Version 14 of tcldocs

Updated 2003-05-17 15:26:47

Purpose: discuss the web email list known as tcldocs at yahoogroups url:


  • windows chm file for tcl8.4.2 [L1 ]
  • acrobat reader pdf file for tcl8.4.2 [L2 ]
  • windows chm file with tcltk8.4.2, itcl, mk4tcl, bwidget, tcllib, tablelist, wcb, tix8.2, tclkit and some faq docus [L3 ]

Vote on what should be further included into this file [L4 ].

maintainer DDG

JMN The Yahoo group location really does seem inconvenient compared to the wiki for commentary at least. Any particular reason you're maintaining it there? I'm sure someone in the tcl/tk community could provide a little space for the actual file too.. have you asked?

I don't know exactly what the poll is asking, but my vote is that the help should include reference on deprecated/defunct commands. None of the .chm files or html or even the wiki can tell me about tkTextSetCursor for example.

Eventually I find via Google a note from Jeffrey Hobbs:

"The tk[A-Z]* commands were never public commands, and never meant to be used. I can't imagine why one would use that one except for low-level widget stuff. You should be able to use $text mark set insert $index"

... but as it appears in 2 places on the wiki:* and in various bits of source around and about on the web - it seems that rumours of its death are greatly exaggerated.

LV Why inconvenient? I think yahoo is fine for this sort of thing.

JMN oh, just that it's yet another thing that wants you to supply an email address & password. There was at least one posting on c.l.t where someone claimed not to be able to access the URL - and I suspect that glancing at a yahoo login page may have triggered the users automatic 'oh.. I've hit some sort of ISP-file-not-found sort of page' response.. But I guess I'm often dashing about the web and hitting the back button at the slightest annoyance - so don't read too much into my mention of 'inconvenience'.

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