Documentation for the Tcl switch command can be found at History corner: First announced by [JO] for Tcl 7.0 in [] [[switch]] supersedes [[[case]]]. ---- [RS] Make sure you always write "the switch to end all switches", "--", if there is the slightest possibility that faulty or unexpected data (i.e., beginning with a dash) may occur - they raise a data-driven syntax error which does not make a good impression on end-users. switch -- $foo {...} ;# robust for all values of foo [AMG]: Actually, "--" is not required when using this form of [[switch]] []. It's only needed when the patterns and bodies are separate arguments, which is a relatively rare usage of [[switch]]. [AMG], update: On second thought, "--" is required, if you're using Tcl 8.4 or older. Tcl 8.5+ doesn't require it. ---- In the form of the switch command where all patterns and bodies are in the last argument, this argument is technically a string which will be parsed by Tcl as a list. The rules for how a string is parsed as a list can be found on the [lindex] manual page []. The difference here between a whitespace-delimited substring and a list element parsed from a string is usually negligible, but one must sometimes take them into account to get the right amount of quoting in place. Regexp patterns are particularly easy to overquote. ---- Coding style for switch is tricky. Recently on comp.lang.tcl there was an exchange about getting switch to work right. The user had originally typed: switch $::errorCode { $NOTFOUND { puts "page not found " } default { puts "Program encountered code $::errorCode" break } } and was frustrated because the application kept taking the default branch. ---- [PZ] 'default' alternative for regexp: set a x switch -regexp -- $a { y { puts "y" } {} { puts "z" } default { puts "$a" } } returns: z ---- [LV] When I try to use a break inside of a switch command, I get the error ====== invoked "break" outside of a loop while executing "switch ====== Is there an equivalent to [break] for switch? [YSK] How about trapping "switch" in "while 1": ====== while {1} { switch $cond { case1 { if {$fault} {puts NG; break} puts OK } default { puts OK } break } ====== [MG] Hrm, I thought [break] worked in switches, too. But it seems that Tcl's [switch] doesn't fall through by default: ====== switch -glob -- foo \ f* {puts match1} \ *o* {puts match2} \ default {puts nomatch} ====== Only the "match1" is shown, and then it stops, there's no "match2". So no [break] is needed, it'll stop when a match is found anyway. That means, in something like ====== switch -glob -- $string \ f* {puts foo} b* {puts bar} *z* {# do nothing} default {puts "something else"} ====== the "# do nothing" case has the same effect as a [break] in a switch in [C] would. [LV] without break, it means that one has to code carefully to avoid the cases where one normally would use it. For instance, in other languages, one might code ====== switch $variable { case1 {do this; break} case2 {do that; break} case3 {if today is Monday, do the other; break; if tomorrow is the 14th, do something else; break;} default {if an error, say so and break; do the last thing, break;} ====== In tcl, one would recode using else or elseif or fiddling with state variables, etc. to accomplish the same thing. ---- A well known Tcl pundit suggested: switch $::errorCode " $NOTFOUND { puts "page not found " } default { puts "Program encountered code $::errorCode" } " so that Tcl had a chance to substitue the value of $NOTFOUND. ''[AMG]: The quotes don't match up the way you expect. This is because braces inside "quoted" words don't have any special power. the second argument to switch starts with a line break, ends with the space following puts, and has the word "page" illegally appended to it, resulting in an "extra characters after close-quote" error.'' However, the follow up, by [Ken Jones] said it best: you don't want that (unless you're doing some very, very, very tricky stuff). Quoting switch's pattern/action block with "" allows substitutions within the entire argument. So, yes you get the $URL_NOT_FOUND variable substituted. But you also get the contents of the actions substituted before switch even gets called. [lexfiend] - I think the following example illustrates Ken's point better: # GOTCHA - You're dead no matter what you do set TriggerBomb 0 set DefuseBomb 1 set