Version 6 of t-Calc

Updated 2004-02-06 23:27:23


2/6/2004 MDD: My seventh-grade daughter was complaining about the limitations of her calculator when checking her homework a while back, so I thought I'd play around a bit to see if I could put together a nice little calculator app that would serve her most immediate needs now, but also be able to evolve as her requirements evolve in the future. The initial result is t-Calc 1.0. You can download the Starkit [L1 ], as well as a WIndows Starpack [L2 ].

It should be pretty self-explanatory, via the balloon help, but one cool feature that requires a little more explanation is the way you can assign arbitrary Tcl scripts to six user-defined buttons. I've pre-loaded them with some interesting little math apps by people like RS and Keith Vetter, but you can easily replace them with code of your choosing by right-clicking on the particular user button. For the time being, the user apps run in separate slave interpreters.

I'll most likely be adding all kinds of bells and whistles as time goes by, but this is pretty workable, for a start.

RS: Re teenage daughter, maybe Fun with functions may come in handy too?