Version 31 of the 'Freiburg' project

Updated 2004-08-25 13:57:42

the 'Freiburg' project is an replacement for shared libraries on Unix, Windows and Mac OS X ...


  • convert a shared library into an module
  • every module uses its own object-space (e.g., it is an execuatble)
  • an application is a collection of modules
  • the modules communicate with a data-bus
  • the data-bus is implemented as a shared/static library
  • the module can reside local or remote
  • if remote the module is started by the inetd server and using tcp sockets
  • if local the module is started by the application starter and using uds sockets
  • the module can be created with any programming language as long the the language is able to link again the data-bus
  • the module is independent of the application interface (e.g., no dynamic linking)
  • once a module was created it can be used with any programming language

usability study 1

I maintain an application based on REMEDY-Ars running a workflow application. The application is running on a SUN server using a local SYBASE database. To monitor the server I wrote an ARS module to check the health status of ARS and the workflow application. The module was developed on SUN Solaris using a gcc compiler and a non free REMEDY-Ars api. To monitor the server I'm using moods as front-end and the module as data provider. The moods application is using a graphic and a text based output devices. The quality of information provided combined with the easiness of using moods created a killer application with a strong request for additional installations. To minimize the installation requirements and maximize the support quality I decided to run the module on a ULTRA SPARC 10 and only ship a generic moods application for different kind of UNIX and WINDOWS environments. With using the module technology I do not need to port the data provider to different environments and was able to support environments with no api support by the REMEDY-Ars supplier.

RHS It sounds like an implementation of a Service Oriented Architecture. While each module can provide functionality, they're not libraries per se, so much as services that other modules or programs can then use.

the 'Freiburg' project and the 'command line'

the traditional unix command line was developed to create complex filters based on simple tools:

 tool1 | tool2 | tool3
  1. how it works -> a tool is nothing more than a module with specific capabilities to manipulate an input stream. The collection of tools combined with pipes is an application. The communication between the tools based on strings with no additional format information. The problem is to implement for every tool a parser to split the input stream into useable data blocks.
  2. evolution step one -> instead using a string based data stream you can use a structured string based data stream (e.g. xml is an example). This make it easy to parse the data stream and add additional capability to handle complex data types (e.g. float, integer ...)
  3. evolution step two -> instead of using one direction communication you can use sockets to allow answers send back to the parent

more information will be available

escargo 21 Aug 2004 - Couldn't the distinction between step one and step two also be described as using objects with string-based serializations being sent between your modules? As long as all communicating modules agree on the mechanisms for encoding and decoding, it does not matter if your serialization mechanism is XML, YAML, or anything else. (In fact, if it's properly layered, you could even be going through an ssh tunnel.) -> YES

the 'Freiburg' project and 'Tcl'

this is an example-link between 'Freiburg' and 'Tcl'

 package require TestOnFreiburg
 set FH  [TestOnFreiburg::Start -name TclTestOnFreiburg -tcp -inetd -host myserver -port myapp]
 set RET [TestOnFreiburg::Echo2 $FH -int2 12345]
 puts "Answer: $RET"
 rename $FH ""

description: start test based on 'Freiburg' using the module on server myserver using port myport and call procedure Echo2 with a 2-byte integer 12345 as argument

the communication between application and module is based on different data-types

 INT2 .... 2 byte integer
 INT4 .... 4 byte integer
 INT8 .... 8 byte integer
 FLT4 .... 4 byte float
 FLT8 .... 8 byte float
 PTR ..... pointer
 STR ..... \0 terminated string
 BIN ..... binary
 LST ..... list can contain all types

RHS Given the rename $FH "", it seems like $FH is a command. If so, why not make it so that you can call it directly to get results, ie:

 set RET [$FH Echo2 -int2 12345]

because it is just an wrapper for:

 proc TestOnFreiburg::Echo2 { Ctx args } { 
     return  [$Ctx send -wait -type ECO2 $args]


  • -wait, open an transaction (e.g. expect result)
  • -type, used typed arguments (if no -type tcl will choose the right data-type)
  • ECO2, use function defined by token ECO2

the 'Freiburg' project and 'C'

The 'Freiburg' project was written in 'C' an 'C' is the native interface:

 int main(int argc, char **argv)
    ContextS    *context;       // the initial context
    BufferLS    *largv = BufferLCreateArgv(NULL, --argc, ++argv);
    MsgqueS     *a_msgque;
    INT2        ret;

  // create the ContextS
    ErrorCheck(ContextCreate(largv, &context));

  // call Echo2
    struct SendS * const send = context->msgque->send;
    SendTOKEN(send, "ECO2", NULL, NULL /* transaction not needed */);
    Send2(send, 12345);

  // do some work ....

  // read the result
    ErrorCheck(ReadHDR(context->msgque->read, &a_msgque));
    ErrorCheck(Read2(a_msgque->read, &ret));

    printf("Answer:%i\n", ret);

    ErrorSSend(CONTEXT_SAVE_ERROR(context), __func__);

    return 0;

Lars H: One great obstacle this kind of project faces is how to make different modules communicate rather than just send data to each other, i.e., how does one module do to understand the data another module is sending to it? One could declare that the project only bothers with getting the binary data across ungarbled and leave it at that, but that just leaves a huge amount of work for the writer of a module to take care of. Unix pipes wouldn't have been of much use had not most of the tools in the pipe at least had the text file format in common. It is likely that Freiburg will similarly need a common basic format.

From list of data-types above, it seems to me that the developers might find it interesting to compare their work with that which has been done on the Multi Protocol (MP). The official home for that is but unfortunately many of the links on that page to papers are now broken. I have however been able to find some copies via CiteSeer; [L1 ] has links to many of the relevant papers. An interesting feature of MP is the way that one can mix data with an explicit type specification for each datum with long blocks of data that do not have individual type specifications, to reduce communication overhead.

Communication formats is very much a Catch 22. If it is too hard to encode and decode messages, then programmers will not bother. If messages are not properly encoded, then they cannot be interchanged.


1. how to make different modules communicate both sites using the same communication library libfreiburg which implement the protocoll. Application software only using the freiburg API (e.g. SendI2).

2. what exactly does 'libfreiburg'

  1. setup the communication (local or remote) and connect to the server
  2. choose the right byte-order (little/big endian)
  3. verify 'module' api version
  4. if error happen, propagate the error(s) to the client
  5. do all the send and recv stuff
  6. do (if necessary) the casting of different types
  7. after the work was done do a 'clean' shutdown of the communication

''3. how does one module do to understand the data another module is sending to it? 'understand' means knowing the exact definition of the procedures called.

  1. the programmer (e.g server and client) using the same interface
  2. the interface is the name of the service provided (e.g. ECO2),
      the arguments expected (e.g. INT2) and the return value (e.g. INT2)
  1. the 'interface' version is the 'module' api version

''4. It is likely that 'Freiburg' will similarly need a common basic format? the common format is:

  [BODY]=[BODYItem]+[BODYItem]+ ...

reading and writing the format is done by the libfreiburg library