WaitAMinuteWhileIThinkThisThrough 2 set Action $WaitAMinuteWhileIThinkThisThrough interp alias {} SendToBomb {} puts switch $Action " $TriggerBomb { set result [SendToBomb boom] } $DefuseBomb { set result [SendToBomb shutdown] } " Instead, we want the "alternate" syntax of switch, where you provide each pattern and its corresponding action as separate arguments to switch, rather than as a monolithic pattern/action quoted argument. Here's a correctly working example of the above code: set NOTFOUND "value" set errorCode "nonsense" switch -- $::errorCode \ $NOTFOUND { puts "page not found" } \ default { puts "Program encountered code $::errorCode" } [KBK] - I dislike both of these. I tend to think of a switch as a selection among fixed alternatives, and substitution in the cases confuses me. I'd have just written: if { [string equal $::errorcode $NOTFOUND] } { puts "page not found" } else { puts "Program encountered code $::errorCode" } [RHS] - I find that, when I need substitution for switch values, formatting it like the following looks cleaner: switch -- $::errorCode $NOTFOUND { puts "page not found" } $value1 { puts "blah" } default { puts "Program encountered code $::errorCode" } ---- The above sample was, of course, intended to be brief, and didn't show the other several dozen switch cases . For a single comparison, I agree with KBK. But if I have more than one or two of these types of comparisons, then I know '''I''' [LV] prefer a switch. ---- With '''switch -regexp''', you can specify abbreviations of a flag to be switched on like this: switch -regexp -- $variable { -h(e(lp?)?)? {...} -h|-he|-hel|-help|-ayuda {...} -\\? { ... } ;$ Match -? flag "(?x) - | -h | -help" {do stuff} ;# extended RE syntax } without the -regexp, you would write: switch -- $variable { -h - -he - -hel - -help { ... } } ---- [LV] I really find using - as a seperator between switch case alternatives to be counter-intuitive; normally one uses | for that sort of thing . [glennj]: It might be clearer if more whitespace is used: switch -- $variable { -h - -he - -hel - -help { ... } } ---- [SB], 2003-05-21: When I use switch -regexp, Tcl already use regexp once to enter the proper clause. How can the match pattern be accessed from within the clause, if possible, and is switch -regexp able to use () match variables? I think perl store the regexp matches in global variables $1 .. $9 (The following example is not valid, only for illustrating question) switch -regexp -- $somevar { {^(\S+)\s+(\S+)} {puts "You hit matches $1 and $2"} {^(\d+)\s+(\d+)} {puts "You hit number matches $1 and $2"} } [KBK] - You can't. However, that form of [[switch]] is no slower than the corresponding [[if]]...[[elseif]], so you can do: if { [regexp {^(\S+)\s+(\S+)$} $somevar -> part1 part2] } { puts "You hit matches $part1 and $part2" } elseif { [regexp {^(\d+)\s+(\d+)} -> part1 part2] } { puts "You hit number matches $part1 and $part2" } [hkoba], 2005-03-18: Hmm, how about [switch-regexp]? ---- How's this for a silly compromise. Nicely aligns the dispatch conditions and removes the confusing barrage of backslashes. if {0} { } elseif {$state == $INIT_STATE} { puts init } elseif {$state == $CLEANING_STATE} { puts cleaning } elseif {$state == $DONE_STATE} { puts done } ---- The silliness continues... this actually works though I'm not sure of the side effects. proc dispatch {thevar args} { set pass1 [uplevel subst $args] set pass2 "switch \$$thevar \{ $pass1 \}" uplevel $pass2 } set INIT_STATE "init" set CLEANING_STATE "cleaning" set DONE_STATE "done" set state $INIT_STATE dispatch state { $INIT_STATE { puts init set nextstate $DONE_STATE } $CLEANING_STATE { puts cleaning } $DONE_STATE { puts done } default { } } puts "next state $nextstate" ---- See also [ranged switch] ---- [LES]: So, if it is so good a practice ALWAYS to call switch as "switch --" (the switch to end all switches), why can't the core code already cope with that? [MG] That's not really specific to switch - it's really good practice with ''all'' commands that take ''-something'' args, and show the end of those with '--', to include the --. And I think the reason the core can't handle is that you may actually want the behaviour that occurs when you don't give --, some times. [LV] because technically the rule isn't "ALWAYS call switch as switch --". The rule is "ALWAYS call switch