Version 3 of tclhttpd Indirect domain

Updated 2004-11-20 09:51:36 by CMCc

This is a fusion of tclhttpd Direct and Doc domains

It will try to find a match using the same technique as Doc, and fall back to a Direct domain if it can't. Additionally, the ${prefix}/* proc will be called on no match. Enjoy! -- CMcC 20041120

To create an Indirect domain you call [Indirect_Url virtual directory prefix] where virtual is the URL path to this domain, directory is the file directory for templates and prefix is a prefix to be added to the command invocation.

This domain would be useful for applications which operate on directories and files - one could, for example, create a [search] process which searched the files in a directory, one could use the * function to create new files on demand, as in Wikit.

    package require httpd::direct

    proc Indirect_Url {virtual directory {prefix {}} {inThread 0}} {
        global Indirect
        if {[string length $prefix] == 0} {
            set prefix $virtual
        set Indirect($prefix) $virtual        ;# So we can reconstruct URLs
        Doc_RegisterRoot $virtual $directory
        Url_PrefixInstall $virtual [list IndirectDomain $prefix $directory] $inThread

    proc Direct_UrlRemove {prefix} {
        global Indirect
        catch { Url_PrefixRemove $Indirect($prefix) }
        catch { unset Indirect($prefix) }

    proc IndirectDomain {prefix directory sock suffix} {
        global Indirect
        upvar #0 Httpd$sock data

        # Prepare argument data from the query data.
        Url_QuerySetup $sock

        set path [file join $directory [string trimleft $suffix /~]]
        set path [file normalize $path]
        set data(path) $path        ;# record this path for not found handling
        set data(directory) $directory

        # Look for a fresh template which generates the desired path
        if {[Template_Try $sock $path $prefix $suffix]} {
            # template has handled the request
            return 1

        # Template_Try hasn't satisfied the request,
        # Look for an exact match.
        if {[file exists $path] && [file readable $path]} {
            # we have a file precisely matching the request
            Doc_Return $prefix $path $suffix $sock
            return 1

        # no matching file - try a direct call
        set cmd [Direct_MarshallArguments $prefix $suffix]

        if {$cmd == ""} {
            # Negotiate an Acceptable available alternative file
            # if one is found, a redirect is provoked
            # (FIXME: is this according to the spec?)
            if {[Fallback_Try $prefix $path $suffix $sock]} {
                # we have found an Accept-able alternative
                # Fallback_Try generates a redirect
                return 1

            # still no match - try the * command
            set cmd [Direct_MarshallArguments $prefix /*]
            if {$cmd == ""} {
                Doc_NotFound $sock

        # Eval the command.  Errors can be used to trigger redirects.
        set code [catch $cmd result]

        set type text/html
        upvar #0 $prefix$suffix aType
        if {[info exist aType]} {
            set type $aType

        Direct_Respond $sock $code $result $type

        # example indirect domain
        Indirect_Url /indirect indirect_test

        proc /indirect/moop {args} {
            return "<html><head><title>Moop</title></head><body>$args</body></html>"

        proc /indirect/* {args} {
            upvar #0 Httpd[Httpd_CurrentSocket] data
            return "<html><head><title>Moop</title></head><body><h3>Not Found</h3><p>[array get data]</p></body></html>"