Literate programming tool using Markdown as markup languages and Tcl as programming language. Tcl code can be embedded directly in the text using single backticks or as code blocks using triple backticks. A good example is the extensive tutorial for the tmdoc::tmdoc package at * Author: [Detlef Groth] * Homepage: * Download: * Tutorial: * Manual: for the package WIP * Version: 0.1 * License: MIT Usage: Intermixed Markdown markup and Tcl code in a tmd file can converted to Markdown using the tmdoc command line application. ====== tclsh tmdoc.tcl docu.tmd > # afterwards Markdown can be converted to HTML or PDF for instance using pandoc pandoc -i -s --highlight-style pygments -c dgw.css -o tmd.html ====== '''Code chunks:''' Are starting after three backticks and a {tcl} indication of the programming language. Here an example: ====== ```{tcl echo=false} set x 1 puts $x ``` ====== Further short Tcl code can be embedded directly within the text using single backticks: ====== The curent date and time is: `tcl clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"` ====== Should embed the current date and time in the text. The manual states as well support for images created from Tcl for instance using commands from [gdtcl] or the [canvas] widget. '''Changes:''' * 2020-02-19: 0.1 first release '''See also:''' * [Source Documentation Tools] * [mkdoc::mkdoc] * [Literate programming] '''Discussion:''' Please discuss here ... [DDG] 2020-02-19: Please note, that this is a work in progress. I am open for suggestions. But tmdoc should basically have a reasonable subset of the functionality of R's Sweave and R markdown <> Documentation