javascript policy.
 Check tclplug config/plugin.cfg." \
                                 -anchor sw -tags Imp_Text -fill red \
                                 -font {-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-240-72-72-p-0-iso8859-1}
                 } else {
                         if {![regexp {[^/:][^/:]*:/.*} $Global(URL) m]} {
                                 set Global(URL) "[getattr originHomeDirURL]$Global(URL)"
                         . configure -cursor watch
                         update idletasks
                         set Global(MessageSave) $Global(Message)
                         catch {
                                 set url_in [browser::getURL $Global(URL) $Global(Timeout) newOne writeOne]
                                 set t 0
                         } errcode
                         if {$errcode != 0} {
                                 . configure -cursor {}
                                 set Global(Message) "URL error: $errcode"
                                 update idletasks
                         } else {
                                 set Global(Message) "Rendering"
                                 update idletasks
                                 after idle "
                                         . configure -cursor {}
                                         set Global(Message) $Global(MessageSave)
                                         update idletasks"

 proc printPlugin {} {
         global Global

         if {[catch {policy javascript} errMsg]} {
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) create text 20 100 -text "$errMsg
 Could not activate javascript policy.
 Check tclplug config/plugin.cfg." \
                         -anchor sw -tags Imp_Text -fill red \
                         -font {-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-240-72-72-p-0-iso8859-1}
         } else {
                 printToPlugin "_parent"
 proc popupCanvasSet { type } {
         global Global

         setCursor "$type"
         switch "$Global(Cursor)" {
                 Rotate {
                         if {[$Global(CurrentCanvas) find withtag selectorbox] != ""} {
                                 set Global(Message) Rotate
                                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) delete selectorbox
                                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) configure -closeenough 0.0
                                 eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) create polygon \
                                         [bboxToCorners [$Global(CurrentCanvas) bbox Imp_Selected]] \
                                         -tags selectorbox -stipple gray25 -outline \"\" -fill black
                         } else {
                                 setCursor Select
                                 set Global(Message) Select
                 Group {
                         set Global(Message) Group
                         setGroup "[$Global(CurrentCanvas) find withtag Imp_selected]"
                         setCursor "Select"
                         set Global(Message) Select
                 UnGroup {
                         set Global(Message) UnGroup
                         unGroup "[$Global(CurrentCanvas) find withtag Imp_selected]"
                         setCursor "Select"
                         set Global(Message) Select
                         focus $Global(CurrentCanvas)
                 Grid {
                         set Global(Message) Grid
                         gridRaise .grid
                 PageProp {
                         set Global(Message) PageProp
                         pagePropRaise .pageProp
                         setCursor "Select"
                         set Global(Message) $Global(Cursor)
                 Raise {
                         set Global(Message) Raise
                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) raise Imp_selected
                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) raise selectorbox
                         setCursor "Select"
                         set Global(Message) Select
                 Lower {
                         set Global(Message) Lower
                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) lower Imp_selected
                         catch "$Global(CurrentCanvas) raise Imp_selected Disabled"
                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) raise selectorbox
                         setCursor "Select"
                         set Global(Message) Select
                 Rulers {
                         if { [$Global(CurrentCanvas) find withtag $Global(RulerX)] == "" } {
                                 set Global(RulerX) [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create window \
                                         0i .25i -anchor sw \
                                         -window $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulerx -tags {rulerx disabled}]
                                 set Global(RulerY) [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create window \
                                         0i 0i -anchor nw \
                                         -window $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulery -tags {rulery disabled}]
                         set Global(Message) Rulers
                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) coords rulerx 0i \
                                 [expr [lindex [$Global(CurrentCanvas) yview] 0] * \
                                 [winfo fpixels $Global(CurrentCanvas) $Global(PageHeight)] + \
                                 [winfo fpixels $Global(CurrentCanvas) .25i] - 2]
                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) coords rulery \
                                 [expr [lindex [$Global(CurrentCanvas) xview] 0] * \
                                 [winfo fpixels $Global(CurrentCanvas) $Global(PageWidth)] - 2] \
                         setCursor "Select"
                         set Global(Message) Select
                 Cut {
                         set Global(Message) Cut
                         cutCopySelected Cut Imp_Selected 1
                         setCursor "Select"
                         set Global(Message) Select
                 Paste {
                         if {$Global(Cut) == ""} {
                                 setCursor "Select"
                                 set Global(Message) Select
                 Duplicate {
                         set Global(Message) Duplicate
                         setCursor "Select"
                         set Global(Message) Select
                 Flip_Horiz {
                         flip Imp_Selected h
                         setCursor "Select"
                         set Global(Message) Select
                 Flip_Vert {
                         flip Imp_Selected v
                         setCursor "Select"
                         set Global(Message) Select
                 Smooth {
                         if {$Global(Smooth)} {
                                 set Global(Msg_Smooth) "Switch to Smooth Lines"
                         } else {
                                 set Global(Msg_Smooth) "Switch to Straight Lines"
                         set Global(Message) $Global(Msg_Smooth)
                         set Global(Smooth) [expr ! $Global(Smooth)]
                         .buttons.b_Smooth itemconfigure $Global(Smooth_Line) \
                                 -smooth $Global(Smooth)
                         setCursor Select
                 Line -
                 Oval -
                 Rectangle -
                 Rounded_Rectangle -
                 Polygon -
                 Text -
                 Draw {
                         set Global(Sub-Cursor) ""
                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) delete Global(curline)
                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) delete selector
                         set Global(Message) $Global(Cursor)
                 Select {
                         set Global(Message) $Global(Cursor)
                 Printt {
                         .text delete 0.0 end
                         set out [saveAll]
                         .text insert 0.0 $out
                         pack forget [winfo parent $Global(CurrentCanvas)]
                         pack .textframe -fill both -expand true
                         focus .text

                 Print {
                         if {$Global(Plugin)} {
                         } else {
                                 printRaise .print
         focus $Global(CurrentCanvas)
 proc setGroup { items } {
         global Group GroupNo Global

         if { "$items" != "" } {
                 set itemList [getGroupItems "$items"]
                 foreach item $itemList {
                         if {![info exists done($item)]} {
                                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) addtag Group${GroupNo} withtag $item
                                 if {[info exists Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item)]} {
                                         set Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item) "Group${GroupNo} $Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item)"
                                 } else {
                                         set Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item) Group${GroupNo}
                                 set done($item) 1
                 set GroupNo [clock clicks]
 proc unGroup { items } {
         global Group PrevGroup Global

         if { "$items" != "" } {
                 . configure -cursor watch
                 update idletasks
                 #                set itemList [getGroupItems "$items"]
                 set itemList "$items"
                 foreach item $itemList {
                         if {![info exists done($item)]} {
                                 if {[info exists Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item)]} {
                                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag $Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item)
                                         if {[lrange $Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item) 1 end] != ""} {
                                                 set Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item) [lrange $Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item) 1 end]
                                         } else {
                                                 unset Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item)
                                 set done($item) 1
                 update idletasks
                 . configure -cursor ""
                 update idletasks

 proc tkScrollByUnits {w orient amount} {
   set cmd [$w cget -command]
   if {[string equal $cmd ""] || ([string first \
           [string index [$w cget -orient] 0] $orient] < 0)} {
   set info [$w get]
   if {[llength $info] == 2} {
       uplevel #0 $cmd scroll $amount units
   } else {
       uplevel #0 $cmd [expr {[lindex $info 2] + $amount}]

 proc repositionWindow { X Y } {
         global Global

         set contain [winfo containing $X $Y]
         set parent ""
         catch {set parent [winfo parent $contain]}

         switch "$contain" {
                 .can.scrolly {
                         set Global(ScrollDir) ".can.scrollx h 1"
                         eval tkScrollByUnits $Global(ScrollDir)
                 .can.scrollx {
                         set Global(ScrollDir) ".can.scrolly v 1"
                         eval tkScrollByUnits $Global(ScrollDir)
                 .msg {
                         set Global(ScrollDir) ".can.scrolly v -1"
                         eval tkScrollByUnits $Global(ScrollDir)
                 default {
                         if {"$parent" == "." && "$contain" != ".can"} {
                                 set Global(ScrollDir) ".can.scrolly v -1"
                         if {"$parent" == ".can" || \
                                 "$parent" == $Global(CurrentCanvas)} {
                                 set Global(ScrollDir) ""
                         } elseif {$Global(ScrollDir) == ""} {
                                 set Global(ScrollDir) ".can.scrollx h -1"
                                 eval tkScrollByUnits $Global(ScrollDir)
                         } else {
                                 eval tkScrollByUnits $Global(ScrollDir)
 proc scaleSelected { handle1 x y X Y} {
         global Global

         repositionWindow $X $Y
         set nofontscale 0
         if { "$Global(LastSX)" == ""} {
                 set last [handleOrigin $handle1]
                 set Global(LastSX) [lindex "$last" 0]
                 set Global(LastSY) [lindex "$last" 1]
                 set origin \
                         [handleOrigin $Global($handle1)]
                 set Global(originx) [lindex "$origin" 0]
                 set Global(originy) [lindex "$origin" 1]
         if { "$handle1" == "top_side" || "$handle1" == "bottom_side" } {
                 set scalex 1
                 set nofontscale 1
         } else {
                 set e [expr $Global(originx) - $Global(LastSX)]
                 if {$e} {
                         set scalex [expr ($Global(originx) - $x) / \
         if { "$handle1" == "right_side" || "$handle1" == "left_side" } {
                 set scaley 1
                 set nofontscale 1
         } else {
                 set e [expr $Global(originy) - $Global(LastSY)]
                 if {$e} {
                         set scaley [expr ($Global(originy) - $y) / \
                         if { "$handle1" != "top_side" && "$handle1" != "bottom_side" \
                                 && $Global(FixedAspect) != ""} {
                                 set scalex $scaley
         set next {set Global(LastSX) $x;set Global(LastSY) $y}
         if {$scalex > 0 && $scaley > 0} {
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) scale Imp_Selected \
                         $Global(originx) $Global(originy) $scalex $scaley
                 eval $next
                 foreach i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) find withtag Imp_SelectedText] {
                         if {$Global(FontScale) && !$nofontscale} {
                                 set fn [$Global(CurrentCanvas) itemcget $i -font]
                                 regexp \
                                         $fn dummy d1 size d2;
                                 if {"$dummy" != ""} {
                                         set nsize [expr round($size * $scalex)]
                                         if {$nsize < 20} {
                                                 set nsize 20
                                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) itemconfigure $i \
                                                 -font ${d1}${nsize}${d2}
                                         set fnn [$Global(CurrentCanvas) itemcget $i -font]
                                         regexp \
                                                 $fnn dummy d1 nsize d2;
                                         if { ($scalex < 1 && $nsize < $size ) || \
                                                  ($scalex > 1 && $nsize > $size) } {
                                                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) itemconfigure $i \
                                                         -width [expr [$Global(CurrentCanvas) itemcget $i \
                                                         -width] * $scalex]
                                         } else {
                                                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) itemconfigure $i \
                                                         -font $fn
                         } else {
                                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) itemconfigure $i \
                                         -width [expr [$Global(CurrentCanvas) itemcget $i \
                                         -width] * $scalex]
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) delete handles

 proc deselectAll {} {
         global Global

         $Global(CurrentCanvas) delete selector
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) delete selectorbox
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag Imp_selected
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag Imp_Selected
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag Imp_SelectedText
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag Imp_SelectedPhoto
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag currentImp_Selected

