here is another implementation for a windows like sizer control which consists of diagonal lines in the lower right corner of a window. This widget has following features: * uses system colors * disappears if window is in zoomed state * simple usage: '''sizer::sizer''' ''toplevel-window'' Other implementations i found are [Resize control] and [widget:resizeHandle] ---- namespace eval ::sizer { namespace export sizer } proc ::sizer::sizer {win} { variable config variable f if {$win=="."} { set config($win-widget) .sizer } else { set config($win-widget) $win.sizer } canvas $config($win-widget) -width 16 -height 16 -cursor "size_nw_se" -bg SystemButtonFace foreach i {3 7 11} { # -width 2 means 2point on win98 and 2pixel on w2k $config($win-widget) create line [expr $i+2] 16 16 [expr $i+2] -width 1 -fill SystemButtonShadow $config($win-widget) create line [expr $i+1] 16 16 [expr $i+1] -width 1 -fill SystemButtonShadow $config($win-widget) create line $i 16 16 $i -width 1 -fill SystemButtonHighlight } set config($win-zoomed) 2 ;# not 0/1 bind $config($win-widget) [namespace code [list sizer_start $win %X %Y]] bind $config($win-widget) [namespace code [list sizer_move $win %X %Y]] bind $win [namespace code [list sizer_update $win]] } proc ::sizer::sizer_update {win} { variable config set zoomed [string equal [wm state $win] "zoomed"] if {$zoomed!=$config($win-zoomed)} { set config($win-zoomed) $zoomed if {$zoomed} { place forget $config($win-widget) } else { set x [expr {-16+[$win cget -padx]}] set y [expr {-16+[$win cget -pady]}] place $config($win-widget) -relx 1.0 -rely 1.0 -x $x -y $y } } } proc ::sizer::sizer_start {win x y} { variable config set config($win-x) $x set config($win-y) $y scan [wm geometry $win] "%dx%d" config($win-width) config($win-height) } proc ::sizer::sizer_move {win x y} { variable config set width [expr $config($win-width) +$x-$config($win-x)] set height [expr $config($win-height)+$y-$config($win-y)] catch {wm geometry $win ${width}x${height} } } ---- 2004-02-19 corrected the code for padded toplevel, as suggested by Paul Kienzle ---- [Category Package]