[['''`[http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/TkCmd/ttk_panedwindow.htm%|%ttk::panedwindow]`'''] creates and manipulates [ttk] [paned window] [widget%|%widgets]. ** See Also ** [paned window]: ** Documentation ** [http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/TkCmd/ttk_panedwindow.htm%|%official reference]: See [Changing Widget Colors] for style options ** Discussion ** ***Resize when client window size changes*** [SPB] 2015-09-14: I wish to have the "-stretch last" or "-stretch never" behaviour of tk::panedwindow, but I cannot figure out how one might do that with ttk::panedwindow. Any suggestions? (My specific problem is that I have a frame F packed into the bottom pane of my panedwindow, that I wish to always take up solely the space of the frame, unless the user moves the sash. Setting the weight to 0 fails, as the pane acquires no space at all and the frame F remains invisible when added to the PW. Setting non-zero weights causes extra (empty) space to become proportionally allocated to F, when I don't want it to get any extra space at all.) Is there a way to have a pane of a ttk::panedwindow to allocate the space of the frame it contains, but no more than that? Thank you! [HaO] Joe English answered on the core list [http://code.activestate.com/lists/tcl-core/14879/]: ttk::panedwindow only honors geometry requests from slaves if they are currently unmapped. IIRC, the core panedwindow works the same way. I do not recall the exact details, but doing otherwise led to erratic behavior when the user dragged the sash, especially in combination with ill-behaved megawidgets. If you unmap and remap the pane after adding subwindows, that will retrigger geometry propagation. ---- ***Ordered list of managed slaves*** [WHD] 2010-04-14: Is there a way to get a list of the names of the managed subwindows in index order? I can refer to managed subwindows from 0 to end, but I don't see any way in the interface to determine how many managed windows there are, nor the order in which they are stacked. [winfo children] returns the children of the panedwindow in the order of creation, which can be very different. [MG]: The ttk::panedwindow has some undocumented subcommands, the one you want is `$panedWindow panes`: ======none (bin) 1 % pack [ttk::panedwindow .pw] (bin) 2 % .pw foobar bad command "foobar": must be add, configure, cget, forget, identify, insert, instate, pane, panes, sashpos, or state (bin) 3 % set tcl_patchLevel 8.5.7 $panedWindow panes ;# returns a list of all widgets being used as panes, in order $panedWindow add $widget [-option value ...] ;# seems to be an alias for $panedWindow insert end $widget [-option value ...] ====== ---- [MHo] 2008-04-09: Does someone know if and how it's possible to determine the dimension of a pane inside a panedwindow? I have a canvas inside a pane that holds an image. If resizing / maximizing the top-level windows, everything should grow to use the extra space. But the pane itself says it is has the dimension '''1x1''', and the canvas stays as its initial size (if I don't specify such initial size, something else goes wrong that is beyond the scope of this question...). [MG]: I've noticed with this (and other Tile widgets) in Windows / Tk 8.5 that there's a delay before sizes and things fully update - calling [update] and/or [update idletasks] doesn't resolve the problem. I've had to resort to doing something like ====== $widget add $foo after 25 [list doStuffWith $widget] ====== to give the widgets time to update their sizes and report the correct ones back. See if that resolves the problem? In your case, [winfo] width and [winfo height] on the canvas may work, too? ** Create a Custom Sash Handle bar** In the default theme the sash handle bar is empty. So it is not obvious that it is a panedwindow. This little piece of code creates a new style for the panedwindow which as a Firefox-like sash handle