 proc markSpot {x y} {
         global Global

         if {$Global(Grid)} {
                 set Global(LastX) [$Global(CurrentCanvas) canvasx $x \
         } else {
                 set Global(LastX) [$Global(CurrentCanvas) canvasx $x \
         if {$Global(Grid)} {
                 set Global(LastY) [$Global(CurrentCanvas) canvasy $y \
         } else {
                 set Global(LastY) [$Global(CurrentCanvas) canvasy $y \
         set Global(LastSX) ""
         set Global(LastSY) ""
         set Global(LastRotX) $Global(LastX)
         set Global(LastRotY) $Global(LastY)
         set Global(LastAngle) 0.0

 proc findItemUnderCursor {} {
         global Global

         return [$Global(CurrentCanvas) find withtag current]

 proc shadeCurrentSelected {} {
         global Global

         set bb [$Global(CurrentCanvas) bbox currentImp_Selected]
         if {"$bb" != "" && \
                 [$Global(CurrentCanvas) type currentImp_Selected] != "text"} {
                 eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) create polygon [bboxToCorners $bb] \
                         -tags {"selectorbox Imp_Selected"} \
                         -stipple gray25 -outline {""} -fill black

 proc selectAll {} {
         global Global

         popupCanvasSet Select
         . configure -cursor watch
         update idletasks
         set itemList [eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) find withtag all]
         if {[llength $itemList] > 500} {
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) addtag Imp_selected withtag all
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) addtag Imp_Selected withtag all
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) addtag currentImp_Selected withtag all
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) addtag Imp_SelectedText withtag Imp_Text
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) addtag Imp_SelectedPhoto withtag Imp_Photo
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag currentImp_Selected disabled
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag Imp_Selected disabled
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag Imp_SelectedText disabled
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag Imp_SelectedPhoto disabled
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag currentImp_Selected
         } else {
                 foreach i $itemList {
                         set tags [$Global(CurrentCanvas) gettags $i]
                         selectItem $i $tags All
         update idletasks
         . configure -cursor ""
         update idletasks

 proc selectItem {item tags type} {
         global Global

         if {"$item" != "" && [lsearch -exact "$tags" "disabled"] == -1} {
                 if {[lsearch -exact "$tags" "Imp_Selected"] == -1 && \
                         [lsearch -exact "$tags" "Imp_SelectedText"] == -1 &&
                         [lsearch -exact "$tags" "Imp_SelectedPhoto"] == -1} {
                         switch $type {
                                 New {
                         set itemList [getGroupItems $item]
                         foreach i $itemList {
                                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) addtag Imp_selected withtag $i
                                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) addtag currentImp_Selected withtag $i
                                 set t [$Global(CurrentCanvas) type $i]
                                 if {$t == "text"} {
                                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) addtag Imp_SelectedText withtag $i
                                 } elseif {$t == "image"} {
                                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) addtag Imp_SelectedPhoto withtag $i
                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) addtag Imp_Selected withtag currentImp_Selected
                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag currentImp_Selected
                 } elseif {"$type" == "Add" && \
                         [lsearch -exact "$tags" "selectorbox"] != -1} {
                         set itemList [eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) find enclosed \
                                 [$Global(CurrentCanvas) bbox $item]]
                         foreach i $itemList {
                                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag $i Imp_selected
                                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag $i Imp_Selected
                                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag $i Imp_SelectedText
                                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag $i Imp_SelectedPhoto
                                 if {[lsearch -exact [$Global(CurrentCanvas) gettags $i] \
                                         "selectorbox"] != -1} {
                                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) delete $i
                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) delete $item
         } elseif {"$type" == "New"} {

 proc selectBoundedItems {bb type} {
         global Global

         . configure -cursor watch
         update idletasks
         set itemList [eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) find enclosed $bb]
         if {[llength $itemList] > 500} {
                 eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) addtag Imp_selected enclosed $bb
                 eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) addtag currentImp_Selected enclosed $bb
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) addtag Imp_Selected withtag currentImp_Selected
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag currentImp_Selected
         } else {
                 foreach i $itemList {
                         set tags [$Global(CurrentCanvas) gettags $i]
                         selectItem $i $tags $type
         update idletasks
         . configure -cursor ""
         update idletasks

 proc dragBoxOrMove {item tags x y X Y} {
         global Global

         # If we don't update the tags here, we won't see the
         # potential new selection we just made.
         set tags [$Global(CurrentCanvas) gettags $item]

         if {[lsearch -exact "$tags" "Imp_Selected"] == -1 && \
                 [lsearch -exact "$tags" "Imp_SelectedText"] == -1 && \
                 [lsearch -exact "$tags" "Imp_SelectedPhoto"] == -1} {
                 # Drag a selection box if there is no evidence of
                 # being on a Imp_Selected item.
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) delete selector
                 repositionWindow $X $Y
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) create rectangle \
                         $Global(LastX) $Global(LastY) $x $y \
                         -tags selector -fill "" -outline black
         } else {
                 # Move Imp_Selected items if we are dragging on a
                 # Imp_Selected item.
                 set cursor [lindex [$Global(CurrentCanvas) configure -cursor] 4]
                 if { "$cursor" == "" || "$cursor" == "crosshair" } {
                         repositionWindow $X $Y
                         set possibles [$Global(CurrentCanvas) find enclosed \
                                 [expr $x - $Global(GravityVal)] \
                                 [expr $y - $Global(GravityVal)] \
                                 [expr $x + $Global(GravityVal)] \
                                 [expr $y + $Global(GravityVal)]]
                         set hs [$Global(CurrentCanvas) find withtag handles]
                         set tiend ""
                         foreach possible $possibles {
                                 if {"$tiend" != ""} {
                                 foreach h $hs {
                                         if {$possible == $h} {
                                                 set tiend $h
                         set ho [handleOrigin [lindex \
                                 [$Global(CurrentCanvas) itemcget $tiend -tags] end]]
                         if { $Global(Gravity) && "$ho" != "" && !$Global(AnchorChosen)} {
                                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) move Imp_Selected \
                                         [expr $x - [lindex $ho 0]] \
                                         [expr $y - [lindex $ho 1]]
                                 set Global(AnchorChosen) 1
                         } else {
                                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) move Imp_Selected \
                                         [expr $x - $Global(LastX)] \
                                         [expr $y - $Global(LastY)]
                                 set Global(AnchorChosen) 1
                         set Global(LastX) $x
                         set Global(LastY) $y
 proc rotateSelected {} {
         global Global Group

         . configure -cursor watch
         set items [$Global(CurrentCanvas) find withtag Imp_Selected]
         foreach item $items {
                 set gsave ""
                  if {[info exists Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item)]} {
                         set gsave $Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item)
                         unset Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item)
                 set coords [$Global(CurrentCanvas) coords $item]
                 set tags [$Global(CurrentCanvas) gettags $item]
                 set props [getProperties $Global(CurrentCanvas) $item none 0]
                 set type [$Global(CurrentCanvas) type $item]
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) delete $item
                 set i [eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) create $type \
                         [eval RotateF $Global(LastAngle) $Global(LastX) $Global(LastY) \
                                                         "$coords"] \
                 if {$gsave != ""} {
                         set Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$i) "$gsave"
         update idletasks
         . configure -cursor ""
         update idletasks

 proc pasteCutCopy { x y pastetype cuttype doselect} {
         global Global Group

         . configure -cursor watch
         update idletasks
         set pastebuf $Global($cuttype)
         if {"$pastebuf" != ""} {
                 switch "$pastetype" {
                         relative {
                                 append pastebuf "
                                         \$Global(CurrentCanvas) move Imp_Buffer $x $y;
                         absolute {
                                 append pastebuf "
                                         originObject Imp_Buffer;
                                         \$Global(CurrentCanvas) move Imp_Buffer $x $y;
                 append pastebuf "
                         set itemList \[\$Global(CurrentCanvas) find withtag Imp_Buffer\];
                         \$Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag Imp_Buffer;

                 if {$doselect} {
                         append pastebuf "
                                 foreach item \$itemList {
                                         set tags \[\$Global(CurrentCanvas) gettags \$item\]
                                         selectItem \$item \"\$tags\" Add
                 after idle $pastebuf
         update idletasks
         . configure -cursor ""
         update idletasks

 proc OpasteCutCopy { x y cuttype lve mx my } {
         global Global Group

         . configure -cursor watch
         update idletasks
         if {"$Global($cuttype)" != ""} {
                 if { $lve } {
                         append Global($cuttype) "
                                 set itemList \[\$Global(CurrentCanvas) find withtag cutImp_selected\]
                                 foreach item \$itemList {
                                         set tags \[\$Global(CurrentCanvas) gettags \$item\]
                                         selectItem \$item \"\$tags\" Add
                                 moveObject cutImp_selected $mx $my
                                 \$Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag cutImp_selected
                         after idle $Global($cuttype)
                 } else {
                         append Global($cuttype) "
                                 moveObject cutImp_selected $mx $my
                                 \$Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag cutImp_selected
                         after idle $Global($cuttype)
         set Global($cuttype) ""
         if {"$cuttype" == "Cut"} {
         update idletasks
         . configure -cursor ""
         update idletasks

 proc clearAll {} {
         global Global

         if {$Global(Plugin)} {
                 . configure -cursor watch
                 for {set page 1} {[winfo exists .can.c$page]} {incr page} {
                         destroy .can.c$page
                 set Global(CurrentPageId) 1
                 newCanvas .can c$Global(CurrentPageId)
                 . configure -cursor ""
         } elseif {! [tk_dialog .clearAll "New?" \
                 "Selecting New will erase everything?" "" "0" "Yes" "No"] } {
                 . configure -cursor watch
                 for {set page 1} {[winfo exists .can.c$page]} {incr page} {
                         destroy .can.c$page
                 set Global(CurrentPageId) 1
                 newCanvas .can c$Global(CurrentPageId)
                 . configure -cursor ""

 proc saveAll {} {
         global Global Group

         append nativeOut {#!/bin/sh
 # restart trick }
         append nativeOut "\\"
         append nativeOut {
 exec wish "$0" "$@"
 if {![info exists Global(CurrentCanvas)]} {
         proc nextPage {} {
                 global Global

                 set Global(CurrentPageId) [expr $Global(CurrentPageId) + 1]
                 if {![winfo exists .can.c$Global(CurrentPageId)]} {
                         if {$Global(Circulate)} {
                                 set Global(CurrentPageId) 1
                         } else {
                                 set Global(CurrentPageId) [expr $Global(CurrentPageId) - 1]
                 newCanvas .can c$Global(CurrentPageId)
                 update idletasks

         proc prevPage {} {
                 global Global

                 if {$Global(CurrentPageId) > 1} {
                         set Global(CurrentPageId) [expr $Global(CurrentPageId) - 1]
                         newCanvas .can c$Global(CurrentPageId)
                         update idletasks
         proc newCanvas { cf name } {
                 global Global

                 if {[winfo exists $Global(CurrentCanvas)]} {
                         pack forget $Global(CurrentCanvas)
                 set Global(CurrentCanvas) $cf.$name
                 if {[winfo exists $Global(CurrentCanvas)]} {
                         pack $Global(CurrentCanvas) -in $ -side left -fill both \
                                 -expand true
                         update idletasks
                         if {$Global(Fit)} {
                                 scaleObject all "" \
                                 [winfo width $Global(CurrentCanvas)] \
                                 [winfo height $Global(CurrentCanvas)]
                 } else {
                         if {!$Global(Plugin)} {
                             wm maxsize . [winfo pixels . $Global(PageWidth)] \
                                         [winfo pixels . $Global(PageHeight)]
                     canvas $Global(CurrentCanvas) -bg white \
                                 -scrollregion "0i 0i $Global(PageWidth) $Global(PageHeight)" \
                                 -xscrollcommand "$cf.scrollx set" \
                                 -yscrollcommand "$cf.scrolly set"
                         bind $Global(CurrentCanvas) <2> {%W scan mark %x %y}
                         bind $Global(CurrentCanvas) <B2-Motion> {%W scan dragto %x %y}
                         bind . <Key-Next> {nextPage}
                         bind . <Key-Prior> {prevPage}
                         pack $Global(CurrentCanvas) -in $ -side left -fill both \
                                 -expand true

