Version 10 of tcor - A Tcl Coroutines Extension

Updated 2008-08-28 12:29:43 by dkf

George Peter Staplin Oct 12, 2007 - I wanted co-routines from the C level, so I implemented some C code using the ucontext functions. Unfortunately Tcl's stack checking in unix-like systems breaks this, so you'll need to build a custom tclsh by editing tcl/unix/tclUnixInit.c and changing #undef TCL_NO_STACK_CHECK to #define TCL_NO_STACK_CHECK. The stack checking is somewhat of a hack IMO anyway.

Basically with the ucontext functions each coroutine has a separate stack. It's much cleaner and more reliable than trying to work with setjmp and longjmp.

George Peter Staplin Nov 13, 2007 - The Tcl core now works better with this. I've also built a new version 0.2. I've added the ability for coroutines to have mailboxes (inspired by Erlang).

LV Sir, with regards to your Nov 13th comment - does this mean that a custom tclsh is no longer required to make use of Tcor?

George Peter Staplin - Unfortunately as long as the broken stack checking remains in Tcl, this must require compiling Tcl with -DTCL_NO_STACK_CHECK. The HEAD has been fixed so that it doesn't do #undef in the C sources.

 export CC="gcc -DTCL_NO_STACK_CHECK"; ./configure 

MS notes that since 8.6a2 the Tcl core does not do the stack checks, so that this should be work on a standard Tcl build. The core also has its own (different, possibly less powerful) coroutine implementation.


   Tcor 0.2 by George Peter Staplin

  gcc -shared tcor.c -DUSE_TCL_STUBS -I/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib -ltclstub8.5 -o


 #include <tcl.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <ucontext.h>

 #define OBJ_CMD_ARGS ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]

 #define defcmd(func,name) \
  Tcl_CreateObjCommand (interp, name, func, (ClientData) NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL)

 #define STACK_SIZE 4194304 /* 4 MB */
 #define REAPER_STACK_SIZE 1048576 /* 1 MB */

 struct lwt_message {
   unsigned char *bytes;
   size_t length;
   struct lwt_message *next;

 struct lwt {
   ucontext_t context;
   struct lwt_message *messages;
   int id;
   void *ptr;

 static int lwt_initialized = 0;

 static struct lwt **lwt_table = NULL;
 static int lwt_allocated = 0;
 static struct lwt *lwt_current = NULL;
 static struct lwt *lwt_to_free = NULL;
 static int lwt_total = 0;
 static ucontext_t lwt_reaper;

 static struct lwt *lwt_alloc (void);
 static void lwt_enlarge_table (void);
 static void lwt_exit (void);
 static void lwt_init (void);
 static int lwt_spawn (void (*func) (void), void *ptr);
 static void lwt_yield (void);
 static int tcor_spawn (OBJ_CMD_ARGS);
 static int tcor_yield (OBJ_CMD_ARGS);
 static int tcor_send_message (OBJ_CMD_ARGS);
 static int tcor_get_message (OBJ_CMD_ARGS);
 int Tcor_Init (Tcl_Interp *interp);

 static struct lwt *
 lwt_alloc (void) {
   struct lwt *l;

   l = (void *)Tcl_Alloc (sizeof *l);
   if (getcontext (&l->context))
     perror ("getcontext");

   l->messages = NULL;
   l->id = -1;
   l->ptr = NULL;

   return l;

 static void
 lwt_enlarge_table (void) {
   struct lwt **newtable;
   int newtablesize = lwt_allocated * 2;
   int i;

   newtable = (void *)Tcl_Alloc (sizeof *newtable * newtablesize);
   for (i = 0; i < newtablesize; ++i) {
     newtable[i] = NULL;

   for (i = 0; i < lwt_allocated; ++i) {
     newtable[i] = lwt_table[i];

   Tcl_Free ((void *)lwt_table);
   lwt_table = newtable;
   lwt_allocated = newtablesize;

 static void
 lwt_reap (void) {
   struct lwt *n; 
   int i;

   free (lwt_to_free->context.uc_stack.ss_sp);
   Tcl_Free ((void *)lwt_to_free);
   lwt_to_free = NULL;

   /* Select a new task */
   for (i = 0; i < lwt_allocated; ++i) {
     if (lwt_table[i]) {
       n = lwt_table[i];

   lwt_current = n;
   if (setcontext (&n->context)) {
     perror ("lwt_exit - setcontext");
     abort ();

 static void
 lwt_exit (void) {
   struct lwt *l = lwt_current;

   lwt_table[l->id] = NULL;
   lwt_to_free = l;


