&|What|simplify_SVG.tcl|& &|Description|Provides translation from XML/SVG format to canvas commands.|& &|Where|http://rattlecad.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/rattlecad/trunk/simplify_SVG.tcl?revision=88?view=log%|%simplify_SVG.tcl%|%|& &|Requires|tdom, Tk%|%|& &|Updated|17.02.2011|& ---- For my project on sourceforge http://sourceforge.net/projects/rattlecad/ i need to read svg-files. To keep complexity from my software I do not support all object types. Especially not the path-tags. Therefore I create this script to read the path-tags and convert them into polylines and polygons. I refer to allready existing scripts: http://wiki.tcl.tk/3884 and http://wiki.tcl.tk/10530 ---- ====== #!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using wish \ exec wish "$0" "$@" ##+########################################################################## # # # # http://wiki.tcl.tk/3884 - Richard Suchenwirth - 2002-08-13 # http://wiki.tcl.tk/10530 - Greg Blair - 2003-09-29 # # add a converter to read SVG-Path and convert path-Elements into polygon & polyline # # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/expanded-toc.html # # http://www.selfsvg.info/?section=3.5 # # package require Tk package require tdom # --- result SVG ---------- set flatSVG [dom createDocument svg] set root [$flatSVG documentElement] $root setAttribute version 1.0 $root setAttribute xmlns "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" # --- result SVG ---------- set pathSVG [dom createDocument path] set pathSVG_root [$pathSVG documentElement] proc absolutPath {pathDefinition {position {0 0}} } { set transform(x) [lindex $position 0] set transform(y) [lindex $position 1] set preformatSplit [string map { M {_M_} Z {_Z_} L {_L_} H {_H_} V {_V_} C {_C_} S {_S_} Q {_Q_} T {_T_} A {_A_} \ m {_m_} z {_Z_} l {_l_} h {_h_} v {_v_} c {_c_} s {_s_} q {_q_} t {_t_} a {_a_} \ {-} {_-} {,} {_} } \ [string trim $pathDefinition] ] set valueList_tmp [split $preformatSplit {_ }] set pathValueList {} foreach value $valueList_tmp { if {$value == {} } {continue} set value [string trim $value] set pathValueList [lappend pathValueList $value ] } # puts "$pathDefList\n ______pathDefList_____" # -- internal procedure: return 1 if $value is a control-character in SVG-path element # proc checkControl {value} { set controlChar [string map { M {__} Z {__} L {__} H {__} V {__} C {__} S {__} Q {__} T {__} A {__} \ m {__} z {__} l {__} h {__} v {__} c {__} s {__} q {__} t {__} a {__} } \ $value ] if {$controlChar == {__}} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } # -- convert all relative values to absolute values # array \ set penPosition { {x 0} {y 0} } # -- loop throug pathValueList # set pathValueList_abs {} set listIndex 0 while {$listIndex < [llength $pathValueList]} { # -- get value at Position # set value [lindex $pathValueList $listIndex] # -- get next Index # incr listIndex # -- check value on # if {[checkControl $value]} { # puts " ... $value" switch -exact $value { M { # puts " $value ... implemented yet" set penPosition(x) [expr [lindex $pathValueList $listIndex] + $transform(x)] ; incr listIndex set penPosition(y) [expr [lindex $pathValueList $listIndex] + $transform(y)] ; incr listIndex set pathValueList_abs [lappend pathValueList_abs $value $penPosition(x) $penPosition(y)] } m { # puts " $value ... implemented yet" set pathValueList_abs [lappend pathValueList_abs M] # puts " $listIndex - [lindex $pathValueList $listIndex] " foreach {x y} [lrange $pathValueList $listIndex end] { # puts " ... control: [checkControl $x] ... $x $y "; if {[checkControl $x]} {break} set penPosition(x) [expr $x + $penPosition(x)] ; incr listIndex set penPosition(y) [expr $y + $penPosition(y)] ; incr listIndex set pathValueList_abs [lappend pathValueList_abs $penPosition(x) $penPosition(y)] } } l { # puts " $value ... implemented yet" set pathValueList_abs [lappend pathValueList_abs L] # puts " $listIndex - [lindex $pathValueList $listIndex] " foreach {x y} [lrange $pathValueList $listIndex end] { # puts " ... control: [checkControl $x] ... $x $y "; if {[checkControl $x]} {break} set penPosition(x) [expr $x + $penPosition(x)] ; incr listIndex set penPosition(y) [expr $y + $penPosition(y)] ; incr listIndex set pathValueList_abs [lappend pathValueList_abs $penPosition(x) $penPosition(y)] } } c { # puts " $value ... implemented yet" set pathValueList_abs [lappend pathValueList_abs C] set bezierIndex 0 foreach {x y} [lrange $pathValueList $listIndex end] { # puts " ... control: [checkControl $x] ... $x $y "; if {[checkControl $x]} {break} set ctrlPosition(x) [expr $x + $penPosition(x)] ; incr listIndex set ctrlPosition(y) [expr $y + $penPosition(y)] ; incr listIndex set pathValueList_abs [lappend pathValueList_abs $ctrlPosition(x) $ctrlPosition(y)] incr bezierIndex if {$bezierIndex > 2} { set penPosition(x) $ctrlPosition(x) set penPosition(y) $ctrlPosition(y) set bezierIndex 0 } } } h { # puts " $value ... implemented yet" set pathValueList_abs [lappend pathValueList_abs L] set x [lindex $pathValueList $listIndex] if {[checkControl $x]} {continue} set penPosition(x) [expr $x + $penPosition(x)] ; incr listIndex set pathValueList_abs [lappend pathValueList_abs $penPosition(x) $penPosition(y)] } v { # puts " $value ... implemented yet" set pathValueList_abs [lappend pathValueList_abs L] set y [lindex $pathValueList $listIndex] if {[checkControl $y]} {continue} set penPosition(y) [expr $y + $penPosition(y)] ; incr listIndex set pathValueList_abs [lappend pathValueList_abs $penPosition(x) $penPosition(y)] } L { # puts " $value ... implemented yet" set pathValueList_abs [lappend pathValueList_abs L] # puts " $listIndex - [lindex $pathValueList $listIndex] " foreach {x y} [lrange $pathValueList $listIndex end] { # puts " ... control: [checkControl $x] ... $x $y "; if {[checkControl $x]} {break} set penPosition(x) [expr $x + $transform(x)] ; incr listIndex set penPosition(y) [expr $y + $transform(y)] ; incr listIndex # set penPosition(x) [expr $x + $penPosition(x)] ; incr listIndex # set penPosition(y) [expr $y + $penPosition(y)] ; incr listIndex set pathValueList_abs [lappend pathValueList_abs $penPosition(x) $penPosition(y)] # puts " [checkControl $x] } } H { # puts " $value ... implemented yet" set pathValueList_abs [lappend pathValueList_abs L] set x [lindex $pathValueList $listIndex] if {[checkControl $x]} {continue} set penPosition(x) [expr $x + $transform(x)] ; incr listIndex # set ctrlPosition(x) [expr $x + $penPosition(x)] ; incr listIndex set pathValueList_abs [lappend pathValueList_abs $penPosition(x) $penPosition(y)] } V { # puts " $value ... implemented yet" set pathValueList_abs [lappend pathValueList_abs L] set y [lindex $pathValueList $listIndex] if {[checkControl $y]} {continue} set penPosition(y) [expr $y + $transform(y)] ; incr listIndex # set penPosition(y) [expr $y + $penPosition(y)] ; incr listIndex set pathValueList_abs [lappend pathValueList_abs $penPosition(x) $penPosition(y)] } C { # puts " $value ... implemented yet" set pathValueList_abs [lappend pathValueList_abs C] # puts " $listIndex - [lindex $pathValueList $listIndex] " foreach {x y} [lrange $pathValueList $listIndex end] { # puts " ... control: [checkControl $x] ... $x $y "; if {[checkControl $x]} {break} set penPosition(x) [expr $x + $transform(x)] ; incr listIndex set penPosition(y) [expr $y + $transform(y)] ; incr listIndex set pathValueList_abs [lappend pathValueList_abs $penPosition(x) $penPosition(y)] # puts " [checkControl $x] } } S - Q - T - A - s - q - t - a { # incr listIndex puts " $value ... not implemented yet - $listIndex" } Z - z { # puts " $value ... implemented yet - $listIndex" set pathValueList_abs [lappend pathValueList_abs Z] } default { # incr listIndex puts " $value ... not registered yet - $listIndex" } } } } return $pathValueList_abs } # puts "\n$pathDefinition\n ______pathDefinition_____\n" # set pathValueList [ absolutPath $pathDefinition [list 0 0]] # puts "\n$pathValueList\n ______pathValueList_____\n" # set pathValueList [ absolutPath $pathDefinition [list 30 20]] # puts "\n$pathValueList\n ______pathValueList_____\n" # exit proc recurseInsert {w node parent} { set name [$node nodeName] set done 0 if {$name eq "#text" || $name eq "#cdata"} { set text [string map {\n " "} [$node nodeValue]] } else { set text <$name foreach att [getAttributes $node] { catch {append text " $att=\"[$node getAttribute $att]\""} } append text > set children [$node childNodes] if {[llength $children]==1 && [$children nodeName] eq "#text"} { append text [$children nodeValue] set done 1 } } $w insert $parent end -id $node -text $text if {$parent eq {}} {$w item $node -open 1} if !