with -- after the last of the switch flags". If you are using switch without a flag, then it would be "switch --". Think of code like this: set arg "something entered by the user" switch $arg { --first_thing { do something } --second_thing { do something else } default {do the last thing } } Now, if the user happens to type in "--first_thing", the program raises the error: bad option "--first_thing": must be -exact, -glob, -regexp, or -- because there was no "--" between the switch and the variable being examined. Not only that, but if the user happens to type in "-exact", the error raised is: wrong # args: should be "switch ?switches? string pattern body ... ?default body?" because of the missing "--" . Two potential error situations - and the core switch command can't handle either, because by the time it is called, any information about where the first argument is already gone. [RS] The need for -- seems to exist only for ''switch''. Other commands don't get confused by parameters that look like switches but aren't: % lsearch -foo -bar -1 Then again, [regexp] has the same need for --: % regexp -foo -bar bad switch "-foo": must be -all, -about, -indices, -inline, -expanded, -line, -linestop, -lineanchor, -nocase, -start, or -- Yax: lsearch assumes the form of arguments by the argument count, and its quite probable that all commands that take fixed args after options do. Any commands (such as regexp) that can take an arbitrarily varying number of args and have switches probably also suffer this issue. ---- [RS] 2005-05-30: Unlike in [C], [Tcl]'s [switch] returns its last evaluated result, so it can be used as a function. Given this simple identity proc is x {set x} we can code the following "digit classifier" quite elegantly: foreach num {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9} { set type [switch -- $num { 1 - 9 {is odd} 2 - 3 - 5 - 7 {is prime} 0 - 4 - 6 - 8 {is even} }] puts "$num is $type" } which displays 0 is even 1 is odd 2 is prime 3 is prime 4 is even 5 is prime 6 is even 7 is prime 8 is even 9 is odd [ZB] 20100318 - the above example doesn't work (invalid command name "is"). I've got a feeling, it was probably valid for TCL8.4 (didn't check it), but it won't work with 8.6 anymore. [Lars H]: More likely, you forgot to include the definition of '''is''' (the proc command in the preceeding one-line code block). [ZB] Oh, yeah... O_O indeed. [AMG]: See [return] for more discussion of this pattern. Search for "return -level 0". I have found that the simplest way to do it is with single-argument [lindex]. Elsewhere I've seen it done with single-argument [list], but this is unsafe. ---- [LV] Can someone help me with switch? I have what seems like a simple bit of code, but it doesn't work as I expected. So I need help adjusting my expectation (and my code!). $ cat ts.tcl #! /usr/tcl84/bin/tclsh set ::expert "no" set ::usage "USAGE: $argv0 arg1 arg2" set ::val "XYZ" foreach i $::argv { switch -exact -- $i in { ! { if {$::expert == "no"} { set ::expert "yes" } else { puts $::usage exit 1 } } 1 { set $::val 1 } default { puts "** Too many values specified **" puts "You will be prompted for the information **" set ::expert "no" } } } puts $::expert puts $::val $ ts.tcl 1 2 ! no XYZ I was expecting to see no ** Too many values specified ** You will be prompted for the information ** 1 as a result, since I supplied a 2 and a !. What am I missing in this? [RHS] You have an '''in''' there that you shouldn't: switch -exact -- $i in { ^^ ---- '''Compilation Notes''' [DKF]: In Tcl 8.5, the '''switch''' command is bytecompiled if reasonably possible. The "reasonably possible" part means that you do have to be doing either '''-exact''' or '''-glob''' matching, and the bodies of the arms have to be compilable (as usual). With '''-regexp''' matching, that always goes to the "interpreted" version (though by compensation, there are some other new goodies (see -matchvar and -indexvar, for instance) available). In most cases, the switch is compiled to (effectively) a sequence of [if]s. However, in some special cases (i.e. '''-exact''' matching of constant terms) a jump table is built instead, which is considerably more efficient, especially for terms other than the first one. ---- [TJE] Why are the ranges placed in a switch statement's "-indexvar" target inclusive of the character AFTER the match? This differs from the behavior of regexp's "-indices" option, which seems quite odd to me. For example: % set line {foo bar} foo bar % regexp -inline -indices {foo} $line {0 2} % switch -regexp -indexvar index -- $line {foo} {set index} {0 3} Doesn't that seem odd? 