[['''`[http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/TkCmd/ttk_panedwindow.htm%|%ttk::panedwindow]`'''] creates and manipulates [ttk] [paned window] [widget%|%widgets]. ** See Also ** [paned window]: ** Documentation ** [http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/TkCmd/ttk_panedwindow.htm%|%official reference]: ** Discussion ** ***Resize when client window size changes*** [SPB] 2015-09-14: I wish to have the "-stretch last" or "-stretch never" behaviour of tk::panedwindow, but I cannot figure out how one might do that with ttk::panedwindow. Any suggestions? (My specific problem is that I have a frame F packed into the bottom pane of my panedwindow, that I wish to always take up solely the space of the frame, unless the user moves the sash. Setting the weight to 0 fails, as the pane acquires no space at all and the frame F remains invisible when added to the PW. Setting non-zero weights causes extra (empty) space to become proportionally allocated to F, when I don't want it to get any extra space at all.) Is there a way to have a pane of a ttk::panedwindow to allocate the space of the frame it contains, but no more than that? Thank you! [HaO] Joe English answered on the core list [http://code.activestate.com/lists/tcl-core/14879/]: ttk::panedwindow only honors geometry requests from slaves if they are currently unmapped. IIRC, the core panedwindow works the same way. I do not recall the exact details, but doing otherwise led to erratic behavior when the user dragged the sash, especially in combination with ill-behaved megawidgets. If you unmap and remap the pane after adding subwindows, that will retrigger geometry propagation. ---- [WHD] 2010-04-14: Is there a way to get a list of the names of the managed subwindows in index order? I can refer to managed subwindows from 0 to end, but I don't see any way in the interface to determine how many managed windows there are, nor the order in which they are stacked. [winfo children] returns the children of the panedwindow in the order of creation, which can be very different. [MG]: The ttk::panedwindow has some undocumented subcommands, the one you want is `$panedWindow panes`: ======none (bin) 1 % pack [ttk::panedwindow .pw] (bin) 2 % .pw foobar bad command "foobar": must be add, configure, cget, forget, identify, insert, instate, pane, panes, sashpos, or state (bin) 3 % set tcl_patchLevel 8.5.7 $panedWindow panes ;# returns a list of all widgets being used as panes, in order $panedWindow add $widget [-option value ...] ;# seems to be an alias for $panedWindow insert end $widget [-option value ...] ====== ---- [MHo] 2008-04-09: Does someone know if and how it's possible to determine the dimension of a pane inside a panedwindow? I have a canvas inside a pane that holds an image. If resizing / maximizing the top-level windows, everything should grow to use the extra space. But the pane itself says it is has the dimension '''1x1''', and the canvas stays as its initial size (if I don't specify such initial size, something else goes wrong that is beyond the scope of this question...). [MG]: I've noticed with this (and other Tile widgets) in Windows / Tk 8.5 that there's a delay before sizes and things fully update - calling [update] and/or [update idletasks] doesn't resolve the problem. I've had to resort to doing something like ====== $widget add $foo after 25 [list doStuffWith $widget] ====== to give the widgets time to update their sizes and report the correct ones back. See if that resolves the problem? In your case, [winfo] width and [winfo height] on the canvas may work, too? ** Create a Custom Sash Handle bar** In the default theme the sash handle bar is empty. So it is not obvious that it is a panedwindow. This little piece of code creates a new style for the panedwindow which as a Firefox-like sash handle bar. ====== image create photo img:sash -data { R0lGODlhBQB5AKECADMzM9TQyP///////yH+EUNyZWF0ZWQgd2l0aCBHSU1QACH5BAEKAAMALAAA AAAFAHkAAAJOjA95y+0LUAxpUkufboLh1UFPiIyeKTqk8R1rpp5xysk1zbytoaPl/LsFczYiDlRE Hl1J5pLXhD4DPSDLd7XChFnudgO2KC5izA6sqTQKADs= } ttk::style element create Sash.xsash image \ [list img:sash ] \ -border {1 1} -sticky ew -padding {1 1} ttk::style layout TPanedwindow { Sash.xsash } ====== ** Example ** ====== package require Ttk # ttk::setTheme clam set xf [ttk::frame .f] set pw [ttk::panedwindow .f.pw -orient horizontal ] ttk::frame $pw.f1 ttk::label $pw.f1.l -text "Frame 1" pack $pw.f1.l ttk::frame $pw.f2 ttk::label $pw.f2.l -text "Frame 2" pack $pw.f2.l $pw add $pw.f1 $pw add $pw.f2 pack $pw -expand 1 -fill both pack $xf -expand 1 -fill both ====== <> Widget | paned window