Version 17 of viTHE

Updated 2004-01-07 09:16:33

Page started by CB

viTHE is my attempt to combine the aspects I like best about the vi editor and THE (the Hessling editor).

Ultimately I am hoping it will include modes for vi emulation as well as THE emulation. I would also like to have a mixed compatability mode that will allow vi movement with THE style prefix commands and THE command line evaluation.

It it should be extensible via Tcl in an easy fashion. (It will use Tcl as its macro language vs the REXX that THE uses)

I am expecting this project to take me a while before it is useful anyone besides me (if ever). I am mostly doing it because I want it and it has turned out to be fun beyond my imagining.

I intend ultimately to have both a Tk version and a character mode version (using Ck). If anyone can give me advice on what it takes to get Ck compiled on Win32 and what changes are required to PDcurses [L1 ] to get it to work with Ck I would appreciate it.

I will provide source code on request and a starkit once some reasonable level of usefulness is achieved.

Current Status:

 - viTHE is now capable of being used to edit itself.
 - keybindings are not implemented yet.
 - modes are not implemented yet.
 - commandline is working and some basic THE style commands are implemented
 - arbitrary Tcl code can be evaluated from the commandline
 - system interaction with cmd.exe is being developed but is buggy --
    (due to my lack of knowledge of how to preserve text from substitution till it is passed to the shell).
 - a file buffer ring has been implemented allowing editing of multiple files without forcing saves