Version 0 of toolbutton

Updated 2003-12-11 10:50:00

[ adavis ] I'm a great fan of TCL/TK but, along with a number of others, I feel that TK applications do tend to have a rather "old fashoned" look. While my programming skills are not up to "hacking the core", I have produced a modern style toolbar button.

toolbutton is based on the Adobe Acrobat 6.0 style buttons (Which is a similar style to Windows XP Explorer).

The buttons have the following properties/behaviour:-

  • The buttons are flat until the mouse pointer is over when they are displayed with
     rounded corners/relief.
  • When the button is depressed a darker, slightly sunken refief is displayed.
  • When the button is disabled the image is displayed in monochrome.
  • The button face and shading colours are (by default) based on the normal button
     widget background colour (See

Both of the example images show the second button from the left in "mouse over" mode using the ICONS Klassic theme.


 # SCRIPT : toolbutton.tcl                                               #
 # PURPOSE: Create "smooth look" toolbar button.                         #
 # AUTHOR : Adrian Davis                                                 #
 # VERSION: 1.0                                                          #
 # REQUIREMENTS                                                          #
 #    Tk 8.4 or later.                                                   #
 # NAME                                                                  #
 #    toolbutton                                                         #
 # DESCRIPTION                                                           #
 #    toolbutton widget ?option value ...?                               #
 #    widget cget option                                                 #
 #    widget configure option value                                      #
 # OPTIONS                                                               #
 #    -background                                                        #
 #       Sets background ("base") color for button. By default the       #
 #       background color for the "button" widget is used. All colors    #
 #       used for highlighting/shading of the toolbutton are based on    #
 #       its background color.                                           #
 #    -command                                                           #
 #       Command to be invoked by toolbutton.                            #
 #    -height                                                            #
 #       Height of toolbutton in pixels. By default the height is the    #
 #       height of the specified image. If a height is specified which   #
 #       is smaller than the default, the default will be used instead.  #
 #    -help                                                              #
 #       Text for optional pop-up help.                                  #
 #    -image                                                             #
 #       Name of image to be used for button. The specified image must   #
 #       exist prior to calling toolbutton. This option is MANDATORY.    #
 #    -state                                                             #
 #       State of button when created. By default the initial state is   #
 #       set to "normal". When the image state is set to "disabled" the  #
 #       toolbutton image changes from color to monochrome.              #
 #    -width                                                             #
 #       Width of toolbutton in pixels. By default the width is the      #
 #       width of the specified image. If a width is specified which is  #
 #       smaller than the default, the default will be used instead.     #
 # WIDGET COMMANDS                                                       #
 #    "widget" cget "option"                                             #
 #       Returns the value of the  specified "option" for "widget".      #
 #    "widget" configure "option" "value"                                #
 #       Sets the value of the specified "option" to "value" for         #
 #       "widget". The following options may be set:-                    #
 #          -background                                                  #
 #          -command                                                     #
 #          -help                                                        #
 #          -state                                                       #

 # Set-up toolbutton namespace.                                          #

 package require Tk 8.4
 package provide toolbutton 1.0

 namespace eval ::toolbutton {
    namespace export toobutton

 # Main toolbutton creation proc.                                        #

 proc ::toolbutton::toolbutton {widget args} {

    if {[winfo exists $widget]} {
       error "Window name \"$widget\" already exists"

    namespace eval ::toolbutton::$widget {
       variable {}

       set   (dummy) dummy ;# Coerce into an array.
       unset (dummy)

    set state [::toolbutton::configure $widget $args]

    ::toolbutton::build     $widget
    ::toolbutton::setMode   $widget leave
    ::toolbutton::setState  $widget $state

    bind $widget.c <Enter>           "::toolbutton::setMode $widget enter"
    bind $widget.c <Leave>           "::toolbutton::setMode $widget leave"
    bind $widget.c <ButtonPress-1>   "::toolbutton::setMode $widget down"
    bind $widget.c <ButtonRelease-1> "::toolbutton::action  $widget"
    bind $widget   <Destroy>         "::toolbutton::destroyHandler $widget"