'Tis not at all what I'd expected... ---- [[Anyone have an example of a switch statement with two or more cases, with comments for each case?]] The man page [] includes such an example. [Wookie]: I have a large switch and wanted comments for blocks of statements e.g. switch -exact -- $test { # Comment for first block Test1 { SomeProcs...} Test2 { SomeProcs...} # Comment for second block Test3 { SomeProcs...} Test4 { SomeProcs...} # Comment for default NONE - default { SomeCleanUpProc... } } You get the error: "extra switch pattern with no body, this may be due to a comment incorrectly placed outside of a switch body - see the "switch" documentation" As TCL switch statements don't seem to care that there are multiple definitions of a statement, I rewrote the code as: switch -exact -- $test { COMMENT {# Comment for first block} Test1 { SomeProc...} Test2 { SomeProc...} COMMENT {# Comment for second block} Test3 { SomeProc...} Test4 { SomeProc...} COMMENT {# Comment for default} NONE - default { SomeCleanUpProc... } } If COMMENT is passed in it simply calls the first COMMENT in the switch, which does nothing. If COMMENT is a valid statement it would have to be dealt with in the first block. ---- [DrASK] - Is there any speed improvement when using -exact over -regexp? As in: switch -exact -- $value { {a} - {b} - {c} {match} } switch -regexp -- $value { {[abc]} {match} } [Lars H]: Comments by '''DKF''' above suggest that the answer should be yes, but why not check for yourself? [time] it! Also note that the two [switch]es aren't exactly equivalent: the latter checks whether the $value ''contains'' a, b, or c, not whether it ''is''. To do that, you need to change the regexp pattern as follows: switch -regexp -- $value { {^[abc]$} {match} } [DrASK] Yeah, I failed to mention that $value is known to be a single character. Thanks. Here is the test and the results: proc exact {value} { switch -exact -- $value { a - b - c {return true} default {return false} } } proc regexp {value} { switch -regexp -- $value { {[abc]} {return true} default {return false} } } proc first {value} { return [expr {[string match $value {abc}] != -1}] } proc multi {type value} { for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} { $type $value } } foreach type {exact regexp first} { foreach value {a b c d} { puts "$type $value [errortime {multi $type $value} 10000 100]" } } exact a 66 +/- 0 microseconds per iteration exact b 67 +/- 0 microseconds per iteration exact c 67 +/- 0 microseconds per iteration exact d 66 +/- 0 microseconds per iteration regexp a 151 +/- 0 microseconds per iteration regexp b 140 +/- 0 microseconds per iteration regexp c 142 +/- 0 microseconds per iteration regexp d 121 +/- 0 microseconds per iteration first a 71 +/- 0 microseconds per iteration first b 71 +/- 0 microseconds per iteration first c 71 +/- 0 microseconds per iteration first d 70 +/- 0 microseconds per iteration It's interesting to note the dropoff when regexp hit the default case. But -regexp is clearly is 2-2.5x slower. I used [MAK]'s errortime proc [] for timing. [ferrieux]: Indeed, timing shows that the jump table is roughly 3x faster than if..elseif..elseif, which is itself 1.25x faster than regexp. Notice that the regexp compilation overhead is not in the picture, since it is cached. Not sure whether we should worry about the 1.25... ---- [AMG]: Unlike [C] switch which does numeric comparisons, [Tcl] switch performs string comparisons. This can make a big difference in your program if you are dealing with numbers that are formatted in different ways. ====== set number 0x5 switch -- $number { 5 {puts five!} default {puts unknown} } ====== You may instead consider a long [if]/[elseif] chain, but maybe this won't [bytecode] as well. Alternately, force the [format]ting to be consistent: ====== set number 0x5 switch -- [format %d $number] { 5 {puts five!} default {puts unknown} } ====== ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Command] | [Category Control Structure] |% [Tcl syntax help] | [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] !!!!!!