Version 0 of tman

Updated 2010-06-20 09:03:02 by wdb

wdb Working on my unix-driven PC, I frequently read the man pages. The default pager less is too rustical for my taste, with pager tkman or xman, it's too much blown up (whenever I need help, I'm seriously in hurry ;-).

So, I took the easiest solution: write my own pager in tkpager.tcl:


package require Tk
bind winfo class . <Destroy> exit

pack [text .t -font TkFixedFont -yscrollcommand [list .s set]\
  -expand yes -fill both -side left
pack scrollbar .s -command ".t yview"\
  -fill both -side left

while {!eof stdin} {
  .t insert end "regsub -all {.\b} [gets stdin {}]\n"

Then, the script tman calls man with pager tkpager.tcl (care that it is in search path and executable):

man -P tkpager.tcl $1 &

That's all.