Version 5 of stripchart

Updated 2019-12-26 02:48:28 by Jorge

A stripchart is a widget that is part of BLT.

[TODO: describe it in detail]

Details here:

A minimum example:

(Based on BLT - stripchart - with realtime update)


 console show
 package require Tk
 package require BLT
 namespace import blt::*
 set ctr 0
 set ctrX 0

 set Hz 200

 vector create xvec($Hz) y1vec($Hz) y2vec($Hz)

 stripchart .s1 -height 2i -width 8i -bufferelements no
 stripchart .s2 -height 2i -width 8i -bufferelements no
 .s1 axis configure x -autorange 255.0
 .s1 axis configure x -shiftby   5.0

 pack .s1 .s2

 .s1 element create line1 -xdata xvec -ydata y1vec -symbol none
 .s2 element create line2 -xdata xvec -ydata y2vec -symbol none -color red

 proc proc1sec {} {
 global ctr ctrX xvec y1vec y2vec
    puts $ctr
    set xvec(++end) $ctrX
    set y1vec(++end) $ctr
    set y2vec(++end) $ctr
    incr ctr
    incr ctrX
    if {$ctr == 256} {set ctr 0}
    after 100 proc1sec
