[Jacob Levy] July 19, 2003: Please report here on your testing of Tcl 8.4.4. It's available by anon CVS now in the sourceforge.net CVS. To get the source code: cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/tcl login cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/tcl co -r core-8-4-4 tcl Similarly for Tk: cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/tktoolkit login cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/tktoolkit co -r core-8-4-4 tk Then: % ./configure --prefix= % make % make test % make install % ---- [Jacob Levy] July 19, 2003: Tested the Tcl side of things on RH 7.3 gcc 2.96, all clean. Cannot run 'make test' on Tk because I have a display-less machine (only ssh-accessible). Tk did build and install cleanly. [TV] I make-ed the previous version only, on rh8+, download from web browser, then uncompress and untar: tar -xzf tcl*gz and the same for tk. Same as above, but need tcl install first (not just make) before tk, though I guess some environment var could be set. All clean, too. I used a non-superuser account, which wasn't a problem except for standard install places, has to be root. Try XFree86, the currently [cygwin] supplied X server for windows, runs smooth enough. Unless you have another reason things can just be ssh, that nicely can give you the wish window on a windows machine, running on linux. ---- [MC] 19 July 2003: I'm going to test building Tcl 8.4.4 with all the various permutations of ./configure --options on Debian Linux, RH 6.0, Tru64 and OpenBSD. Here's the Tcl script I'm using to generate a shell script to do all the compiles and create a log with all the configure, compile and test output. (It'll need a few tweaks for Tru64, i.e., cc -V instead of gcc -v, etc.) #!/bin/sh # -*- tcl -*- \ exec tclsh $0 ${1+"$@"} proc sign var { upvar 1 $var thing if {$thing == "enable"} { return +$var } else { return -$var } } puts "#!/bin/sh" puts "cd ~/testbuild" set counter 0 foreach threads {enable disable} { foreach langinfo {enable disable} { foreach shared {enable disable} { foreach load {enable disable} { foreach symbols {enable disable} { set builddir build[format %02d [incr counter]] append builddir [sign threads] append builddir [sign langinfo] append builddir [sign shared] append builddir [sign load] append builddir [sign symbols] set logfile ~/testbuild/$builddir/build.log puts "# $logfile" puts "if \[ ! -e $builddir \]; then mkdir $builddir; else rm -rf $builddir/tcl/; fi" puts "cd $builddir" puts "tar xvfz ../tcl8.4.4-cvs-head.tgz" puts "cd tcl/unix/" puts "echo `date` $logfile | tee $logfile" puts "uname -a | tee --append $logfile" puts "gcc -v 2>&1 | tee --append $logfile" puts "./configure -$threads-threads -$langinfo-langinfo -$shared-shared -$load-load -$symbols-symbols 2>&1 | tee --append $logfile" puts "make 2>&1 | tee --append $logfile" puts "make test 2>&1 | tee --append $logfile" puts "cd ~/testbuild" puts -nonewline \n } } } } } ---- [SRIV] Redhat 9.0, tcl8.4.4 make and make test ran with 0 errors.