Version 10 of tcldocs

Updated 2003-05-16 17:14:18

Purpose: discuss the web email list known as tcldocs at yahoogroups



  • windows chm file for tcl8.4.2 [L1 ]
  • acrobat reader pdf file for tcl8.4.2 [L2 ]
  • windows chm file with tcltk8.4.2, itcl, mk4tcl, bwidget, tcllib, tablelist, wcb, tix8.2, tclkit and some faq docus [L3 ]

Vote on what should be further included into this file [L4 ].

maintainer DDG

JMN The Yahoo group location really does seem inconvenient compared to the wiki. Any particular reason you're maintaining it there?

I don't know exactly what the poll is asking, but my vote is that the help should include reference on deprecated/defunct commands. None of the .chm files or html or even the wiki can tell me about tkTextSetCursor for example.

Eventually I find via Google a note from Jeffrey Hobbs:

"The tkA-Z* commands were never public command, and never meant to be used. I can't imagine why one would use that one except for low-level widget stuff. You should be able to use $text mark set insert $index"

... but as it appears in 2 places on the wiki:* and in various bits of source around and about on the web - it seems that rumours of its death are greatly exaggerated.

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