Version 18 of websh

Updated 2006-01-16 02:29:36

The Apache mod_websh module handles, among other things, database connections in a rather sophisticated way.

[Reference to other Web-Tcl systems.]

Newsgroup discussion: [L1 ]

SEH 2005May17 -- Has this product been abandoned? No updates since the initial announcement. Pity if it has, it looks really interesting. I like the fact that it can be used as a standalone shell without a web server, for prototyping and sandboxing purposes (as opposed to Rivet AFAIK).

US 2005 May 18 -- No.There is still some development (bug fixes) going on. Don't use the 3.5.0 download from , it's outdated and contains a few bugs. Rather get the CVS head:

 cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/home/cvspublic co tcl-websh

Peter Newman 19 May 2005: Does anyone have a Windows binary (preferably 9x; alternatively XP,) for websh?

RB 4 Jan 2006: Websh 3.6.0b3 has been released recently. Unfortunately, still no Windows binary available. But at least it features a Makefile for VC 6.0 nmake. And source has been moved to Subversion[L2 ].

RLH 4 Jan 2006: I hope that when 3.6 is released it will have a binary for Windows. Note: I cannot build only install. : \

For the head use

  svn co websh

Latest build currently

  svn co websh

SEH 20060104 -- FWIW, I compiled the 3.6.0b3 loadable module dll using the provided Windows makefile without problems. The module loaded into my Tcl interpreter (8.4.7 on WinXP) without error or complaint. I look forward to experimenting with it.

20060114 -- I have placed the websh3.6.0b3.dll loadable module I compiled on the web for those who want to try it out. It's at:

RLH 2006-01-15: Is there documentation about where that DLL goes and how to setup websh? I could not find it on the websh site.

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