Version 4 of tclhttpd session templates

Updated 2004-09-16 04:58:36 by CMCc

This code implements a .stml file type, permitting per-session template expansion.

Within a session template, you get a few built-in commands:

save - saves all variables and arrays within session

exit - utterly destroys the session and any persistent data

dynamic - makes this page's generation dynamic (default)

cache - causes this page to be cached.

value - get session variable value (values pertaining to session management)

group - get value pertaining to this session 'group'

session - get session id

sequence - get session sequence (for strictly sequenced sessions)

You also get some arrays (these don't persist):

data - per-socket data for this transaction

page - some page related data

query - query data encoded in URL

Additionally, any arrays or variables you create in the .stml code will persist if you have [save]d the session.


    # Alternative to templating

    # Files with a .stml suffix or .sstml are templated and cached as with .tml files

    # Template evaluation occurs within a cookie-session (a safe cookie session, for .ssmtl)
    # Cookie session state can persist in file by calling Session_Save

    array set Stml {
        extension .stml
        sextension .sstml

    Mtype_Add $Stml(extension) application/x-tcl-session
    Mtype_Add $Stml(sextension) application/x-tcl-safe-session

    proc Doc_application/x-tcl-safe-session {path suffix sock {safe 1}} {
        return [Doc_application/x-tcl-session $path $suffix $sock 1]

    proc Doc_application/x-tcl-session {path suffix sock {safe 0}} {
        upvar #0 Httpd$sock data
        global Stml

        # handle cached generated files
        if {[file exists ${path}_cache] && ([file mtime $path] <= [file mtime ${path}_cache])} {
            # file exists ... return it
            set fd [open ${path}_cache r]
            set ctype [gets $fd]        ;# get the stored mime type
            set html [read $fd]        ;# get the generated content
            close $fd
            return [Httpd_ReturnData $sock $ctype $html]

        # fetch query
        array set query [list session new]        ;# session id to create a new session
        array set query [Url_DecodeQueryOnly $data(query)]

        # decode session type from file names
        # files like x.type.stml will create a session of type, default 'stml'
        set type [string trimleft [file extension [file rootname $suffix]] .]
        if {$type == ""} {
            set type stml

        # create or restore a cookie session
        set session_error ""
        set session [Session_Cookie [array get query session*] $type session_error $safe]
        if {[string match Session:* $session_error]} {
            # somehow our cookie and our session are out of whack
            Session_Destroy $session        ;# forget the session
            Session_CookieDestroy $type        ;# destroy the session cookies
            Redirect_To $data(uri)        ;# reload to get the new cookies
            return        ;# redundant - Redirect_To throws an error
        set query(session) $session

        # now we have a viable session with an interpreter
        upvar #0 Session:$session state
        set interp $state(interp)
        if {[interp alias $interp exit] == ""} {
            # create an 'exit' command
            interp alias $interp exit {} Session_Destroy $session
        if {[interp alias $interp save] == ""} {
            # create a 'save' command
            interp alias $interp save {} Session_Save $session
        interp alias $interp cache $interp set page(dynamic) 0
        interp alias $interp dynamic $interp set page(dynamic) 1

        # generate interpreter script to source .tml files from the root downward.
        global Template
        set libs [Doc_GetPath $sock $path]
        foreach libdir $libs {
            set libfile [file join $libdir $Template(tmlExt)]
            if {[file exists $libfile]} {
                append "script source $libfile" \n

        # generate interpreter initialization script
        append script [subst {
            catch {unset page}
            catch {unset query}
            catch {unset data}

            array set page {
                url $data(url)
                dynamic 1
                directory [file join {expand}$libs]
            array set query [list [array get query]]
            array set data [list [array get data]]

        set cleanup {
            catch {unset page}
            catch {unset query}
            catch {unset data}

        # initialize the interpreter
        set code [catch {interp eval $interp $script} html eo]

        # Process the template itself
        if {!$code} {
            set code [catch {Subst_File $path $interp} html eo]

        # Save return cookies, if any
        Cookie_Save $sock $interp
        Cookie_Save $sock

        # process errors
        if {$code} {
            # delete the per-page session data
            interp eval $interp $cleanup

            # pass errors up - specifically Redirect return code
            return -options $eo $html

        # calculate mime type of return
        if {[interp eval $interp {info exists data(contentType)}]} {
            set ctype [interp eval $interp {set data(contentType)}] ;# set by a template
        } else {
            set ctype text/html

        # Cache the result
        if {![interp eval $interp {set page(dynamic)}]} {
            catch {file delete -force ${path}_cache}

            # process any filters
            set cache $html
            if {[info exists data(filter)]} {
                while {[llength $data(filter)]} {
                    set cmd [lindex $data(filter) end]
                    set data(filter) [lrange $data(filter) 0 end-1]
                    catch {
                        set cache [eval $cmd $sock [list $html]]

            if {[catch {open  ${path}_cache w} out eo]} {
                Log $sock "stml" "no write permission"
            } else {
                puts $out $ctype        ;# record the mime type
                puts -nonewline $out $cache
                close $out

        # delete the per-page session data
        interp eval $interp $cleanup

        # return the result
        return [Httpd_ReturnData $sock $ctype $html]

Here's a test file: test.stml

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <!-- [package require html] -->
        <title>Test session templates</title>

        <h1>Test session templates</h1>
        <h2>Session: [session]</h2>
        <p>type: [value type]</p>
        <p>interp:[value interp]</p>
        <p>start: [value start]</p>
        <p>current: [value current]</p>
        <p>count: [value count]</p>
        <p>[::html::tableFromArray data]</p>
        <p>[::html::tableFromArray query]</p>
        <p>[::html::tableFromArray page]</p>

        <address><a href="mailto:colin at sharedtech dot dyndns dot org">Colin McCormack</a></address>
    <!-- Created: Thu Sep 16 08:53:25 EST 2004 -->
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    Last modified: Thu Sep 16 09:14:32 EST 2004
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[Category TclHttpd]