 # Configure widget.                                                     #

 proc ::toolbutton::configure {widget args} {
    upvar ::toolbutton::${widget}::{} {}

    foreach {option value} [lindex $args 0] {
       set ($option) $value

    if {[info exists (-image)]} {
       set iconHeight [image height $(-image)]
       set iconWidth  [image width  $(-image)]
    } else {
       error "No image specified"

    if {[info exists (-height)]} {
       if {$(-height) < $iconHeight} {
          set (-height) $iconHeight
    } else {
       set (-height) $iconHeight

    if {[info exists (-width)]} {
       if {$(-width) < $iconWidth} {
          set (-width) $iconWidth
    } else {
       set (-width) $iconWidth

    if {! [info exists (-state)]} {
       set (-state) normal

    if {! [info exists (-background)]} {
       set tmpWidget ".__tmp__"
       set count     0

       while {[winfo exists $tmpWidget] == 1} {
          set  tmpWidget ".__tmp__$count"
          incr count

       button  $tmpWidget
       set     (-background) [$tmpWidget cget -background]
       destroy $tmpWidget

    set (canvasHeight) [expr {$(-height) + 6}]
    set (canvasWidth)  [expr {$(-width)  + 6}]
    set (x0)           [expr {$(canvasWidth)  - 1}]
    set (x1)           [expr {$(canvasWidth)  - 2}]
    set (x2)           [expr {$(canvasWidth)  - 3}]
    set (x3)           [expr {$(canvasWidth)  - 4}]
    set (y0)           [expr {$(canvasHeight) - 1}]
    set (y1)           [expr {$(canvasHeight) - 2}]
    set (y2)           [expr {$(canvasHeight) - 3}]
    set (y3)           [expr {$(canvasHeight) - 4}]

    ::toolbutton::setbackground $widget

    return $(-state)

 # Build the widget.                                                     #

 proc ::toolbutton::build {widget} {
    upvar ::toolbutton::${widget}::{} {}

    frame $widget

    canvas $widget.c -height $(canvasHeight) -highlightthickness 0 -width $(canvasWidth) -background $(-background)

    $widget.c create image [expr {$(canvasWidth) / 2}] [expr {$(canvasHeight) / 2}] -anchor c -image $(-image) -tags icon

    $widget.c create rectangle 0 0 [expr {$(canvasWidth) - 1}] [expr {$(canvasHeight) - 1}] -width 1 -tags {borderColor faceColor}

    $widget.c create rectangle 0 0 0 0 -width 1 -tags backgroundColor
    $widget.c create line 0 2 2 0 0 2  -width 1 -tags cornerColor1
    $widget.c create line 0 1 1 0 0 1  -width 1 -tags cornerColor2
    $widget.c create line 1 2 2 1 1 2  -width 1 -tags cornerColor3 

    $widget.c create rectangle $(x0) 0 $(x0) 0    -width 1 -tags backgroundColor
    $widget.c create line $(x0) 2 $(x2) 0 $(x0) 2 -width 1 -tags cornerColor1
    $widget.c create line $(x0) 1 $(x1) 0 $(x0) 1 -width 1 -tags cornerColor2
    $widget.c create line $(x1) 2 $(x2) 1 $(x1) 2 -width 1 -tags cornerColor3

    $widget.c create rectangle 0 $(y0) 0 $(y0)    -width 1 -tags backgroundColor
    $widget.c create line 0 $(y2) 2 $(y0) 0 $(y2) -width 1 -tags cornerColor1
    $widget.c create line 0 $(y1) 1 $(y0) 0 $(y1) -width 1 -tags cornerColor2
    $widget.c create line 1 $(y2) 2 $(y1) 1 $(y2) -width 1 -tags cornerColor3

    $widget.c create rectangle $(x0) $(y0) $(x0) $(y0)        -width 1 -tags backgroundColor
    $widget.c create line $(x0) $(y2) $(x2) $(y0) $(x0) $(y2) -width 1 -tags cornerColor1
    $widget.c create line $(x0) $(y1) $(x1) $(y0) $(x0) $(y1) -width 1 -tags cornerColor2
    $widget.c create line $(x1) $(y2) $(x2) $(y1) $(x1) $(y2) -width 1 -tags cornerColor3

    $widget.c create line $(x3) 1 3 1 1 3 1 $(y2) -width 1 -tags relief1Color1
    $widget.c create line $(x2) 2 3 2 2 2 2 $(y1) -width 1 -tags relief1Color2