         set Global(Circulate) 0
         set Global(Fit) 0
         set Global(PointsInch) [winfo fpixels . 1i]
         if {[info exists embed_args]} {
                 set Global(Plugin) 1
         } else {
                 set Global(Plugin) 0
     frame .can
     frame .can.bottom
         frame .can.buttons
         button .can.origin -text Origin -command \
                 {originObject $Global(CurrentCanvas) all}
         checkbutton -text Fit -variable Global(Fit)
         checkbutton .can.circ -text Circulate -variable Global(Circulate)
         button -text Next -command {nextPage}
         button .can.prev -text Prev -command {prevPage}
         button .can.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "exit"
     scrollbar .can.scrolly -bd 2 -width 15 \
                 -command {$Global(CurrentCanvas) yview}
     scrollbar .can.scrollx -orient h -bd 2 -width 15 \
                 -command {$Global(CurrentCanvas) xview}
     frame .can.corner -height 15 -width 15 -bd 2
         if {!$Global(Plugin)} {
             wm maxsize . [winfo pixels . 8.5i] [winfo pixels . 11i]
     pack .can.scrolly -in -anchor se -side right -fill y
     pack .can.scrollx -in .can.bottom -anchor se -side left -expand true -fill x
     pack .can.corner -in .can.bottom -anchor ne -in .can.bottom \
                 -side right -fill both
         pack .can.prev .can.origin .can.circ -side left \
                 -in .can.buttons
     pack -side top -in .can -expand true -fill both
     pack .can.bottom -side top -in .can -anchor sw -fill x
     pack .can.buttons -side top -in .can -anchor sw -fill x
     pack .can -fill both -expand true
         proc scaleObject {name ratio width height} {
                 global Global

                 set c $Global(CurrentCanvas)
                 set bb [$c bbox $name]
                 if {"$bb" == ""} {
                 set x [lindex $bb 2]
                 set y [lindex $bb 3]
                 if {$ratio != ""} {
                         set scale $ratio
                 } else {
                         if {$x > $y} {
                                 set scale [expr ( $width + 0.0 ) / $x]
                         } else {
                                 set scale [expr ( $height + 0.0 ) / $y]
                 $c scale $name 0 0 $scale $scale

                 foreach i [$c find withtag all] {
                         set type [$c type $i]
                         if {"$type" != "text"} {
                         if {1} {
                                 set fn [$c itemcget $i -font]
                                 regexp \
                                         $fn dummy d1 size d2;
                                 if {"$dummy" != ""} {
                                         set nsize [expr round($size * $scale)]
                                         if {$nsize < 20} {
                                                 set nsize 20
                                         $c itemconfigure $i \
                                                 -font ${d1}${nsize}${d2}
                                         set fnn [$c itemcget $i -font]
                                         regexp \
                                         $fnn dummy d1 nsize d2;
                                         if { ($scale < 1 && $nsize < $size ) || \
                                                  ($scale > 1 && $nsize > $size) } {
                                                 $c itemconfigure $i \
                                                         -width [expr [$c itemcget $i \
                                                                 -width] * $scale]
                                         } else {
                                                 $c itemconfigure $i \
                                                         -font $fn
                         } else {
                                 $c itemconfigure $i \
                                         -width [expr [$c itemcget $i -width] \
  • $scale]
         proc originObject { c name } {
                 set bb [$c bbox $name]
                 set x [lindex $bb 0]
                 set y [lindex $bb 1]
                 if {$x > 0} {
                         set nx -$x
                 } else {
                         set nx [expr abs($x)]
                 if {$y > 0} {
                         set ny -$y
                 } else {
                         set ny [expr abs($y)]
                 $c move $name $nx $ny
         if {[info exists Global(EmbedPage)]} {
                 if {!$Global(EmbedPage)} {
                         set Global(CurrentPageId) 0
                         set Global(CurrentCanvas) ""
                 } elseif {[info exists Global(CurrentPageId)]} {
                         set Global(CurrentPageId) [expr $Global(CurrentPageId) - 1]
         } else {
                 set Global(CurrentPageId) 0
                 set Global(CurrentCanvas) ""
         set Global(LoadPageId) [expr $Global(CurrentPageId) + 1]
         append nativeOut "    set Global(DocPointsInch) $Global(PointsInch)
     set Global(SlideBG) $Global(SlideBG)
         set Global(Circulate) $Global(Circulate)

         for {set page 1} {[winfo exists .can.c$page]} {incr page} {
                 set Global(CurrentCanvas) .can.c$page
                 . configure -cursor watch
                 update idletasks
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) delete selectorbox
                 set itemList [$Global(CurrentCanvas) find withtag all]
                 append nativeOut \
                         set Global(CurrentPageId) \[expr \$Global(CurrentPageId) + 1\]
                         set Global(PageHeight) $Global($Global(CurrentCanvas)_Height)
                         set Global(PageWidth) $Global($Global(CurrentCanvas)_Width)
                         set Global(Landscape) $Global($Global(CurrentCanvas)_Landscape)
                         newCanvas .can c\$Global(CurrentPageId)
                 if {$itemList != ""} {
                         foreach item $itemList {
                                 set gsave ""
                                  if {[info exists Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item)]} {
                                         set gsave $Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item)
                                 set props [getProperties $Global(CurrentCanvas) $item "" 0]
                                 set coords [$Global(CurrentCanvas) coords $item]
                                 set type [$Global(CurrentCanvas) type $item]
                                 if {"$type" == "window"} {
                                 append nativeOut \
                                 "set i \[\$Global(CurrentCanvas) create $type [regsub -all \
                                 {([^ ][^ ]* [^ ][^ ]* [^ ][^ ]* [^ ][^ ]*)} $coords {\1 \\
 } stuff; set stuff] $props\]\n"
                                 if {"$gsave" != ""} {
                                         append nativeOut \
                                                 "set Group(\$Global(CurrentCanvas),\$i) {$gsave}\n"
                         append nativeOut {scaleObject all \
                                 [expr $Global(PointsInch)/$Global(DocPointsInch)] "" ""}
         append nativeOut {
                 set Global(CurrentPageId) $Global(LoadPageId)
                 newCanvas .can c$Global(CurrentPageId)
         update idletasks
         . configure -cursor ""
         update idletasks
         set Global(CurrentCanvas) .can.c$Global(CurrentPageId)
         return $nativeOut
 proc cutCopySelected { cuttype tagname dogroups } {
         global Global Group

         set Global($cuttype) ""
         . configure -cursor watch
         update idletasks
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) delete selectorbox
         set itemList [$Global(CurrentCanvas) find withtag $tagname]
         if {$itemList != ""} {
                 set bb [$Global(CurrentCanvas) bbox $tagname]
                 foreach item $itemList {
                         set gsave ""
                          if {$dogroups && [info exists Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item)]} {
                                 foreach g $Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item) {
                                         if {![info exists CopyGroup($g)]} {
                                                 set GroupNo [clock clicks]
                                                 set CopyGroup($g) "Group${GroupNo}"
                                         lappend gsave $CopyGroup($g)
                         set props [getProperties $Global(CurrentCanvas) $item Esc $dogroups]
                         set coords [$Global(CurrentCanvas) coords $item]
                         set type [$Global(CurrentCanvas) type $item]
                         if {"$type" == "window"} {
                         append Global($cuttype) "
                         set i \[eval \$Global(CurrentCanvas) create $type $coords $props\];
                         \$Global(CurrentCanvas) addtag Imp_Buffer withtag \$i;"
                         if { $gsave != "" } {
                                 append Global($cuttype) "
                                         set Group(\$Global(CurrentCanvas),\$i) {$gsave};"
                                 foreach g $gsave {
                                         append Global($cuttype) "
                                                 \$Global(CurrentCanvas) addtag $g withtag \$i;"
                         if {"$cuttype" == "Cut"} {
                                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) delete $item
                 if {"$cuttype" == "Cut"} {
         update idletasks
         . configure -cursor ""
         update idletasks
 proc OcutCopySelected { cuttype tagname preserve } {
         global Global Group

         set Global($cuttype) ""
         . configure -cursor watch
         update idletasks
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) delete selectorbox
         set itemList [$Global(CurrentCanvas) find withtag $tagname]
         if {$itemList != ""} {
                 set bb [$Global(CurrentCanvas) bbox $tagname]
                 set x [lindex $bb 0]
                 set y [lindex $bb 1]
                 if {!$preserve} {
                         if {$x > 0} {
                                 set nx -$x
                         } else {
                                 set nx [expr abs($x)]
                         if {$y > 0} {
                                 set ny -$y
                         } else {
                                 set ny [expr abs($y)]
                 foreach item $itemList {
                         set gsave ""
                          if {[info exists Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item)]} {
                                 set gsave $Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item)
                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) addtag cutImp_selected withtag $item
                         set props [getProperties $Global(CurrentCanvas) $item Esc 0]
                         set coords [$Global(CurrentCanvas) coords $item]
                         set type [$Global(CurrentCanvas) type $item]
                         if {"$type" == "window"} {
                         if {$preserve} {
                                 append Global($cuttype) \
                                 "set i \[eval \$Global(CurrentCanvas) create $type $coords $props\];"
                         } else {
                                 append Global($cuttype) \
                                 "set i \[eval \$Global(CurrentCanvas) create $type \[trans \$x \$y \"[trans $nx $ny $coords]\"\] $props\];"
                                 if {"$gsave" != ""} {
                                         append Global($cuttype) \
                                                 "set Group(\$Global(CurrentCanvas),\$i) {$gsave};"
                                         unset Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item)
                         if {"$cuttype" == "Cut"} {
                                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) delete $item
                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag cutImp_selected
                 if {"$cuttype" == "Cut"} {
         update idletasks
         . configure -cursor ""
         update idletasks

 proc duplicateSelected {} {
         global Group Global GroupNo

         . configure -cursor watch
         update idletasks
         cutCopySelected Copy Imp_Selected 1
         update idletasks
         pasteCutCopy 20 20 relative Copy 1
         update idletasks
         . configure -cursor ""
         update idletasks

 proc OduplicateSelected {} {
         global Group Global GroupNo

         set GroupNo [clock clicks]
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) configure -cursor watch
         update idletasks
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) delete selectorbox
         set itemList [$Global(CurrentCanvas) find withtag Imp_Selected]
         if {$itemList != ""} {
                 if {$Global(Duplicate) != $itemList} {
                         set Global(DuplicateX) 20
                         set Global(DuplicateY) 20
                 foreach item $itemList {
                         set gsave ""
                          if {[info exists Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item)]} {
                                 set gsave $Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item)
                         set props [getProperties $Global(CurrentCanvas) $item none 1]
                         set coords [$Global(CurrentCanvas) coords $item]
                         set type [$Global(CurrentCanvas) type $item]
                         set i [eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) create $type \
                                 [trans $Global(DuplicateX) $Global(DuplicateY) $coords] \
                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) addtag duplicate withtag $i
                         if {$gsave != ""} {
                                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag $i ${gsave}
                                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) addtag "${gsave}${GroupNo}" withtag $i
                                 set Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$i) "${gsave}${GroupNo}"
                 incr Global(DuplicateX) 20
                 incr Global(DuplicateY) 20
                 set itemList [$Global(CurrentCanvas) find withtag duplicate]
                 foreach item $itemList {
                         set tags [$Global(CurrentCanvas) gettags $item]
                         selectItem $item $tags Add
                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag duplicate
         update idletasks
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) configure -cursor ""
         update idletasks

