pops up a message window and waits for user response. ---- http://purl.org/tcl/home/man/tcl8.4/TkCmd/messageBox.htm See also: [messageBox]. This command is recommended over use of [tk_dialog]. ---- '''SYNOPSIS''' '''tk_messageBox''' ''?option value ...?'' '''DESCRIPTION''' This procedure creates and displays a message window with an application-specified message, an icon and a set of buttons. Each of the buttons in the message window is identified by a unique symbolic name (see the '''-type''' options). After the message window is popped up, '''tk_messageBox''' waits for the user to select one of the buttons. Then it returns the symbolic name of the selected button. The following ''option-value'' pairs are supported: '''-default''' ''name'' ''Name'' gives the symbolic name of the default button for this message window ('ok', 'cancel', and so on). See '''-type''' for a list of the symbolic names. If this option is not specified, the first button in the dialog will be made the default. '''-icon''' ''iconImage'' Specifies an icon to display. ''IconImage'' must be one of the following: '''error''', '''info''', '''question''' or '''warning'''. If this option is not specified, then the info icon will be displayed. '''-message''' ''string'' Specifies the message to display in this message box. '''-detail''' ''string'' ''New in 8.5''. Specifies additional detail to the main message. Displayed in a smaller font where possible. '''-parent''' ''window'' Makes ''window'' the logical parent of the message box. The message box is displayed on top of its parent window. '''-title''' ''titleString'' Specifies a string to display as the title of the message box. The default value is an empty string. '''-type''' ''predefinedType'' Arranges for a predefined set of buttons to be displayed. The following values are possible for ''predefinedType'': '''abortretryignore''': Displays three buttons whose symbolic names are '''abort''', '''retry''' and '''ignore'''. '''ok''': Displays one button whose symbolic name is '''ok'''. '''okcancel''': Displays two buttons whose symbolic names are '''ok''' and '''cancel'''. '''retrycancel''': Displays two buttons whose symbolic names are '''retry''' and '''cancel'''. '''yesno''': Displays two buttons whose symbolic names are '''yes''' and '''no'''. '''yesnocancel''': Displays three buttons whose symbolic names are '''yes''', '''no''' and '''cancel'''. '''EXAMPLE''' set answer [tk_messageBox -message "Really quit?" -type yesno -icon question] switch -- $answer { yes exit no {tk_messageBox -message "I know you like this application!" -type ok} } ---- With recent versions, the Windows messageBox is "native", while the Unix one continues to rely on the implementation visible in ./library/msgbox.tcl. Before version 8.something, both Win* and Unix used msgbox.tcl [[what about MacOS?]]. Notice that this means that, if there's something about messageBox you don't like, you have the source code readily available for your enhancements. [[Detail example of how to do this needed right here.]] ''[DKF]:'' No. There has never been a non-native version of tk_messageBox on Windows and Macintosh, though [tk_dialog] is an approximation (and implemented purely in Tcl scripts) on all platforms. ---- [Donald Arseneau] mentions on comp.lang.tcl that this widget is not written to be re-entrant. The result of this means that if there are two instances of tk_messageBox opened at the same time, a button clicked in one of them is seen by all of them! This is a bug in the widget that has been submitted to the sf.net bug database, but doesn't appear to be resolved as of Fall 2003. ---- [[Insert example of how to use [option database] with messageBox.]] On Unix, the '''default font''' for message boxes is Times 18, which is way too fat for longer text. Before creating a messageBox, just add the line option add *Dialog.msg.font {Times 12} to get a better readable font (won't hurt in Windows, where native message boxes are used anyway). ([RS]) The wraplength also defaults to 3 inches but can be overriden the same way for long messages ([BBH]) option add *Dialog.msg.wrapLength 6i ---- [Martin Lemburg] Because of the need to have a messagebox in the [tclsh], I wrote a tclsh version ... tcl_messageBox. To download the stubs enabled version (tcl v8.1 and higher) use ftp://ftp.dcade.de/pub/ml/tcl/packages/tcl_messageBox10.zip (package only) ftp://ftp.dcade.de/pub/ml/tcl/packages/tcl_messageBox10.all.zip (includes the source, project files, etc.) The syntax is simular to the tk_messageBox: tcl_messageBox ?option optionArg option optionArg ...? options: * -align: left or right * -default: depends on the given type * -icon: exclamation, warning, info(rmation), asterisk, question, stop, error or hand * -message: string, may be empty * -modal: app(lication), window, system or task * -title: string, may be empty * -type: abortretryignore, ok, okcancel, retrycancel, yesno or yesnocancel * -help: this text ---- [Harald Oehlmann] On windows, the tk_messageBox command sets the toplevel . to the top of the window stacking order. After the message box, the toplevel . gets the focus. To "repair" this behavior on tcl8.4 one can protect the windows over . by wm attributes -topmost 1 and save the focus over the routine. # tk_messageBox for Windows which keeps focus and stacking order proc messageBox args { # > Save focus set Focus [focus] # > Get the toplevels above . and set topmost attribute set lWindows [wm stackorder .] set TopPos [lsearch $lWindows .] if {-1 != $TopPos && $TopPos != [llength $lWindows]} { incr TopPos set lWindows [lrange $lWindows $TopPos end] foreach Wi $lWindows { wm attributes $Wi -topmost 1 } } else { unset lWindows } } # > invoke message box set Res [eval tk_messageBox $args] set Res [eval tk_messageBox $args] # > unset topmost attribute if {[info exists lWindows]} { foreach Wi $lWindows { wm attributes $Wi -topmost 0 } } # > Restore focus # Set focus to last widget if we had the focus before # otherwise set it to the topmost window if {0 < [string length $Focus]} { focus -force $Focus } elseif {[info exists lWindows]} { focus -force [lindex $lWindows end] } return $Res } # Test program for demonstration: foreach Wi {. .t1 .t2} { catch {toplevel $Wi} pack [button $Wi.b1 -text messageBox -command "messageBox -message So..."] pack [button $Wi.b2 -text tk_messageBox -command "tk_messageBox -message well..."] } ---- [[Incorporate material from this comp.lang.tcl thread [http://groups.google.com/groups?th=fb9c090fdba4799e].]] ---- Re: Harald's script, the 'if' statement under "Set focus to...": I think it is better to first use lWindows if available, ie., turn around the two checks. I found this improved behaviour when there are more than 2 windows (otherwise an active window can end up beneath an inactive one). ---- [RS] has grown into the habit of coding set about "Short descriptive text for the app, at beginning of source file (also serves for some documentation)" ... button .a -text About -command [tk_messageBox -message $about] ... ---- [Category Dialog] - [Category Command] - [Tk syntax help] - [Arts and Crafts of Tcl-Tk Programming]