Version 16 of tickletext

Updated 2010-04-22 05:58:40 by tonytraductor

Tickle Text is a fast, lightweight text editor written in Tcl/Tk, by tonytraductor and released under the terms of GPL v. 3 or later (requires Tcl/Tk 8.5 or later).

Tickle Text supports editing of a wide variety of text files or scripts, including .txt, .py, .tcl, .css, .html, .c, .sh, .pl, LaTeX, etc.

TickleText is "themeable", includes an integrated dictionary and a calendar, and includes a broad variety of the usual features, plus extras, such as blog posting, integrated ftp tool for down/uploading files from you webserver to be edited, some LaTeX related functions, insertion of special characters, export text (any) or LaTeX (tex) to PDF, export LaTeX to HTML, and, some template wizards for html, LaTeX, python, perl, tcl.

I could not have built this groOVy editor without this wiki and the gracious assistance of various tclers on #tcl @ freenode.

Tickle Text is a testament to the awesome power, yet ease of learning and use of Tcl/Tk, since, I started learning to hack Tcl, as my very first programming language (other than simple bash scripts) in January of 2008, and, at the time of this posting, it is yet September of the same year, and I've made a pretty useful editor with numerous features. Of course, it's also a testament to the community, as I've received plenty of assistance on #tcl at Freenode on IRC, too.

If I keep hanging out on this wiki and #tcl, pretty soon I might become a real hacker! And I'll hack my code with Tickle Text, of course.

Latest release of TclText is v2.3, available from the above link, or on googlecode, freshmeat, and sourceforge, as well.

tonytraductor 2010.04.22

TODO for Tickle Text:

  • Add syntax highlighting. (That will be a big job.)
  • Find/replace needs work. (It's sometimes, others not...I can't figure out why...)