 proc updateDemoLine { args } {
         global Global

         if {"$args" == "spline" } {
                 if {$Global(Smooth)} {
                         set Global(Smooth) 0
                         set Global(Spline) 0
                         set Global(Message) "Change to Smooth Lines"
                 } else {
                         set Global(Smooth) $Global(Spline)
                         if {$Global(Spline)} {
                                 set Global(Message) "Change to Straight Lines"
         .widthc itemconfigure line \
                 -fill "$Global(Outline)" -stipple "$Global(Stipple)" \
                 -arrow "$Global(Arrow)" -joinstyle "$Global(JoinStyle)" \
                 -width "$Global(Width)" -smooth "$Global(Smooth)"

 proc colorRequestor {name colorslot redlist greenlist bluelist replace} {
         global Global rede grne blue redv grnv bluv

         set w ${name}
         set Global($name) $replace
         if {! $Global(Plugin) } {
                 eval toplevel $w $Global(PrivateCmap)
 #                wm transient $w .
                 wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set dummy 1}
         } else {
                 frame $w -borderwidth 0
         set redv "0000"
         set grnv "0000"
         set bluv "0000"

         frame $w.left -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.right -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.color -relief sunken -bd 2 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.colortop -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $w.colorbottom -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0

         set rede [createEntry $w red "hex" 4 -width 5 -textvariable redv]
         set reds [createScale $w reds -to 65535 -length 2i -orient h \
                 -showvalue false]
         set redcs [createComboScale $w redcs Red $reds $rede]
         pack $redcs -in $w.left -side top -fill x -expand true

         set grne [createEntry $w grn "hex" 4 -width 5 -textvariable grnv]
         set grns [createScale $w grns -to 65535 -length 2i -orient h \
                 -showvalue false]
         set grncs [createComboScale $w grncs Green $grns $grne]
         pack $grncs -in $w.left -side top -fill x -expand true

         set blue [createEntry $w blu "hex" 4 -width 5 -textvariable bluv]
         set blus [createScale $w blus -to 65535 -length 2i -orient h \
                 -showvalue false]
         set blucs [createComboScale $w blucs Blue $blus $blue]
         pack $blucs -in $w.left -side top -fill x -expand true

         set cancel [createButton $w cancel "" -text "Cancel"]
         set ok [createButton $w ok 1 -text "Ok"]
         $ok configure -command "set Global(NewColor) \[setColor {}\]
                 destroy .cr
                 if {\$Global(NewColor) != \"\"} {
                         set Global($colorslot) \$Global(NewColor)
                         set Global(\$Global(colortype)) \$Global(NewColor)
                         $Global(F_$Global(colortype)).f_\$Global(colortype) \
                                 configure -bg \$Global(NewColor)
                 colorPaletteReq .colorpalette {$redlist} \
                         {$greenlist} {$bluelist} $replace
         $cancel configure -command "set Global(NewColor) \"\"
                 destroy $w
                 colorPaletteReq .colorpalette {$redlist} \
                         {$greenlist} {$bluelist} $replace
         bind $w <Control-Key-Escape> "set Global(NewColor) \"\"
                 destroy $w
                 colorPaletteReq .colorpalette {$redlist} \
                         {$greenlist} {$bluelist} $replace

         frame $w.colorc -height 2i -width 2i -highlightthickness 0
         raise $w.color
         raise $w.colorc
         pack $w.colorc -in $w.color -fill both -expand true
         pack $w.color -in $w.right -padx 2m -pady 2m -fill both -expand true
         pack $w.left $w.right -side left -in $w.colortop -fill both -expand true
         pack $cancel $ok -side left -expand true -in $w.colorbottom \
                 -padx 2m -pady 2m
         pack $w.colortop -side top -in $w -fill both -expand true
         pack $w.colorbottom -side bottom -in $w

         proc setColor {v} "
                 global rede grne blue

                 if { \"\$v\" != \"\" } {
                         set color \$v
                         scan \"\$v\" \{#%4x%4x%4x\} redv grnv bluv
                         set_red \$redv
                         set_grn \$grnv
                         set_blu \$bluv
                 } else {
                         set color \"#\[\$rede get\]\[\$grne get\]\[\$blue get\]\"
                 $w.colorc configure -bg \$color
                 return \$color

         proc set_red { val } "
                 [info body set_red]
                 $reds set \$val
                 setColor {}
         bind $rede <Key-Return> "+setColor {}"

         proc set_grn { val } "
                 [info body set_grn]
                 $grns set \$val
                 setColor {}
         bind $blue <Key-Return> "+setColor {}"

         proc set_blu { val } "
                 [info body set_blu]
                 $blus set \$val
                 setColor {}
         bind $blue <Key-Return> "+setColor {}"

         setColor [$colorslot cget -bg]

         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 pack $w -in $replace -fill both -expand true

 proc clearRadioVariable {var} {
         global Global

         if {[info exists Global($var)] && [winfo exists $Global($var)]} {
                 set bd [$Global($var) cget -bd]
                 $Global($var) configure -relief $Global(ButtonRelief)
                 eval $Global($var) move all -$bd -$bd
         set $var ""

 proc setRadioButton { var value } {
         global Global

         if {[info exists Global(W_${value})]} {
                 set bd [$Global(W_${value}) cget -bd]
                 clearRadioVariable $var
                 $Global(W_${value}) configure -relief sunken
                 $Global(W_${value}) move all $bd $bd
                 set Global($var) $Global(W_${value})
         set $var "$value"

 proc createNormalButton {name width height cmds value args} {
         global Global

         eval canvas $name -width $width -height $height \
                 -relief $Global(ButtonRelief) $args

         set saveit $Global(CurrentCanvas)
         set Global(CurrentCanvas) $name
         eval $cmds
         originObject all
         scaleObject all "" [winfo fpixels $name $width] \
                 [winfo fpixels $name $height]
         set Global(CurrentCanvas) $saveit
         bind $name <Button-1> "
                 if {\[%W find withtag disabled\] == \"\"} {
                         set bd \[%W cget -bd\]
                         %W configure -relief sunken
                         %W move all \$bd \$bd
                         update idletasks
         bind $name <ButtonRelease-1> "
                 if {\[%W find withtag disabled\] == \"\"} {
                         set bd \[%W cget -bd\]
                         popupCanvasSet $value
                         %W move all -\$bd -\$bd
                         %W configure -relief $Global(ButtonRelief)
         bind $name <Enter> "
                 if {\[%W find withtag disabled\] == \"\"} {
                         %W configure -bg $Global(ActiveBackground)
                         if {[info exists Global(Msg_$value)]} {
                                 set Global(Message) \$Global(Msg_$value)
                         } else {
                                 set Global(Message) $value
         bind $name <Leave> {
                 if {[%W find withtag disabled] == ""} {
                         %W configure -bg $Global(Background)
                         set Global(Message) $Global(Cursor)

         return $name
 proc createRadioButton {name width height cmds var value args} {
         global Global

         eval canvas $name -width $width -height $height \
                 -relief $Global(ButtonRelief) $args

         set saveit $Global(CurrentCanvas)
         set Global(CurrentCanvas) $name
         eval $cmds
         originObject all
         scaleObject all "" [winfo fpixels $name $width] \
                 [winfo fpixels $name $height]
         set Global(CurrentCanvas) $saveit
         bind $name <Button-1> "
                 if {\[%W find withtag disabled\] == \"\"} {
                         setRadioButton $var $value
                         if {\"$var\" == \"Global(Cursor)\"} {
                                 popupCanvasSet $value
         bind $name <Enter> "
                 if {\[%W find withtag disabled\] == \"\"} {
                         %W configure -bg $Global(ActiveBackground)
                         if {[info exists Global(Msg_$value)]} {
                                 set Global(Message) \$Global(Msg_$value)
                         } else {
                                 set Global(Message) $value
         bind $name <Leave> {
                 if {[%W find withtag disabled] == ""} {
                         %W configure -bg $Global(Background)
                         set Global(Message) $Global(Cursor)

         return $name

 proc buttonReq { name var replace } {
         global Global

         if {$Global(ButtonOrient) == "left"} {
                 set suborient top
         } else {
                 set suborient left
         set w ${name}
         if {[winfo exists $w]} {
                 if {!$Global(Plugin)} {
                         wm deiconify $w
                         raise $w
         set Global($name) $replace

         if { !$Global(Plugin) } {
                 eval toplevel $w
                 wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW "wm withdraw $w"
         } else {
                 frame $w -borderwidth 0

         frame $w.f
         set bframes "$w.f1 $w.f2 $w.f3 $w.f4 $w.f5 $w.f6 $w.f7 $w.f8 $w.f9"

         set i 0
         set bframe ""
         foreach buttontype $var {

                 if {![expr $i % $Global(ButtonCount)]} {
                         if {$bframe != ""} {
                                 pack $bframe -in $w.f -side $suborient
                         set bframe [lindex $bframes [expr $i / $Global(ButtonCount)]]
                         frame $bframe
                 incr i
                 set type [lindex $buttontype 0]
                 set buttonName [lindex $buttontype 1]
                 set buttonCanv [lindex $buttontype 2]
                 switch "$type" {
                         RadioButton {
                                 createRadioButton $w.b_${buttonName} \
                                         $Global(ButtonSize) $Global(ButtonSize) \
                                         "$buttonCanv" Global(Cursor) \
                                         $buttonName -bd 1 -highlightthickness 0
                         Button {
                                 createNormalButton $w.b_${buttonName} \
                                         $Global(ButtonSize) $Global(ButtonSize) \
                                         "$buttonCanv" \
                                         $buttonName -bd 1 -highlightthickness 0
                         JoinButton {
                                 createRadioButton $w.b_${buttonName} \
                                         $Global(ButtonSize) $Global(ButtonSize) \
                                         "$buttonCanv" Global(JoinStyle) \
                                         $buttonName -bd 1 -highlightthickness 0
                         ArrowButton {
                                 createRadioButton $w.b_${buttonName} \
                                         $Global(ButtonSize) $Global(ButtonSize) \
                                         "$buttonCanv" Global(Arrow) \
                                         $buttonName -bd 1 -highlightthickness 0
                 switch "$buttonName" {
                         Paste {
                         Rulers {
                                 bind $w.b_Rulers <Double-Button-1> {
                                         %W addtag disabled withtag all
                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) delete $Global(RulerX)
                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) delete $Global(RulerY)
                                 bind $w.b_Rulers <ButtonRelease-1> {+
                                         %W dtag disabled
                 set Global(W_${buttonName}) $w.b_${buttonName}
                 pack $w.b_${buttonName} -in $bframe -side $Global(ButtonOrient)
         pack $bframe -in $w.f -side left
         pack $w.f -in $w
         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 pack $w -in $replace -fill both -expand true
                 update idletasks

 proc colorPaletteReq { name redlist greenlist bluelist replace } {
         global Global