   /* We can't just free the task now, because it's executing with the stack
  • we need to free.

   if (setcontext (&lwt_reaper)) {
     perror ("lwt_exit - setcontext");
     abort ();

 static void
 lwt_init ( void ) {
   struct lwt *l;
   int i;

   if (lwt_initialized)

   l = lwt_alloc ();

   lwt_allocated = 20;
   lwt_table = (void *)Tcl_Alloc (sizeof *lwt_table * lwt_allocated);
   for (i = 0; i < lwt_allocated; ++i) {
     lwt_table[i] = NULL;

   l->id = 0;
   lwt_table[/*id*/ 0] = l;
   lwt_current = l;
   l->context.uc_link = NULL;
   l->context.uc_stack.ss_size = 0;
   l->context.uc_stack.ss_sp = NULL;

   if (getcontext (&lwt_reaper)) {
     perror ("lwt_init - getcontext lwt_reaper");
     abort ();

   lwt_reaper.uc_link = NULL;
   lwt_reaper.uc_stack.ss_sp = malloc (STACK_SIZE);
   if (NULL == lwt_reaper.uc_stack.ss_sp) {
     perror ("malloc lwt_reaper stack");
     abort ();
   lwt_reaper.uc_stack.ss_flags = 0;
   lwt_reaper.uc_stack.ss_size = STACK_SIZE;

   makecontext (&lwt_reaper, lwt_reap, 0);

   lwt_initialized = 1;

 static int
 lwt_spawn ( void (*func) (void), void *ptr) {
   struct lwt *l;
   int id;

   l = lwt_alloc ();
   l->ptr = ptr;

   if (lwt_total >= lwt_allocated) {
     lwt_enlarge_table ();

   /* Find first free entry */
   for (id = 0; id < lwt_allocated; ++id) {
     if (NULL == lwt_table[id]) {

   lwt_table[id] = l;
   l->id = id;

   if (getcontext (&l->context)) {
     perror ("getcontext");
     abort ();

   l->context.uc_link = NULL;
   l->context.uc_stack.ss_sp = malloc (STACK_SIZE);
   if (NULL == l->context.uc_stack.ss_sp) {
     perror ("lwt_spawn - malloc stack");
     abort ();
   l->context.uc_stack.ss_flags = 0;
   l->context.uc_stack.ss_size = STACK_SIZE;

   makecontext (&l->context, func, 0);  

   return id;

 static void
 lwt_yield ( void ) {
   struct lwt *l = lwt_current;
   struct lwt *n = NULL;
   int id = -1;

   id = l->id + 1;
   while (id < lwt_allocated) {
     if (lwt_table[id]) {
       n = lwt_table[id];
   if (NULL == n) {
     for (id = 0; id < lwt_allocated; ++id) {
       if (lwt_table[id]) {
         n = lwt_table[id];

   lwt_current = n;

   if (l == n) {
     /* There is only one context. */

   if (swapcontext (&l->context, &n->context)) {
     perror ("lwt_yield - swapcontext");
     abort ();

 static void
 tcor_spawn_start (void) {
   Tcl_Obj *cmd = lwt_current->ptr;
   Tcl_Interp *interp;

   interp = Tcl_CreateInterp ();
   if (TCL_OK != Tcl_Init (interp)) {
     fprintf (stderr, "Tcl_Init error: %s\n", Tcl_GetStringResult (interp));
     goto error;

   if (TCL_OK != Tcor_Init (interp)) {
     fprintf (stderr, "Tcl_Init error: %s\n", Tcl_GetStringResult (interp));
     goto error;

   if (TCL_ERROR == Tcl_EvalObjEx (interp, cmd, TCL_EVAL_GLOBAL | TCL_EVAL_DIRECT)) {
     fprintf (stderr, "spawned task evaluation error: %s\n", Tcl_GetStringResult (interp));
   Tcl_DecrRefCount (cmd);
   Tcl_DeleteInterp (interp);
   lwt_exit ();

 static int
 tcor_spawn (OBJ_CMD_ARGS) {
   Tcl_Obj *cmd;
   int id;

   if (2 != objc) {
     Tcl_WrongNumArgs (interp, 1, objv, "script");
     return TCL_ERROR;

