Here are some support routines I use to set up iptables under linux ... use with care, of course - [CMcC] #! /usr/bin/env tclsh # return the ip address of an interface proc ipofif {if} { return [lindex [regexp -inline {inet addr:([0-9.]+)} [exec /sbin/ifconfig $if]] 1] } # return the network mask of interface proc nmofif {if} { return [lindex [regexp -inline {Mask:([0-9.]+)} [exec /sbin/ifconfig $if]] 1] } # return the complete set of enabled interfaces proc enumerateif {} { set result {} foreach {junk if} [regexp -all -inline -line {^([a-zA-Z0-9:]+)[ \t]} [exec /sbin/ifconfig]] { lappend result $if } return $result } proc iptables {args} { set code [catch {eval exec iptables $args} result] if {$code} { puts stderr "IPTABLES ERROR: $args - $result" } } # Create new chain, or flush existing proc newchain {chain} { if {[catch {exec iptables -F $chain}]} { iptables -N $chain } } # block anything to or from this IP proc block {ip {how REJECT}} { set how LOGDROP iptables -A INPUT -j $how --source $ip iptables -A FORWARD -j $how --destination $ip iptables -A OUTPUT -j $how --destination $ip } proc accept {input args} { eval iptables -A $input $args -j ACCEPT } proc drop {input args} { set log [string range [string map {-- ""} $args] 0 28] eval iptables -A $input $args -j LOG --log-level warning --log-prefix [list $log] eval iptables -A $input $args -j LOGDROP #eval iptables -A $input $args -j DROP } # Accept tcp connections on a certain interface to a certain port proc allow {dest ifs {proto tcp}} { puts stderr "Allow $proto connections to port $dest from interfaces $ifs" foreach if $ifs { iptables -A ${proto}_ok -m multiport -p $proto --in-interface $if --destination $::all($if) --destination-ports [join $dest ,] -j ACCEPT } } ## redirect $destport $sourceIF $to proc redir {dest_port source to {proto tcp}} { puts stderr "Redirect $proto connections from $source interface to port $dest_port to $to" #allow $dest_port $source $proto set me [lindex [split $::all($source) /] 0] iptables -t nat -p $proto -A PREROUTING --destination $me --destination-port $dest_port -j DNAT --to-destination $to } # classify interfaces into global arrays by category # by string matching network masks proc classify {args} { foreach if [enumerateif] { set ::all($if) "[ipofif $if]/[nmofif $if]" puts stderr "if $if: $::all($if)" foreach {arr match} { if {[string match $match $::all($if)]} { array set ::$arr $if $::all($if) } } } }