         # Setup
         set w ${name}
         if {[winfo exists $w]} {
                 if {$Global(Plugin)} {
                         destroy $w
                 } else {
                         wm deiconify $w
                         raise $w
         set Global($name) $replace
         if { !$Global(Plugin) } {
                 eval toplevel $w $Global(PrivateCmap)
                 wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW "wm withdraw $w"
         } else {
                 frame $w -borderwidth 0

         frame $w.f

         foreach red $redlist {
                 frame $w.f.rcol_${red}
                 foreach green $greenlist {
                         frame $w.f.grow_${red}${green}
                         foreach blue $bluelist {
                                 if { [info exists Global($w.f.c${red}${green}${blue})] } {
                                         frame $w.f.c${red}${green}${blue} \
                                                 -relief raised -height 2m -width 2m \
                                                 -highlightthickness 0 \
                                                 -bd 1 -bg $Global($w.f.c${red}${green}${blue})
                                 } else {
                                         frame $w.f.c${red}${green}${blue} \
                                                 -relief raised -height 2m -width 2m \
                                                 -highlightthickness 0 \
                                                 -bd 1 -bg "#${red}${green}${blue}"
                                 pack $w.f.c${red}${green}${blue} -side left \
                                         -in $w.f.grow_${red}${green} -fill both -expand true
                                 bind $w.f.c${red}${green}${blue} <1> {
                                         %W configure -relief sunken
                                 bind $w.f.c${red}${green}${blue} <Double-Button-1> "
                                         set Global(NewColor) {None}
                                         colorRequestor .cr %W {$redlist} {$greenlist} {$bluelist} \
                                         destroy $w
                                 bind $w.f.c${red}${green}${blue} <ButtonRelease-1> {
                                         %W configure -relief raised
                                         set Global($Global(colortype)) [%W cget -bg]
                                         $Global(F_$Global(colortype)).f_$Global(colortype) configure \
                                                 -bg $Global($Global(colortype))
                         pack $w.f.grow_${red}${green} -side top \
                                 -in $w.f.rcol_${red} -fill both -expand true
                 pack $w.f.rcol_${red} -side left -in $w.f -fill both \
                         -expand true
         if {!$Global(Plugin)} {
                 bind $w <Configure> "
                         set g \[wm geometry $w\]
                         scan \"\$g\" {%%dx%%d%%d%%d} Global(ColorWidth) Global(ColorHeight)\
                                 Global(ColorPosX) Global(ColorPosY)
         frame $w.f.c_none -width 4m -relief raised -bd 1 \
                 -highlightthickness 0
         pack $w.f.c_none -in $w.f -side left -fill y
         bind $w.f.c_none <1> {
                 %W configure -relief sunken
         bind $w.f.c_none <ButtonRelease-1> {
                 %W configure -relief raised
                 set Global($Global(colortype)) ""
                 $Global(F_$Global(colortype)).f_$Global(colortype) configure \
                         -bg [lindex [$Global(F_$Global(colortype)).f_$Global(colortype) configure -bg] 3]
         bind $w.f <Enter> {
                 set Global(MessageSave) $Global(Message)
                 set Global(Message) "$Global(colortype) Color"
         bind $w.f <Leave> {
                 set Global(Message) $Global(MessageSave)

         pack $w.f -in $w -expand true -fill both

         # Return
         if { $Global(Plugin) } {
                 pack $w -in $replace -fill both -expand true
                 update idletasks
         } else {
                 if {[info exists Global(ColorPosX)]} {
                         wm geometry $w \
                 } else {
                         wm geometry $w $Global(ColorWidth)x$Global(ColorHeight)

 proc newSlide {} {
         global Global

         if {![winfo exists .slide]} {
                 . configure -cursor watch
                 update idletasks
                 set Global(CanvasSave) $Global(CurrentPageId)
                 toplevel .slide -height $Global(ScreenH) -width $Global(ScreenW) \
                         -bg $Global(SlideBG) -borderwidth 0 -relief flat -highlightthickness 0
                 wm withdraw .slide
                 wm overrideredirect .slide true
                 .slide configure -cursor watch
                 update idletasks
                 bind .slide <Double-Button-3> {
                         grab release [grab current]
                         destroy .slide
                         set Global(CurrentCanvas) .can.c$Global(CanvasSave)
                         set Global(CurrentPageId) $Global(CanvasSave)
                 bind .slide <Control-Button-1> {
                         grab release [grab current]
                         destroy .slide
                         set Global(CurrentCanvas) .can.c$Global(CanvasSave)
                         set Global(CurrentPageId) $Global(CanvasSave)
                 bind .slide <Key-Escape> {
                         grab release [grab current]
                         destroy .slide
                         set Global(CurrentCanvas) .can.c$Global(CanvasSave)
                         set Global(CurrentPageId) $Global(CanvasSave)
                 bind .slide <Button-1> {
                         set Global(CurrentCanvas) .can.c$Global(CanvasSave)
                         set Global(CurrentPageId) [expr $Global(CurrentPageId) + 1]
                         if {[winfo exists .can.c$Global(CurrentPageId)]} {
                                 wm deiconify .slide
                                 raise .slide
                                 raise .slide.c$Global(CurrentPageId)
                                 focus .slide
                                 grab .slide
                         } else {
                                 set Global(CurrentPageId) [expr $Global(CurrentPageId) - 1]
                 bind .slide <Key-Next> {
                         set Global(CurrentCanvas) .can.c$Global(CanvasSave)
                         set Global(CurrentPageId) [expr $Global(CurrentPageId) + 1]
                         if {! [winfo exists .can.c$Global(CurrentPageId)]} {
                                 if {$Global(Circulate)} {
                                         set Global(CurrentPageId) 1
                                 } else {
                                         set Global(CurrentPageId) [expr $Global(CurrentPageId) - 1]
                         wm deiconify .slide
                         raise .slide
                         raise .slide.c$Global(CurrentPageId)
                         focus .slide
                         grab .slide
                 bind .slide <Button-3> {
                         set Global(CurrentCanvas) .can.c$Global(CanvasSave)
                         set Global(CurrentPageId) [expr $Global(CurrentPageId) - 1]
                         if {[winfo exists .can.c$Global(CurrentPageId)]} {
                                 wm deiconify .slide
                                 raise .slide
                                 raise .slide.c$Global(CurrentPageId)
                                 focus .slide
                                 grab .slide
                         } else {
                                 set Global(CurrentPageId) [expr $Global(CurrentPageId) + 1]
                 bind .slide <Key-Prior> {
                         set Global(CurrentCanvas) .can.c$Global(CanvasSave)
                         set Global(CurrentPageId) [expr $Global(CurrentPageId) - 1]
                         if {[winfo exists .can.c$Global(CurrentPageId)]} {
                                 wm deiconify .slide
                                 raise .slide
                                 raise .slide.c$Global(CurrentPageId)
                                 focus .slide
                                 grab .slide
                         } else {
                                 set Global(CurrentPageId) [expr $Global(CurrentPageId) + 1]
         } else {
                 .slide configure -cursor watch
                 update idletasks
         if {![winfo exists .slide.c$Global(CurrentPageId)]} {
                 canvas .slide.c$Global(CurrentPageId) -bg $Global(SlideBG) \
                         -height $Global(ScreenH) \
                         -width $Global(ScreenW) -highlightthickness 0 -bd 0
                 set Global(CurrentCanvas) .can.c$Global(CurrentPageId)
                 cutCopySelected Copy all 0
                 set Global(CurrentCanvas) .slide.c$Global(CurrentPageId)
                 pasteCutCopy 0 0 normal Copy 0
                 pack forget [pack slaves .slide]
                 pack .slide.c$Global(CurrentPageId) -in .slide \
                         -expand true -fill both
                 scaleObject all "" $Global(ScreenW) $Global(ScreenH)
                 scaleObject Imp_Background variable $Global(ScreenW)+3 $Global(ScreenH)+3
                 update idletasks
                 .slide configure -cursor ""
                 . configure -cursor ""
                 update idletasks
         } else {
                 pack forget [pack slaves .slide]
                 .slide.c$Global(CurrentPageId) configure -bg $Global(SlideBG)
                 pack .slide.c$Global(CurrentPageId) -in .slide \
                         -expand true -fill both
                 update idletasks
                 .slide configure -cursor ""
                 . configure -cursor ""
                 update idletasks
         wm deiconify .slide
         raise .slide
         raise .slide.c$Global(CurrentPageId)
         focus .slide
         grab .slide

 proc newCanvas { cf name } {
         global Global

         if {[winfo exists $Global(CurrentCanvas)]} {
                 pack forget $Global(CurrentCanvas)
         set Global(CurrentCanvas) "$cf.$name"
         if {![winfo exists $Global(CurrentCanvas)]} {
                 canvas $Global(CurrentCanvas) -scrollregion \
                         "0i 0i $Global(PageWidth) $Global(PageHeight)" \
                         -width $Global(PageVisX) -height $Global(PageVisY) \
                         -bg $Global(SlideBG) -xscrollcommand "$cf.scrollx set" \
                         -yscrollcommand "$cf.scrolly set" -bd 0
                 canvas $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulerx \
                         -width $Global(PageWidth) -height .25i \
                         -relief raised -bd 1 -highlightthickness 0
                 canvas $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulery \
                         -width .25i -height $Global(PageHeight) \
                         -relief raised -bd 1 -highlightthickness 0
                 doRuler $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulerx $Global(PageWidth) .25i 0 0 1 h \
                         {.0625 .125 .25 .5} ""
                 doRuler $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulery $Global(PageHeight) .25i 0 0 1 v \
                         {.0625 .125 .25 .5} ""
                 set Global(RulerX) [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create window 0i .25i \
                         -anchor sw -window $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulerx -tags rulerx]
                 set Global(RulerY) [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create window 0i 0i \
                         -anchor nw -window $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulery -tags rulery]
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) delete $Global(RulerX)
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) delete $Global(RulerY)

         bind $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulery <1> {
                 set pc [winfo parent %W]
                 set rylastx [$pc canvasx %X]
                 set rylasty [$pc canvasy %Y]
         bind $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulerx <1> {
                 set pc [winfo parent %W]
                 set rxlastx [$pc canvasx %X]
                 set rxlasty [$pc canvasy %Y]
         bind $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulerx <Motion> {
                 if {$Global(Grid)} {
                         set x [%W canvasx %x $Global(GridX)]
                 } else {
                         set x [%W canvasx %x 1]
                 set Global(Xpos) \
                         "[format {%%3.3f} [expr $x / $Global(CoordFactorX)]]$Global(UnitX)"
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulerx coords h \
                         $x [$Global(CurrentCanvas) cget -height] $x 0
         bind $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulery <Motion> {
                 if {$Global(Grid)} {
                         set y [%W canvasy %y $Global(GridY)]
                 } else {
                         set y [%W canvasy %y 1]
                 set Global(Ypos) \
                         "[format {%%3.3f} [expr $y / $Global(CoordFactorY)]]$Global(UnitY)"
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulery coords v \
                         0 $y [$Global(CurrentCanvas) cget -width] $y
         bind $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulery <B1-Motion> {
                 set pc [winfo parent %W]
                 set x [$pc canvasx %X]
                 $pc move rulery [expr $x - $rylastx] 0
                 set rylastx $x
         bind $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulerx <B1-Motion> {
                 set pc [winfo parent %W]
                 set y [$pc canvasy %Y]
                 $pc move rulerx 0 [expr $y - $rxlasty]
                 set rxlasty $y

         bind $Global(CurrentCanvas) <Key-Next> {
         bind $Global(CurrentCanvas) <Key-Prior> {

         bind $Global(CurrentCanvas) <Control-Key-v> {
                 pasteCutCopy $Global(LastX) $Global(LastY) absolute Cut 1

         bind $Global(CurrentCanvas) <Key-Delete> {
                 set Global(Message) Cut
                 cutCopySelected Cut Imp_Selected 1
                 setCursor Select
                 set Global(Message) Select

         if {!$Global(Plugin)} {
                 bind $Global(CurrentCanvas) <Alt-Key-s> {

