Version 4 of ttk::menubutton

Updated 2010-11-16 11:08:31 by oehhar

Ttk's menubutton widget.

jnc To invoke a menu button (or almost any other widget that takes a -text and -underline option) by a keystroke you can:

  event generate $widget <<Invoke>>

Such as:

  bind <Alt-f> . {event generate .menuButton <<Invoke>>}

 Alignment question

HaO 2010-11-16 Is there any possibility to center-align the menu button text and image ? This would make the following example nicer (on Windows Vista classic theme):

("Laden" has nothing to do with the person, it is German for "Load (Module in this case)")

Labels and Images are left-aligned.

Code fragment (not that of the screenshot):

% pack [ttk::menubutton .t1 -text abcabcabc] -fill x
% pack [ttk::menubutton .t2 -text a] -fill x

Style investigation:

% ttk::style layout TMenubutton
Menubutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.focus -sticky
nswe -children {Menubutton.indicator -side right -sticky {}
Menubutton.padding -expand 1 -sticky we -children {Menubutton.label -
side left -sticky {}}}}

I think, the issue is the last part. "-side left -sticky {}" which should be changed to "-sticky news" Is this possible in an easy manner ?

--- Even harder, I want to have it with Toolbutton style:

% pack [ttk::menubutton .t1 -text abcabcabc -style Toolbutton] -fill x
% pack [ttk::menubutton .t2 -text a -style Toolbutton] -fill x

How to align the labels "centered ?"

--- Style investigation:

% ttk::style layout Toolbutton
Toolbutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.padding -sticky
nswe -children {Toolbutton.label -sticky nswe}}

Here, the label has -sticky "nswe". So try some label-options:

% ttk::style configure Toolbutton.label -justify center -anchor center
% pack [ttk::menubutton .t3 -text a -style Toolbutton] -fill x

But stil left-aligned...


% ttk::style theme use clam

and the Toolbutton styled menubuttons are center-aligned.

Why is a normal Button centered and a MenuButton left-aligned ?

If you have an answer feel free to remove all this and replace it by more helpful stuff. I have posted this on c.l.t. with no answer and solved it by putting the label to the right of the icon so it looks pretty when left-aligned.