[Russty]: I am fairly new to tcl/tk. I need to modify some code and test it as a patch. I know where in the code I need to make the changes. I have downloaded the .src.rpm file. What do I need to do after that? Do I need to create a .patch file or should I just modify the code? How do I install my patch? [AMG]: I presume you've already unpacked the .src.rpm file, since you say you know where to make the change. Just make the change, recompile, reinstall, and test. You only need a .patch file if you wish to contribute your change, which you are not required to do. I recommend you avoid .src.rpm and instead work with the latest CVS tree. Failing that, get the latest source .tar.gz. Try compiling and installing that without making any changes, so that you are certain you have the process down. Then make your changes and go from there. Just out of curiousity, what changes do you need to make? [Russty]:I am working in Fedora Linux which I am also fairly new to. I haven't been able to get the source to recompile when I've tried just making a change that way. Then I need to reinstall. I thought the src.rpm file would be the easiest way to do all of that. The change I would like to make involves the size of the Menubutton indicator. [AMG]: You should try using [ttk::menubutton], which allows for [theming] as well as minor customization. See [ttk::style] and [ttk::themes]. Again, you should focus on building and installing from source before you worry about customizing said source. [Russty]: Ok, but I'm still stuck trying to compile and install this, which is the original purpose of this post. I really am quite new to all of this. I just put in the stuff about the .src.rpm file so you'd know what I'd already tried/done. [AMG]: From memory, here's how you do it. 1. Unpack the Tcl and Tk source archives to a directory of your choice. 1. cd into the Tcl/unix directory. 1. Type `./configure` . 1. Type `make` . 1. Type `make install` . 1. cd up two levels, then into the Tk/unix directory. 1. Type `./configure` . 1. Type `make` . 1. Type `make install` . 1. You're done. Tcl and Tk are now installed to /usr/local . You can delete the source trees and archives if you want, or keep them around for reference and patching.