is a tutorial for Tcl, built upon [TclTutor] and designed to be included in the distribution. Clif Flynt, Neil Madden, Arjen Markus, David Welton and others have contributed the information contained in the tutorial. Since this tutorial is free software under the same generous license as Tcl itself, you are welcome to help improve it, translate it, publish it, or do whatever else you would like. Comments and suggestions on the contents from both new and experience users are very welcome. [SYStems] How can we comment? I suggest a comment sections beneath each lesson. It will act like slashdot story comments, sometimes you can learn more from the comments than from the story. Actually this way the lesson itself can be very basic, and all the gotchas can appear in the users comments. [davidw] You can comment just as you would with any other aspect of Tcl - via the tcl-core mailing list, or via the SF bug/request trackers. An on-line version with comments might be kind of neat, but I'm unlikely to spend time building that myself. I want something that can be shipped as-is with the core. So if there are things that need fixing/improving, let's do it. [LV] 2007-12-13 Turns out that this is not the case after all. Apparently there was differing expectations concerning the purpose of the tutorial. In any case, the above tutorial was not included in the Tcl 8.5.0 distribution. ---- [LV] 2009-Aug-27 In a recent posting to comp.lang.tcl, [NEM] writes: ...project to update the Tcl tutorial into a book, somewhat along the lines you mention. It's available at and is being written as a free Creative Commons licensed resource for the community. Unfortunately, I'm just one rather busy person, so progress comes in dribs and drabs when I find time. Arjen Markus has also contributed the beginning Tk chapters, and some material has been adapted from the original Tcl tutorial (itself based on TclTutor). A high-quality PDF version is also available for printing: ---- ----- !!!!!! %| [Category Tutorial] |% !!!!!!