Version 8 of tabulate

Updated 2015-08-31 17:00:31 by dbohdan

tabulate is a command line utility that converts standard input into pretty-printed tables. It is also a Tcl module that does the same with lists of lists. It was inspired by . It works in Tcl 8.5+ and Jim Tcl.

It is currently developed as part of the Sqawk repository.

Download the latest version: curl > tabulate.tcl

Use example

$ ps | jimsh ./tabulate.tcl   
│ PID │ TTY │  TIME  │ CMD │
│20583│pts/3│00:00:01│ zsh │
│23301│pts/3│00:00:00│  ne │
│28007│pts/3│00:00:00│  ps │


See .

See also