---- I'd really encourage people to place code that allows older versions of Tcl/Tk to have ''forward compatible'' functionality into tcllib and tklib - that way everyone benefits. Appropriate package info should keep it from kicking in inappropriately. ---- '''Pre-8.4 substitute:''' Here is a concoction of a 1-line high listbox with two tiny buttons, to approximate the effects of a spinbox: proc spinner {w args} { set im(up) [image create bitmap -data " #define i_width 5 #define i_height 3 static char i_bits[] = { 4,14,31 }"] set im(dn) [image create bitmap -data " #define i_width 5 #define i_height 3 static char i_bits[] = { 31,14,4 }"] frame $w eval listbox $w.l -height 1 $args frame $w.f button $w.f.1 -image $im(up) -width 10 -height 4 \ -command [list $w.l yview scroll -1 unit] button $w.f.2 -image $im(dn) -width 10 -height 4 \ -command [list $w.l yview scroll 1 unit] pack $w.f.1 $w.f.2 pack $w.l $w.f -side left -fill y return $w.l } ;# RS #-------------------------------- Testing: [] set testlist {foo bar grill room} spinner .x -listvar testlist -bg yellow pack .x Should you wonder how I got these little arrow images - then it's time for a little plug for [strimj - string image routines], where the command strimj::xbm "@@@@@\n @@@ \n @ " delivers the XBM code for the down arrow (and the order of rows needed only to be reverted for the up arrow). ---- [Tk syntax help] - [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] - [Category Command]