         bind $Global(CurrentCanvas) <ButtonRelease-1> {
                 set boxselector [%W coords selector]
                 set Global(AnchorChosen) 0
                 if {"$boxselector" != ""} {
                         switch $Global(Cursor) {
                                 Select {
                                         %W delete selector
                                         selectBoundedItems $boxselector Add
                                 Oval {
                                         %W delete selector
                                         createOval $boxselector
                                         if {$Global(MenuSelect)} {
                                                 setCursor Select
                                                 set Global(Message) Select
                                                 set Global(MenuSelect) 0
                                 Rounded_Rectangle {
                                         %W delete selector
                                         createRRectangle $boxselector 1
                                         if {$Global(MenuSelect)} {
                                                 setCursor Select
                                                 set Global(Message) Select
                                                 set Global(MenuSelect) 0
                                 Rectangle {
                                         %W delete selector
                                         createRRectangle $boxselector 0
                                         if {$Global(MenuSelect)} {
                                                 setCursor Select
                                                 set Global(Message) Select
                                                 set Global(MenuSelect) 0
                                 Text {
                                         %W delete selector
                                         createText $boxselector
                                         if {$Global(MenuSelect)} {
                                                 setCursor Select
                                                 set Global(Message) Select
                                                 set Global(MenuSelect) 0
                                 Rotate {
                                         %W delete selector
                                         %W raise selectorbox
                                         set Global(Sub-Cursor) ""
                 } else {
                         switch $Global(Cursor) {
                                 Scale {
                                         setCursor Select
                                         set Global(Message) Select
                                         %W configure -cursor ""
                                 Draw {
                                         %W delete Global(curline)
                                         if {[llength $Global(curline)] > 3} {
                                         eval %W create line $Global(curline) \
                                                 -fill \"$Global(Outline)\" \
                                                 -stipple \"$Global(Stipple)\" \
                                                 -width \"$Global(Width)\" \
                                                 -smooth \"$Global(Smooth)\" \
                                                 -arrow \"$Global(Arrow)\" \
                                                 -joinstyle \"$Global(JoinStyle)\"
                                         if {$Global(MenuSelect)} {
                                                 setCursor Select
                                                 set Global(Message) Select
                                                 set Global(MenuSelect) 0

         bind $Global(CurrentCanvas) <Button-3> {
                 switch $Global(Cursor) {
                         Polygon -
                         Line {
                                 switch "$Global(Sub-Cursor)" {
                                         Line-Active {
                                                 set Global(Sub-Cursor) ""
                                                 %W delete Global(curline)
                                                 %W delete selector
                                                 createLine $Global(curline)
                                                 if {$Global(MenuSelect)} {
                                                         setCursor Select
                                                         set Global(Message) Select
                                                         set Global(MenuSelect) 0
                                         Polygon-Active {
                                                 set Global(Sub-Cursor) ""
                                                 %W delete Global(curline)
                                                 %W delete selector
                                                 createPolygon $Global(curline)
                                                 if {$Global(MenuSelect)} {
                                                         setCursor Select
                                                         set Global(Message) Select
                                                         set Global(MenuSelect) 0

         bind $Global(CurrentCanvas) <Control-Button-1> {
                 focus %W
                 markSpot %x %y
                 switch $Global(Cursor) {
                         Select {
                                 set item [findItemUnderCursor]
                                 set tags [%W gettags $item]
                                 . configure -cursor watch
                                 update idletasks
                                 selectItem $item $tags Add
                                 update idletasks
                                 . configure -cursor ""
                                 update idletasks

         bind $Global(CurrentCanvas) <Double-Button-1> {
                 focus %W
                 markSpot %x %y
                 switch $Global(Cursor) {
                         Select {
                                 set items [%W find withtag Imp_selected]
                                 if {"$items" != ""} {
                                         propRaise .prop $items

         bind $Global(CurrentCanvas) <Button-1> {
                 focus %W
                 markSpot %x %y
                 switch $Global(Cursor) {
                         Select {
                                 set item [findItemUnderCursor]
                                 set tags [%W gettags $item]
                                 . configure -cursor watch
                                 update idletasks
                                 selectItem $item $tags New
                                 update idletasks
                                 . configure -cursor ""
                                 update idletasks
                         Draw {
                                 set Global(curline) ""
                                 lappend Global(curline) [eval expr int($Global(LastX))] \
                                         [eval expr int($Global(LastY))]
                         Line {
                                 switch $Global(Sub-Cursor) {
                                         Line-Active {
                                                 lappend Global(curline) $Global(LastX) \
                                                 set l [llength $Global(curline)]
                                                 if {$l > 2} {
                                                         eval %W create line \
                                                                 [lrange $Global(curline) \
                                                                 [eval expr $l - 4] end] \
                                                                 -tags Global(curline)
                                         default {
                                                 set Global(curline) ""
                                                 lappend Global(curline) \
                                                         [eval expr int($Global(LastX))] \
                                                         [eval expr int($Global(LastY))]
                                                 set Global(Sub-Cursor) Line-Active
                         Oval {
                         Rectangle {
                         Rounded_Rectangle {
                         Text {
                         Polygon {
                                 switch $Global(Sub-Cursor) {
                                         Polygon-Active {
                                                 lappend Global(curline) \
                                                         [eval expr int($Global(LastX))] \
                                                         [eval expr int($Global(LastY))]
                                                 set l [llength $Global(curline)]
                                                 if {$l > 2} {
                                                         eval %W create line \
                                                                 [lrange $Global(curline) \
                                                                 [eval expr $l - 4] end] \
                                                                 -tags Global(curline)
                                         default {
                                                 set Global(curline) ""
                                                 lappend Global(curline) \
                                                         [eval expr int($Global(LastX))] \
                                                         [eval expr int($Global(LastY))]
                                                 set Global(Sub-Cursor) Polygon-Active
                         Rotate {
                                 set Global(Sub-Cursor) Rotate-Active
                         Paste {
                                 %W configure -cursor watch
                                 pasteCutCopy $Global(LastX) $Global(LastY) absolute Cut 1
                                 update idletasks
                                 cutCopySelected Copy Imp_Selected 1
                                 set Global(Cut) $Global(Copy)
                                 %W configure -cursor ""

         bind $Global(CurrentCanvas) <Motion> {
                 raise %W
                 focus %W
                 if {$Global(Grid)} {
                         set x [%W canvasx %x $Global(GridX)]
                 } else {
                         set x [%W canvasx %x 1]
                 if {$Global(Grid)} {
                         set y [%W canvasy %y $Global(GridY)]
                 } else {
                         set y [%W canvasy %y 1]
                 set Global(Xpos) \
                         "[format {%%3.3f} [expr $x / $Global(CoordFactorX)]]$Global(UnitX)"
                 set Global(Ypos) \
                         "[format {%%3.3f} [expr $y / $Global(CoordFactorY)]]$Global(UnitY)"
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulerx coords h \
                         $x [$Global(CurrentCanvas) cget -height] $x 0
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulery coords v \
                         0 $y [$Global(CurrentCanvas) cget -width] $y

                 switch $Global(Cursor) {
                         Polygon -
                         Line {
                                 switch $Global(Sub-Cursor) {
                                         Polygon-Active -
                                         Line-Active {
                                                 %W delete selector
                                                 %W create line $Global(LastX) $Global(LastY) $x $y \
                                                         -tags selector

         bind $Global(CurrentCanvas) <Control-B1-Motion> {
                 raise %W
                 focus %W
                 if {$Global(Grid)} {
                         set x [%W canvasx %x $Global(GridX)]
                 } else {
                         set x [%W canvasx %x 1]
                 if {$Global(Grid)} {
                         set y [%W canvasy %y $Global(GridY)]
                 } else {
                         set y [%W canvasy %y 1]
                 set Global(Xpos) \
                         "[format {%%3.3f} [expr $x / $Global(CoordFactorX)]]$Global(UnitX)"
                 set Global(Ypos) \
                         "[format {%%3.3f} [expr $y / $Global(CoordFactorY)]]$Global(UnitY)"
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulerx coords h \
                         $x [$Global(CurrentCanvas) cget -height] $x 0
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulery coords v \
                         0 $y [$Global(CurrentCanvas) cget -width] $y

                 switch $Global(Cursor) {
                         Scale {
                                 set cursor [lindex [%W configure -cursor] 4]
                                 scaleSelected $cursor $x $y %X %Y
                         Select {
                                 dragBoxOrMove $item $tags $x $y %X %Y
         bind $Global(CurrentCanvas) <B1-Motion> {
                 focus %W
                 if {$Global(Grid)} {
                         set x [%W canvasx %x $Global(GridX)]
                 } else {
                         set x [%W canvasx %x 1]
                 if {$Global(Grid)} {
                         set y [%W canvasy %y $Global(GridY)]
                 } else {
                         set y [%W canvasy %y 1]
                 set Global(Xpos) \
                         "[format {%%3.3f} [expr $x / $Global(CoordFactorX)]]$Global(UnitX)"
                 set Global(Ypos) \
                         "[format {%%3.3f} [expr $y / $Global(CoordFactorY)]]$Global(UnitY)"
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulerx coords h \
                         $x [$Global(CurrentCanvas) cget -height] $x 0
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulery coords v \
                         0 $y [$Global(CurrentCanvas) cget -width] $y

                 switch $Global(Cursor) {
                         Scale {
                                 set cursor [lindex [%W configure -cursor] 4]
                                 scaleSelected $cursor $x $y %X %Y
                         Select {
                                 dragBoxOrMove $item $tags $x $y %X %Y
                         Draw {
                                 %W create line $Global(LastX) $Global(LastY) $x $y \
                                         -tags Global(curline)
                                 repositionWindow %X %Y
                                 lappend Global(curline) $x $y
                                 set Global(LastX) $x
                                 set Global(LastY) $y
                         Oval {
                                 %W delete selector
                                 %W create oval $Global(LastX) $Global(LastY) $x $y \
                                         -tags selector
                                 repositionWindow %X %Y
                         Rounded_Rectangle {
                                 %W delete selector
                                 %W create rectangle $Global(LastX) $Global(LastY) $x $y \
                                         -tags selector
                                 repositionWindow %X %Y
                         Rectangle {
                                 %W delete selector
                                 %W create rectangle $Global(LastX) $Global(LastY) $x $y \
                                         -tags selector
                                 repositionWindow %X %Y
                         Text {
                                 %W delete selector
                                 %W create rectangle $Global(LastX) $Global(LastY) $x $y \
                                         -tags selector
                                 repositionWindow %X %Y
                         Rotate -
                         Polygon -
                         Line {
                                 switch $Global(Sub-Cursor) {
                                         Polygon-Active -
                                         Line-Active {
                                                 %W delete selector
                                                 %W create line $Global(LastX) $Global(LastY) $x $y \
                                                         -tags selector
                                                 repositionWindow %X %Y
                                         Rotate-Active {
                                                 %W delete selector
                                                 %W create line $Global(LastX) $Global(LastY) $x $y \
                                                         -arrow last -tags selector
                                                 set xnorm [eval expr $x - $Global(LastX)]
                                                 set ynorm [eval expr $y - $Global(LastY)]
                                                 set rho [eval expr sqrt(pow(($x - $Global(LastX)),2) +\
                                                          pow(($y - $Global(LastY)),2))]
                                                 if {$rho != 0} {
                                                         set angle [eval expr asin($ynorm/$rho)]
                                                         set degrees [eval expr \
                                                         if {$xnorm >= 0} {
                                                                 if {$ynorm >= 0} {
                                                                         set degrees [eval expr abs($degrees)]
                                                                 } else {
                                                                         set degrees \
                                                                                 [eval expr 360.0 - abs($degrees)]
                                                         } else {
                                                                 if {$ynorm >= 0} {
                                                                         set degrees \
                                                                                 [eval expr 180.0 - abs($degrees)]
                                                                 } else {
                                                                         set degrees \
                                                                                 [eval expr 180.0 + abs($degrees)]
                                                         %W create arc [eval expr $Global(LastX) - 20] \
                                                                 [eval expr $Global(LastY) - 20] \
                                                                 [eval expr $Global(LastX) + 20] \
                                                                 [eval expr $Global(LastY) + 20] \
                                                                 -start 0 -extent [eval expr 0 - $degrees] \
                                                                 -stipple gray50 -outline black -fill white \
                                                                 -tags selector
                                                         set coords [%W coords selectorbox]
                                                         %W delete selectorbox
                                                         eval %W create polygon \
                                                                 [eval RotateF [eval expr $degrees - \
                                                                 $Global(LastAngle)] \
                                                                 $Global(LastX) $Global(LastY) $coords] \
                                                                 -tags selectorbox \
                                                                 -stipple gray25 -outline \"\" -fill black
                                                         set Global(LastAngle) $degrees
                                                         set Global(Message) $degrees
         pack $Global(CurrentCanvas) -in $ -side left -expand true \
                 -fill both
         changePageProp $Global(PageWidth) $Global(PageHeight) $Global(Landscape)