    $widget.c create line $(x1) 3 $(x1) $(y2) $(x3) $(y1) 2 $(y1) -width 1 -tags relief2Color1
    $widget.c create line $(x2) 3 $(x2) $(y3) $(x3) $(y2) 1 $(y2) -width 1 -tags relief2Color2

    pack $widget.c

    rename ::$widget ::toolbutton::$widget:frame
    proc   ::$widget {command args} "eval ::toolbutton::widgetProc $widget \$command \$args"

    if {[info exists (-help)]} {
       toolbuttonHelpInit $widget

 # Destroy widget.                                                       #

 proc ::toolbutton::destroyHandler {widget} {

    namespace delete ::toolbutton::$widget


 # Handle widget procedure.                                              #

 proc ::toolbutton::widgetProc {widget command args} {
    upvar ::toolbutton::${widget}::{} {}

    foreach {option value} $args {}

    if {! [info exists ($option)]} {
       error "Invalid option: $option"

    switch -- $command {
       cget {
          return $($option)
       configure {
          switch -- $option {
             -command {
                set (-command) $value
             -help {
                set (-help) $value
             -state {
                ::toolbutton::setState $widget $value
             -background {
                set (-background) $value
                ::toolbutton::setbackground $widget
                ::toolbutton::setMode       $widget leave
             default {
                error "Invalid option: $option"
       default {
          error "Invalid command: $command"


 # Invoke associated widget "command".                                   #

 proc ::toolbutton::action {widget} {
    upvar ::toolbutton::${widget}::{} {}

    if {$(-state) eq "disabled"} {

    ::toolbutton::setMode $widget enter

    if {[info exists (-command)]} {
       eval $(-command)

 # Set widget mode: "down", "enter", "leave" or "state".                 #

 proc ::toolbutton::setMode {widget mode} {
    upvar ::toolbutton::${widget}::{} {}

    if {$(-state) eq "disabled" && $mode ne "state"} {

    if {$mode eq "state"} {
       set mode "leave"

    foreach item [lsort [array names {} $mode:*]] {
       regexp -- {^.*:(.*)$} $item dummy tag
       catch "$widget.c itemconfigure $tag -fill $($item)"

    $widget.c itemconfigure borderColor     -outline $($mode:borderColor)
    $widget.c itemconfigure backgroundColor -outline $(backgroundColor)
    $widget.c raise icon

 # Set widget background color(s).                                       #

 proc ::toolbutton::setbackground {widget} {
    upvar ::toolbutton::${widget}::{} {}

    set (background)      [winfo rgb . $(-background)]
    set (backgroundColor) [::toolbutton::setRGB $(background) 0]

    set (leave:faceColor)     $(-background)
    set (leave:borderColor)   $(-background)
    set (leave:cornerColor1)  $(-background)
    set (leave:cornerColor2)  $(-background)
    set (leave:cornerColor3)  $(-background)
    set (leave:relief1Color1) $(-background)
    set (leave:relief1Color2) $(-background)
    set (leave:relief2Color1) $(-background)
    set (leave:relief2Color2) $(-background)

    set (enter:faceColor)     [::toolbutton::setRGB $(background) +4000]
    set (enter:borderColor)   [::toolbutton::setRGB $(background) -8000]
    set (enter:cornerColor1)  [::toolbutton::setRGB $(background) -6000]
    set (enter:cornerColor2)  [::toolbutton::setRGB $(background) -2000]
    set (enter:cornerColor3)  [::toolbutton::setRGB $(background) +1000]
    set (enter:relief1Color1) [::toolbutton::setRGB $(background) +8000]
    set (enter:relief1Color2) [::toolbutton::setRGB $(background) +6000]
    set (enter:relief2Color1) [::toolbutton::setRGB $(background) -2000]
    set (enter:relief2Color2) [::toolbutton::setRGB $(background) 0]

    set (down:faceColor)      [::toolbutton::setRGB $(background) -6000]
    set (down:borderColor)    [::toolbutton::setRGB $(background) -14000]
    set (down:cornerColor1)   [::toolbutton::setRGB $(background) -10000]
    set (down:cornerColor2)   [::toolbutton::setRGB $(background) -6000]
    set (down:cornerColor3)   [::toolbutton::setRGB $(background) -3000]
    set (down:relief1Color1)  [::toolbutton::setRGB $(background) -9000]
    set (down:relief1Color2)  [::toolbutton::setRGB $(background) -7000]
    set (down:relief2Color1)  [::toolbutton::setRGB $(background) -4000]
    set (down:relief2Color2)  [::toolbutton::setRGB $(background) -5000]