bar. ====== image create photo img:sash -data { R0lGODlhBQB5AKECADMzM9TQyP///////yH+EUNyZWF0ZWQgd2l0aCBHSU1QACH5BAEKAAMALAAA AAAFAHkAAAJOjA95y+0LUAxpUkufboLh1UFPiIyeKTqk8R1rpp5xysk1zbytoaPl/LsFczYiDlRE Hl1J5pLXhD4DPSDLd7XChFnudgO2KC5izA6sqTQKADs= } ttk::style element create Sash.xsash image \ [list img:sash ] \ -border {1 1} -sticky ew -padding {1 1} ttk::style layout TPanedwindow { Sash.xsash } ====== ** Example ** ====== package require Ttk # ttk::setTheme clam set xf [ttk::frame .f] set pw [ttk::panedwindow .f.pw -orient horizontal ] ttk::frame $pw.f1 ttk::label $pw.f1.l -text "Frame 1" pack $pw.f1.l ttk::frame $pw.f2 ttk::label $pw.f2.l -text "Frame 2" pack $pw.f2.l $pw add $pw.f1 $pw add $pw.f2 pack $pw -expand 1 -fill both pack $xf -expand 1 -fill both ====== ----- ***MinSize*** [HaO] 2016-05-19: I asked on clt "ttk::panedwindow minheight and sash" about a minimum size of a managed window. For me, it is often not clear to the user that: * there is a pane people may drag * there are two windows when the sash is at one of the borders. Unfortunately, the sash may move to the border by a window resize or at application statup. The user may not be the cause for the hidden panes. I tried the upper "sash icon". It did not work for me, as the sash icon itself was often hidden on resizing. Within the clt thread, Brad Lanam supplied the following script which resets the sas to position 30 if dragged to 0: ====== proc dosash { w args } { set sp [.p sashpos 0] if { $sp < 20 } { .p sashpos 0 30 } } proc conf { w args } { } proc out { f } { .p forget $f if { [llength [.p panes]] == 0 } { wm withdraw . } update wm manage $f bind $f [list in $f] $f configure -background pink } proc in { f } { wm forget $f .p add $f wm deiconify . bind $f [list out $f] $f configure -background [string trim $f .] } ttk::style configure TPanedwindow \ -background blue ttk::style configure Sash -sashthickness 20 ttk::panedwindow .p -orient horizontal -style TPanedwindow pack .p -expand true -fill both pack propagate .p false frame .cyan -background cyan -height 200 -width 200 ttk::label .cyan.txt -text {This is frame one.} pack .cyan.txt frame .yellow -background yellow -height 200 -width 200 ttk::label .yellow.txt -text {This is frame two.} pack .yellow.txt .cyan configure -height 200 -width 200 .yellow configure -height 200 -width 200 .p add .cyan -weight 1 .p add .yellow -weight 1 bind .cyan [list out .cyan] bind .yellow [list out .yellow] bind .cyan [list .cyan configure -width 420] bind .yellow [list .yellow configure -width 420] bind .p [list conf %W] bind .p [list dosash %W] bind .cyan [list conf %W] bind .yellow [list conf %W] ====== ----- ***Lock pane*** [PO] 2017-05-12: Had the need to lock panes. Here is a solution using [bindtags]: ====== package require Tk proc LockPane { w onOff } { if { $onOff } { bindtags $w { $w . all } } else { bindtags $w { $w TPanedwindow . all } } } set fr .fr frame $fr pack $fr -expand 1 -fill both set vpane $fr.vpane ttk::panedwindow $vpane -orient vertical pack $vpane -side top -expand 1 -fill both set tf $vpane.tfr set bf $vpane.bfr frame $tf -bg red frame $bf -bg green pack $tf -expand 1 -fill both pack $bf -expand 1 -fill both $vpane add $tf $vpane add $bf set hpane $bf.hpane ttk::panedwindow $hpane -orient horizontal pack $hpane -side top -expand 1 -fill both set lf $hpane.lfr set rf $hpane.rfr frame $lf -bg yellow frame $rf -bg magenta pack $lf -expand 1 -fill both pack $rf -expand 1 -fill both $hpane add $lf $hpane add $rf button $tf.b1 -text "Lock vertical" -command "LockPane $vpane true" button $tf.b2 -text "Lock horizontal" -command "LockPane $hpane true" pack $tf.b1 $tf.b2 -fill x button $lf.b1 -text "Unlock vertical" -command "LockPane $vpane false" button $lf.b2 -text "Unlock horizontal" -command "LockPane $hpane false" pack $lf.b1 $lf.b2 -fill x wm minsize . 300 200 update $hpane sashpos 0 150 $vpane sashpos 0 100 ====== <> Widget | paned window