         return $Global(CurrentCanvas)

 proc nextPage {} {
         global Global

         set Global(CurrentPageId) [expr $Global(CurrentPageId) + 1]
         newCanvas .can c$Global(CurrentPageId)
         update idletasks

 proc prevPage {} {
         global Global

         if {$Global(CurrentPageId) > 1} {
                 set Global(CurrentPageId) [expr $Global(CurrentPageId) - 1]
                 newCanvas .can c$Global(CurrentPageId)
                 update idletasks

 proc createCanvasF { name } {
         global Global

         frame $name -bd 2 -relief raised
         regexp {.(.*)} "$name" match tname
         frame $ -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $name.bottom -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0
         frame $name.corner -height 20 -width 20 -bd 2
         scrollbar $name.scrolly -bd 2 -width 15 \
                 -command {eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) yview}
         scrollbar $name.scrollx -bd 2 -width 15 -orient horiz \
                 -command {eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) xview}
         frame .right
         if {$Global(Plugin)} {
                 frame .radios -relief raised -bd 2
         frame .colors -relief raised -bd 2
         frame .colorsp
         frame .colorssel
         frame .colorseltop
         frame .colorselbottom
         frame .f_Fill -width 20 -height 20 -bd 1 -relief sunken
         frame .f_Outline -bg black -width 20 -height 20 -bd 1 -relief sunken
         scale .lw -from 1.0 -to 100.0 -bd 1 -orient h \
                 -showvalue false -variable Global(Width)
         bind .lw <Enter> {
                 set Global(MessageSave) $Global(Message)
                 set Global(Message) "Line Width"
         bind .lw <Leave> {
                 set Global(Message) $Global(MessageSave)
         label .llw -width 3 -textvariable Global(Width)
         newCanvas .can c$Global(CurrentPageId)
         button .nextpage -text "Next" -pady 1 -command "nextPage"
         button .prevpage -text "Prev" -pady 1 -command "prevPage"
         radiobutton .s_Color -value Fill -text "Fill" \
                 -variable Global(colortype) \
                 -anchor sw -indicatoron false -selectcolor ""
         radiobutton .s_Outline -value Outline -text "Outline" \
                 -variable Global(colortype) \
                 -anchor sw -indicatoron false -selectcolor ""
         if {!$Global(Plugin)} {
                 bind .s_Color <Double-Button-1> {
                         colorPaletteReq .colorpalette \
                                 {0000 3300 6600 9900 CC00 FF00} \
                                 {0000 3300 6600 9900 CC00 FF00} \
                                 {0000 3300 6600 9900 CC00 FF00} \
                 bind .s_Outline <Double-Button-1> {
                         colorPaletteReq .colorpalette \
                                 {0000 3300 6600 9900 CC00 FF00} \
                                 {0000 3300 6600 9900 CC00 FF00} \
                                 {0000 3300 6600 9900 CC00 FF00} \
         label .xpos -textvariable Global(Xpos) -height 1 -width 10
         label .ypos -textvariable Global(Ypos) -height 1 -width 10
         label .msg -relief flat -textvariable Global(Message) -height 1 -width 20
         pack .f_Fill .s_Color -side left -in .colorseltop
         pack .f_Outline .s_Outline -side left -in .colorselbottom
         pack .colorseltop .colorselbottom -side left -anchor sw -in .colorssel \
                 -fill x
         pack .colorssel -in .colors -side left
         pack .xpos .ypos -in .colors -side left
         pack .msg -in .colors -side right -fill x -expand true
         colorPaletteReq .colorpalette \
                                 {0000 3300 6600 9900 CC00 FF00} \
                                 {0000 3300 6600 9900 CC00 FF00} \
                                 {0000 3300 6600 9900 CC00 FF00} \
         if {!$Global(Plugin)} {
                 wm withdraw .colorpalette

         frame .radiosr
         frame .rotatef
         entry .rrotatee -width 6 -textvariable Global(LastAngle) -relief flat
         # label .copyright -text "ImPress .03alpha, Copyright © 1996,1997,1998 Christopher Jay Cox, All Rights Reserved." -relief raised

         buttonReq .buttons $Global(Buttons) .radiosr
         frame .width -relief raised -bd 1
         canvas .widthc -relief flat -height 8m -width 2.25i
         .widthc create text 2 2 -anchor nw -text "Line Width"
         .widthc create line 1i .14i 1.5i .14i 1.5i .21i 2i .21i \
                         -tags line \
                         -fill "$Global(Outline)" -stipple "$Global(Stipple)" \
                         -arrow "$Global(Arrow)" -joinstyle "$Global(JoinStyle)" \
                         -width "$Global(Width)"

         frame .space -width .25i
         frame .space2 -width .25i

         frame .textframe -bd 1 -relief raised
         frame .textmid
         text .text -exportselection true -width 20 -height 10 -wrap word \
                 -yscrollcommand ".tscrolly set"
         scrollbar .tscrolly -bd 2 -width 15 -command ".text yview"
         button .tclose -text "Close" -padx 2m -pady 2m \
                 -command "pack forget .textframe;pack $name -fill both -expand true"
         button .tcopy -text "Copy" -padx 2m -pady 2m \
                 -command ".text tag add sel 1.0 end"
         pack .text -in .textmid -side left -anchor sw -fill both -expand true
         pack .tscrolly -in .textmid -side right -fill y -anchor se
         pack .textmid -in .textframe -side top -anchor sw -fill both -expand true
         pack .tcopy .tclose -padx 1m -pady 1m -in .textframe -side left

         pack $name.scrolly -in $ -anchor se -side right -fill y
         pack .nextpage .prevpage -anchor sw -side left -in $name.bottom
         pack $name.scrollx -anchor se -in $name.bottom -side left -expand true \
                 -fill x
         pack $name.corner -anchor ne -in $name.bottom -side right
         # pack .copyright -anchor sw -fill x
         pack .lw .llw -in .colors -side left
         pack .colors -fill x -in $name -side top
         pack $ -side top -in $name -expand true -fill both
         pack $name.bottom -anchor sw -in $name -side top -fill x

         if {$Global(Plugin)} {
                 pack .radiosr -side left -in .radios -anchor sw
                 pack .colorsp -side left -in .radios -anchor sw -fill both -expand true
                 pack .radios -anchor sw -fill x

         pack $name -expand true -fill both
         changePageProp $Global(PageWidth) $Global(PageHeight) $Global(Landscape)
         focus $Global(CurrentCanvas)

         return $name.c

 proc doProperties { c item } {
         set type [$c type $item]
         switch "$type" {
                 line {
 proc getProperties { c item type nogroups} {
         if { "$item" != "" } {
                 set gprops ""
                 foreach prop [$c itemconfigure $item] {
                         set gpropname [lindex $prop 0]
                         set gpropval [lindex $prop 4]
                         if {$nogroups && $gpropname == "-tags"} {
                                 set ntags ""
                                 foreach tag $gpropval {
                                         if {![string match "Group*" $tag]} {
                                                 lappend ntags $tag
                                 set gpropval $ntags
                         if {"$type" == "Esc"} {
                                 lappend gprops $gpropname "{$gpropval}"
                         } else {
                                 lappend gprops $gpropname $gpropval
                 return $gprops
 proc getGroupItems { items } {
         global Group Global

         set l ""
         foreach item $items {
                 if {[info exists Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item)]} {
                         set l [concat $l [$Global(CurrentCanvas) find withtag \
                                 [lindex $Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$item) 0]]]
         return [lsort -integer [concat $items $l]]

 proc createOval {bb} {
         global Global

         set r1 [expr ([lindex $bb 2] - [lindex $bb 0])/2.0]
         set r2 [expr ([lindex $bb 3] - [lindex $bb 1])/2.0]
         set xc [expr [lindex $bb 0] + $r1]
         set yc [expr [lindex $bb 1] + $r2]

         for {set r 0} {$r < 360} {incr r 10} {
                 set sr [expr sin($r*3.14159265358979323846/180.0)]
                 set cr [expr cos($r*3.14159265358979323846/180.0)]
                 lappend shape [expr $xc + $r1 * $cr] [expr $yc + $r2 * $sr]
         set i [eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) create polygon $shape \
                 -tags oval -smooth 1 -fill \"$Global(Fill)\" \
                 -outline \"$Global(Outline)\" -stipple \"$Global(Stipple)\" \
                 -width \"$Global(Width)\"]
         return $i

 proc createEditText {c textitem} {
         if {"$textitem" != ""} {
 proc createText {boxselector} {
         global Global

         textRaise .textIn
         set x [lindex $boxselector 0]
         set y [lindex $boxselector 3]
         set Global(TextWidth) [expr [lindex $boxselector 2] - $x]
         if {$Global(Outline) == ""} {
                 set fill ""
         } else {
                 set fill "-fill {$Global(Outline)}"
         set Global(Text) [eval \$Global(CurrentCanvas) create text $x $y \
                 -anchor sw -justify left \
                 -font \"\$Global(Font)\" \
                 $fill \
                 -stipple \"\$Global(Stipple)\" -width \"\$Global(TextWidth)\" \
                 -text \" \" -tags Imp_Text]
 proc createRRectangle {boxselector smooth} {
         global Global
         set bb [bboxToCorners $boxselector]
         set xpix [winfo pixels . .25i]
         set ypix $xpix

         set x1 [lindex $bb 0]
         set y1 [lindex $bb 1]
         set x2 [lindex $bb 2]
         set y2 [lindex $bb 3]
         set x3 [lindex $bb 4]
         set y3 [lindex $bb 5]
         set x4 [lindex $bb 6]
         set y4 [lindex $bb 7]
         if {[expr $x2 - $x1] < [expr 2 * $xpix]} {
                 set xpix [expr ($x2 - $x1) * .4]
         if {[expr $y3 - $y1] < [expr 2 * $ypix]} {
                 set ypix [expr ($y3 - $y1) * .4]
         if {$xpix > $ypix} {
                 set xpix $ypix
         } else {
                 set ypix $xpix
         lappend nb $x1 $y1 [expr $x1 + $xpix] $y1 [expr $x1 + $xpix] $y1 \
                 [expr $x2 - $xpix] $y2 [expr $x2 - $xpix] $y2 $x2 $y2 \
                 $x2 [expr $y2 + $ypix] $x2 [expr $y2 + $ypix] \
                 $x3 [expr $y3 - $ypix] $x3 [expr $y3 - $ypix] \
                 $x3 $y3 [expr $x3 - $xpix] $y3 [expr $x3 - $xpix] $y3 \
                 [expr $x4 + $xpix] $y4 [expr $x4 + $xpix] $y4 $x4 $y4 \
                 $x4 [expr $y4 - $ypix] $x4 [expr $y4 - $ypix] \
                 $x1 [expr $y1 + $ypix] $x1 [expr $y1 + $ypix]
         eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) create polygon $nb \
                 -smooth $smooth -fill \"$Global(Fill)\" -outline \"$Global(Outline)\" \
                 -stipple \"$Global(Stipple)\" -width \"$Global(Width)\"
 proc createRectangle {boxselector} {
         global Global
         eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) create polygon [bboxToCorners $boxselector] \
                 -fill \"$Global(Fill)\" -outline \"$Global(Outline)\" \
                 -stipple \"$Global(Stipple)\" -width \"$Global(Width)\"
 proc createLine {coords} {
         global Global
         if {[llength $coords] > 2} {
                 return [eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) create line $coords \
                         -fill \"$Global(Outline)\" -stipple \"$Global(Stipple)\" \
                         -arrow \"$Global(Arrow)\" -joinstyle \"$Global(JoinStyle)\" \
                         -width \"$Global(Width)\" -smooth \"$Global(Smooth)\"]
 proc createSelection {} {
         global Global(selectnum)