   cmd = Tcl_DuplicateObj (objv[1]);
   Tcl_IncrRefCount (cmd);
   Tcl_SetObjResult (interp, Tcl_NewIntObj (lwt_spawn (tcor_spawn_start, cmd)));

   return TCL_OK;

 static int
 tcor_yield (OBJ_CMD_ARGS) {
   if (1 != objc) { 
     Tcl_WrongNumArgs (interp, 1, objv, "");
     return TCL_ERROR;

   lwt_yield (); 
   return TCL_OK;

 static struct lwt *tcor_get_lwt (Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *obj, int *id) {
   struct lwt *l;

   if (TCL_OK != Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, obj, id))
     return NULL;

   if (*id < 0 || *id >= lwt_allocated) {
     Tcl_SetResult (interp, "id out of range", TCL_STATIC);
     return NULL;

   l = lwt_table[*id];
   if (NULL == l) {
     Tcl_SetResult (interp, "id is invalid", TCL_STATIC);
     return NULL;
   return l;

 static int
 tcor_send_message (OBJ_CMD_ARGS) {
   struct lwt *l;
   struct lwt_message *m;
   unsigned char *b;
   int len;
   int id;

   if (3 != objc) {
     Tcl_WrongNumArgs (interp, 1, objv, "id obj");
     return TCL_ERROR;

   l = tcor_get_lwt (interp, objv[1], &id);
   if (NULL == l)
     return TCL_ERROR;

   b = Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj (objv[2], &len);

   m = (void *)Tcl_Alloc (sizeof *m);
   m->bytes = (void *)Tcl_Alloc (len);
   m->length = len;
   memcpy (m->bytes, b, len);
   m->next = NULL;

   if (NULL == l->messages) {
     l->messages = m;
   } else {
     struct lwt_message *mi;
     mi = l->messages;
     while (mi->next) {
       mi = mi->next;
     mi->next = m;   

   return TCL_OK;

 static int
 tcor_get_message (OBJ_CMD_ARGS) {
   int id;
   struct lwt *l;
   Tcl_Obj *r;

   if (1 != objc) {
     Tcl_WrongNumArgs (interp, 1, objv, "");
     return TCL_ERROR;

   l = lwt_current;

   if (NULL == l->messages) {
     lwt_yield ();
     goto again;
   } else {
     struct lwt_message *m = l->messages;

     r = Tcl_NewByteArrayObj (m->bytes, m->length);

     l->messages = m->next;

     Tcl_Free ((void *)m->bytes);
     Tcl_Free ((void *)m);

   Tcl_SetObjResult (interp, r);

   return TCL_OK;

 int Tcor_Init (Tcl_Interp *interp) {
   if (NULL == Tcl_InitStubs (interp, TCL_VERSION, 0))
     return TCL_ERROR;

   if (TCL_ERROR == Tcl_PkgProvide (interp, "tcor", "0.2"))
     return TCL_ERROR;

   defcmd (tcor_spawn, "tcor-spawn");
   defcmd (tcor_yield, "tcor-yield");
   defcmd (tcor_send_message, "tcor-send-message");
   defcmd (tcor_get_message, "tcor-get-message");
   lwt_init ();

   return TCL_OK;

New test code:

 set dir [file dirname [info script]]
 load [file join $dir]
 package require Tk

 set bozo {
     proc bozo {} {
         while 1 {
             puts "BOZO SAYS:[tcor-get-message]"

 set clown {
     proc clown {} {
         while 1 {
             puts "CLOWN SAYS:[tcor-get-message]"

 proc main {} {
     set bozo [tcor-spawn $::bozo]
     set clown [tcor-spawn $::clown]

     puts "BOZO:$bozo"
     puts "CLOWN:$clown"

     pack [button .b -text "Message Bozo!" \
               -command [list tcor-send-message $bozo HIHIHIHIHIHIHI!]]

     pack [button .b2 -text "Message Clown!" \
               -command [list tcor-send-message $clown HAHAHAHAHAHA!]] 
     pack [button .b3 -text Yield \
               -command [list tcor-yield]]


CGM: The previous (now deleted) test code just writes MAIN\nHELLO and then hangs on the vwait. I changed it to:

 load ./

 set cmd {
  while 1 {
   puts HELLO

 tcor-spawn $::cmd

 while 1 {
  puts MAIN
  after 1000

Which switches between the two loops printing MAIN\nHELLO\nMAIN\nHELLO ...etc.

GPS: Thanks CGM.