 # Set widget state.                                                     #

 proc ::toolbutton::setState {widget state} {
    upvar ::toolbutton::${widget}::{} {}

    switch -- $state {
       disabled {
          set (-state) $state
          $(-image) configure -palette 16
          ::toolbutton::setMode $widget state
       normal {
          set (-state) $state
          $(-image) configure -palette 65536/65536/65536
       default {
          error "Invalid state: $state"


 # Shift specified color (rgb) by shift. Positive numbers are lighter,   #
 # negative numbers darker.                                              #

 proc ::toolbutton::setRGB {rgb shift} {

    foreach {red blue green} $rgb {}

    set red   [::toolbutton::shiftColor $red   $shift]
    set blue  [::toolbutton::shiftColor $blue  $shift]
    set green [::toolbutton::shiftColor $green $shift]

    return [format "\#%04X%04X%04X" $red $blue $green]

 # Shift color (color) by shift and make sure value is in "range".       #

 proc ::toolbutton::shiftColor {color shift} {

    set result [expr {$color + $shift}]

    if {$shift < 0} {
       if {$result < 0} {
          set result 0
    } else {
       if {$result > 65535} {
          set result 65535

    return $result

 # Set-up pop-up help.                                                   #

 proc ::toolbutton::toolbuttonHelpInit {widget} {
    upvar ::toolbutton::${widget}::{} {}

    if {! [winfo exists .toolbuttonHelp]} {
       toplevel .toolbuttonHelp -background black -borderwidth 1 -relief flat
       label    .toolbuttonHelp.message -background lightyellow
       pack     .toolbuttonHelp.message
       wm overrideredirect .toolbuttonHelp 1
       wm withdraw         .toolbuttonHelp

    bind $widget <Enter> "::toolbutton::toolbuttonHelpDelay $widget"
    bind $widget <Leave> "::toolbutton::toolbuttonHelpCancel $widget"

 proc ::toolbutton::toolbuttonHelpDelay {widget} {
    upvar ::toolbutton::${widget}::{} {}

    toolbuttonHelpCancel $widget

    set (help:delay) [after 300 [list ::toolbutton::toolbuttonHelpShow $widget]]

 proc ::toolbutton::toolbuttonHelpCancel {widget} {
    upvar ::toolbutton::${widget}::{} {}

    if {[info exists (help:delay)]} {
       after cancel $(help:delay)
       unset (help:delay)
    wm withdraw .toolbuttonHelp

 proc ::toolbutton::toolbuttonHelpShow {widget} {
    upvar ::toolbutton::${widget}::{} {}

    .toolbuttonHelp.message configure -text $(-help)

    set helpX [expr [winfo rootx $widget] + 10]
    set helpY [expr [winfo rooty $widget] + [winfo height $widget]]

    wm geometry  .toolbuttonHelp +$helpX+$helpY
    wm deiconify .toolbuttonHelp

    raise .toolbuttonHelp

    unset (help:delay)

 # End of script: toolbutton.tcl                                         #

Here is an example...

 # Example of "toolbutton" usage. #

 proc mycommand {args} {
    puts "This is MYCOMMAND:-"
    puts "                0: [lindex $args 0]"
    puts "                1: [lindex $args 1]"

 # This example uses the ICONS package. #

 package require icons

 set icons [::icons::icons create {

 set item 1

 frame .f

 foreach icon $icons {
    # Not all icon images are exactly the same size and, in any case, I like the #
    # Acrobat slightly rectangular look, so here I am specifying a specific      #
    # height and width.                                                          #
    ::toolbutton::toolbutton .f.tb$item -width 28 -height 24 -help $icon -image ::icon::$icon -command "mycommand $icon $item"
    pack .f.tb$item -side left
    incr item

 pack .f