         # Select if something tagged within box.
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag disabled Imp_selected
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag disabled Imp_selected${Global(selectnum)}

         for {set i 0} {1} {incr i} {
                 set bb [$Global(CurrentCanvas) bbox Imp_selected${i}]
                 if {"$bb" == ""} {
                 eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) create polygon \
                         [bboxToCorners "[$Global(CurrentCanvas) bbox Imp_selected${i}]"] \
                         -tags {"selectorbox"} \
                         -stipple gray25 -outline {""} -fill black
 proc createPolygon {coords} {
         global Global

         if {[llength $coords] > 5} {
                 return [eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) create polygon $coords \
                         -fill \"$Global(Fill)\" -outline \"$Global(Outline)\" \
                         -stipple \"$Global(Stipple)\" \
                         -smooth \"$Global(Smooth)\" \
                         -width \"$Global(Width)\"]
 proc createdBoundedSelection {boxselector} {
         global Global(selectnum)

         $Global(CurrentCanvas) configure -cursor watch
         update idletasks
         # If a boxselector is present, find everything it encompasses.
         set bb [$Global(CurrentCanvas) bbox $boxselector]
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) delete selector
         set itemList [eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) find enclosed $bb]
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) dtag selector

         set itemList [getGroupItems $itemList]
         foreach item $itemList {
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) addtag Imp_selected withtag $item
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) addtag Imp_selected${Global(selectnum)} withtag $item
         incr Global(selectnum)
         update idletasks
         . configure -cursor ""
         update idletasks
 proc readFile {c name} {
         global Global

         set f [open $name r]
         gets $f line
         gets $f line
         gets $f line
         gets $f line
         set art [read $f]
         eval $art

 proc getScale {name width height} {
         global Global

         set bb [eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) bbox $name]
         set x [expr [lindex $bb 2] - [lindex $bb 0]]
         set y [expr [lindex $bb 3] - [lindex $bb 1]]
         if {$x > $y} {
                 set scale [expr $width / $x]
         } else {
                 set scale [expr $height / $y]
         return $scale
 proc scaleObject {name ratio width height} {
         global Global

         set bb [eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) bbox $name]
         if {"$bb" != ""} {
                 set x [lindex $bb 2]
                 set y [lindex $bb 3]
                 if {$ratio == "variable"} {
                         set scalex [expr ($width + 0.0) / $x]
                         set scaley [expr ($height + 0.0) / $y]
                         if {$scalex > $scaley} {
                                 set scale $scaley
                         } else {
                                 set scale $scalex
                 } elseif {$ratio != ""} {
                         set scalex $ratio
                         set scaley $ratio
                         set scale $ratio
                 } else {
                         set scalex [expr ($width + 0.0) / $x]
                         set scaley [expr ($height + 0.0) / $y]
                         if {$scalex > $scaley} {
                                 set scalex $scaley
                                 set scale $scaley
                         } else {
                                 set scaley $scalex
                                 set scale $scalex
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) scale $name 0 0 $scalex $scaley
                 foreach i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) find withtag all] {
                         set type [$Global(CurrentCanvas) type $i]
                         if {"$type" != "text"} {
                         if {$Global(FontScale)} {
                                 set fn [$Global(CurrentCanvas) itemcget $i -font]
                                 regexp \
                                         $fn dummy d1 size d2;
                                 if {"$dummy" != ""} {
                                         set nsize [expr round($size * $scale)]
                                         if {$nsize < 20} {
                                                 set nsize 20
                                         $Global(CurrentCanvas) itemconfigure $i \
                                                 -font ${d1}${nsize}${d2}
                                         set fnn [$Global(CurrentCanvas) itemcget $i -font]
                                         regexp \
                                                 $fnn dummy d1 nsize d2;
                                         if { ($scale < 1 && $nsize < $size ) || \
                                                  ($scale > 1 && $nsize > $size) } {
                                                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) itemconfigure $i \
                                                         -width [expr [$Global(CurrentCanvas) itemcget $i \
                                                         -width] * $scale]
                                         } else {
                                                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) itemconfigure $i \
                                                         -font $fn
                         } else {
                                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) itemconfigure $i \
                                         -width [expr [$Global(CurrentCanvas) itemcget $i -width] \
  • $scale]

 proc getOrigin { name } {
         global Global

         set bb [eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) bbox $name]
         set x [lindex $bb 0]
         set y [lindex $bb 1]
         if {$x > 0} {
                 set nx -$x
         } else {
                 set nx [expr abs($x)]
         if {$y > 0} {
                 set ny -$y
         } else {
                 set ny [expr abs($y)]
         return "$nx $ny"

 proc moveObject { name x y } {
         global Global

         $Global(CurrentCanvas) move $name $x $y

 proc flip { name type } {
         global Global

         set bb [$Global(CurrentCanvas) bbox $name]
         if {"$bb" != ""} {
                 . configure -cursor watch
                 update idletasks
                 $Global(CurrentCanvas) delete handles
                 if {"$type" == "v"} {
                         set d [expr ([lindex $bb 2] - [lindex $bb 0])/2.0 + [lindex $bb 0]]
                 } else {
                         set d [expr ([lindex $bb 3] - [lindex $bb 1])/2.0 + [lindex $bb 1]]
                 set items [$Global(CurrentCanvas) find withtag $name]
                 foreach item $items {
                         set coords [$Global(CurrentCanvas) coords $item]
                         if {"$type" == "v"} {
                                 set i 1
                         } else {
                                 set i 0
                         set newcoords ""
                         foreach coord $coords {
                                 if {$i} {
                                         lappend newcoords [expr $coord - (2.0 * ($coord - $d))]
                                         set i 0
                                 } else {
                                         lappend newcoords $coord
                                         set i 1
                         eval $Global(CurrentCanvas) coords $item $newcoords
                 update idletasks
                 . configure -cursor ""
                 update idletasks

 proc originObject { name } {
         global Global

         set bb [$Global(CurrentCanvas) bbox $name]
         set x [lindex $bb 0]
         set y [lindex $bb 1]
         if {$x > 0} {
                 set nx -$x
         } else {
                 set nx [expr abs($x)]
         if {$y > 0} {
                 set ny -$y
         } else {
                 set ny [expr abs($y)]
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) move $name $nx $ny

 set list {
 menu Menu {} {}
                 file File {-underline 0} {}
                                 new New {-underline 0} { clearAll }
                                 open Open... {-underline 0} {openFile source Tk}
                                 saveas "Save As..." {-underline 4} {saveAsFile}
                                 print Print... {-underline 0} {printRaise .print}
                                 slide "Slide Properties..." {-underline 0} {slideRaise .slideP}
                                 pageprop "Page Properties..." {-underline 0} {set pageWidth \$Global(PageWidth);set pageHeight \$Global(PageHeight);pagePropRaise .pageProp}
                                 sep1 {} {} {}
                                 exit Exit {-underline 1} {exit}
                 insert Insert {-underline 0} {}
                                 oval Oval {-underline 0} {set Global(MenuSelect) 1;popupCanvasSet Oval}
                                 rect Rectangle {-underline 0} {set Global(MenuSelect) 1;popupCanvasSet Rectangle}
                                 line Line {-underline 0} {set Global(MenuSelect) 1;popupCanvasSet Line}
                                 poly Polygon {-underline 0} {set Global(MenuSelect) 1;popupCanvasSet Polygon}
                                 draw Draw {-underline 0} {set Global(MenuSelect) 1;popupCanvasSet Draw}
                                 text Text {-underline 0} {set Global(MenuSelect) 1;popupCanvasSet Text}
                 edit Edit {-underline 0} {}
                                 selectall {Select All} {-underline 0} {selectAll}
                                 select Select {-underline 0} {popupCanvasSet Select}
                                 group Group {-underline 0} {popupCanvasSet Group}
                                 ungroup Ungroup {-underline 0} {popupCanvasSet UnGroup}
                                 duplicate Duplicate {-underline 0} \
                                         {popupCanvasSet Duplicate}
                                 cut Cut {-underline 0} {popupCanvasSet Cut}
                                 paste Paste {-underline 0} {popupCanvasSet Paste}
                 layout Layout {-underline 0} {}
                                 grid Grid {-underline 0} {set GridX \$Global(GridX);set GridY \$Global(GridY);gridRaise .grid}
                                 headfoot Header/Footer {-underline 0} {}
                                 annotate Annotations {-underline 0} {}
                 preferences Preferences {-underline 0} {}
                                 buttons ToolBar {-underline 0}
                                 {buttonReq .buttons \$Global(Buttons) .radiosr}
 proc changePageProp { width height orient args} {
         global Global

         set Global(PageWidth) $width
         set Global(PageHeight) $height
         set Global(Landscape) $orient
         set unit ""

         regexp {(.*)(.)$} "$width" match len Global(UnitX)
         regexp {(.*)(.)$} "$height" match len Global(UnitY)

         if { "$Global(UnitX)" == "" } {
                 set Global(CoordFactorX) 1
         } else {
                 set Global(CoordFactorX) [winfo fpixels . 1$Global(UnitX)]
         if { "$Global(UnitY)" == "" } {
                 set Global(CoordFactorY) 1
         } else {
                 set Global(CoordFactorY) [winfo fpixels . 1$Global(UnitY)]

         update idletasks
         if {!$Global(Plugin)} {
                 set w [winfo width .]
                 set h [winfo height .]
                 set wp [winfo pixels . $Global(PageWidth)]
                 set hp [winfo pixels . $Global(PageHeight)]
                 set junkw [expr $w - [winfo width $Global(CurrentCanvas)]]
                 set junkh [expr $h - [winfo height $Global(CurrentCanvas)]]
                 set nw [expr $wp + $junkw]
                 set nh [expr $hp + $junkh]
                 wm maxsize .  $nw $nh
                 if {$nw < $w || $nh < $h} {
                         wm geometry . ${nw}x${nh}
         $Global(CurrentCanvas) configure \
                 -scrollregion "0i 0i $Global(PageWidth) $Global(PageHeight)"

         $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulerx configure \
                  -width $Global(PageWidth)
         doRuler $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulerx $Global(PageWidth) .25i 0 0 1 h \
                 "" ""
         $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulery configure \
                  -height $Global(PageHeight)
         doRuler $Global(CurrentCanvas).rulery $Global(PageHeight) .25i 0 0 1 v \
                 "" ""
         set Global($Global(CurrentCanvas)_Width) $Global(PageWidth)
         set Global($Global(CurrentCanvas)_Height) $Global(PageHeight)
         set Global($Global(CurrentCanvas)_Landscape) $Global(Landscape)
         update idletasks

 set Global(CurrentCanvas) ""
 if { ! $Global(Plugin) } {
         set menuparms [createMenu "" menu $list]
         eval tk_menuBar $menuparms
 set c [createCanvasF ".can"]
 setCursor Select

 if { [lindex $argv 0] != "" } {
         openfile source [lindex $argv 0]

Category Application | Category GUI | Category Graphics