short form of the name, "tape archive," the command to create a [tarball]. also a [tcllib] module for reading and writing tarballs. more to come here soon ''There's code to decode and unpack a tar file in the [SDX] starkit utility, unwrap and look at lib/app-sdx/tgz2kit.tcl, it's about 25 lines.'' - [jcw] the sdx untar does not respect file permissions and owners, nor special files. ---- [DKF]: Tar is also, and coincidentally, a black sticky substance that traps stuff that falls into it (e.g. the La Brea Tar Pits in LA). In computing, this brings on the term "a tar-pit project", which sucks in all effort that goes even close and swallows it all without trace. Avoid tar pits by using Tcl/Tk! ---- [Category Package]