Version 1 of switch using -matchvar

Updated 2011-10-20 22:45:11 by rattleCAD
Whatswitch using -matchvar
DescriptionThere is an error in manual
Requirestdom, Tk
tagsswitch matchvar

I was looking for a solution for a problem like this:

 set value_01 {abc}
 set value_02 {bcd}
 foreach value {abc bcd cde cdde def deeef any} {
     $value_01 {...}
     $value_02 {...}
     default   {...}

there is an example in the manual. I hoped this can help me, but it does not work.

 set foo "abc"

 switch -regexp -matchvar foo -- $bar {
   a(b*)c {
      puts "Found [string length [lindex $foo 1]] 'b's"
   d(e*)f(g*)h {
      puts "Found [string length [lindex $foo 1]] 'e's and\
            [string length [lindex $foo 2]] 'g's"

this example raise an error:

can't read "bar": no such variable

so whats on?

I did some trials: First on the switch: "-matchvar" to correct above example

 set foo "abc"
 catch {unset bar}

 switch -regexp -matchvar bar -- $foo {
   a(b*)c {
      puts "Found [string length [lindex $bar 1]] 'b's"
   d(e*)f(g*)h {
      puts "Found [string length [lindex $bar 1]] 'e's and\
            [string length [lindex $bar 2]] 'g's"

the solution for my problem is this:

 set value_01 {abc}
 set value_02 {bcd}

 foreach value {abc bcd cde cdde def deeef any} {
    switch -regexp -matchvar foo -- $value \
        $value_01 {
                puts "\n    ... \$value_01: $value_01"
                puts   "    ...... \$value:   $value"
                puts   "    ...... \$foo:     $foo"
        } \
        $value_02 {
                puts "\n    ... \$value_02: $value_02"
                puts "      ...... \$value:   $value"
                puts "      ...... \$foo:     $foo"
        } \
        c(d*)e {
                puts "\n    ... c(d*)e"
                puts "      ...... \$value: $value"
                puts "      ...... \$foo:   $foo"
        } \
        d(e*)f {
                puts "\n    ... d(e*)f"
                puts "      ...... \$value: $value"
                puts "      ...... \$foo:   $foo"
        } \
        default {
                puts "\n    ... default"
                puts "      ...... \$value: $value"
                puts "      ...... \$foo:   $foo"

I hope this shows the aim of the "-matchvar" switch