$done { foreach child [$node childNodes] { recurseInsert $w $child $node } } } proc getAttributes node { if {![catch {$node attributes} res]} {set res} } proc Bezier {xy {PRECISION 10}} { # puts " -> $xy" set PRECISION 8 set np [expr {[llength $xy] / 2}] if {$np < 4} return proc BezierSpline {a b c d mu} { # -------------------------------------------------------- # http://www.cubic.org/~submissive/sourcerer/bezier.htm # evaluate a point on a bezier-curve. mu goes from 0 to 1.0 # -------------------------------------------------------- set ab [Lerp $a $b $mu] set bc [Lerp $b $c $mu] set cd [Lerp $c $d $mu] set abbc [Lerp $ab $bc $mu] set bccd [Lerp $bc $cd $mu] return [Lerp $abbc $bccd $mu] } proc Lerp {a b mu} { # ------------------------------------------------- # http://www.cubic.org/~submissive/sourcerer/bezier.htm # simple linear interpolation between two points # ------------------------------------------------- set ax [lindex $a 0] set ay [lindex $a 1] set bx [lindex $b 0] set by [lindex $b 1] return [list [expr {$ax + ($bx-$ax)*$mu}] [expr {$ay + ($by-$ay)*$mu}] ] } set idx 0 foreach {x y} $xy { set X($idx) $x set Y($idx) $y incr idx } set xy {} set idx 0 while {[expr {$idx+4}] <= $np} { set a [list $X($idx) $Y($idx)]; incr idx set b [list $X($idx) $Y($idx)]; incr idx set c [list $X($idx) $Y($idx)]; incr idx set d [list $X($idx) $Y($idx)];# incr idx ;# use last pt as 1st pt of next segment for {set j 0} {$j <= $PRECISION} {incr j} { set mu [expr {double($j) / double($PRECISION)}] set pt [BezierSpline $a $b $c $d $mu] lappend xy [lindex $pt 0] [lindex $pt 1] } } # puts " -> $xy" return $xy } proc simplifySVG {domSVG {parentTransform {0 0}}} { puts "\n" puts " ==============================================" puts " -- simplifySVG" puts " ==============================================" puts "\n" variable flatSVG # puts " ... [ $flatSVG asXML]\n" set root [ $flatSVG documentElement ] # puts " ... [ $root asXML]\n" set transform(parent) $parentTransform foreach {transform(parent_x) transform(parent_y)} $transform(parent) break; # puts " ... parent: $transform(parent_x) / $transform(parent_y)\n" # puts " --- simplifySVG --" foreach node [$domSVG childNodes] { # puts " ... $node" if {[$node nodeType] != {ELEMENT_NODE}} continue # -- set defaults set objectPoints {} # -- get transform attribute if {[catch {set transform(this) [ $node getAttribute transform ]} errmsg] } { set transform(this_x) 0 set transform(this_y) 0 } else { set transform(this) [ lrange [ split [ $node getAttribute transform ] (,) ] 1 2] foreach {transform(this_x) transform(this_y)} $transform(this) break } # puts " ... this: $transform(this_x) / $transform(this_y)" set transform(this_x) [expr $transform(this_x) + $transform(parent_x)] set transform(this_y) [expr $transform(this_y) + $transform(parent_y)] # puts " ... this: $transform(this_x) / $transform(this_y)\n" # -- get nodeName set nodeName [$node nodeName] # puts " ... $nodeName :" # puts " ... $transform(this_x) / $transform(this_y)" switch -exact $nodeName { g { # puts "\n\n ... looping" # puts " [$node asXML]" simplifySVG $node [list $transform(this_x) $transform(this_y)] } rect { set myNode [ $flatSVG createElement $nodeName] $myNode setAttribute x [ $node getAttribute x ] $myNode setAttribute y [ $node getAttribute y ] $myNode setAttribute width [ $node getAttribute width ] $myNode setAttribute height [ $node getAttribute height ] $myNode setAttribute fill none $myNode setAttribute stroke black $myNode setAttribute stroke-width 0.1 $root appendChild $myNode } polygon { set valueList [ $node getAttribute points ] set myNode [ $flatSVG createElement $nodeName] $myNode setAttribute points $valueList $myNode setAttribute fill none $myNode setAttribute stroke black $myNode setAttribute stroke-width 0.1 $root appendChild $myNode } polyline { # polyline points="44.9197,137.492 47.3404,135.703 48.7804,133.101 " set valueList [ $node getAttribute points ] set myNode [ $flatSVG createElement $nodeName] $myNode setAttribute points $valueList $myNode setAttribute fill none $myNode setAttribute stroke black $myNode setAttribute stroke-width 0.1 $root appendChild $myNode } line { # line class="fil0 str0" x1="89.7519" y1="133.41" x2="86.9997" y2= "119.789" set myNode [ $flatSVG createElement $nodeName] $myNode setAttribute x1 [ $node getAttribute x1 ] $myNode setAttribute y1 [ $node getAttribute y1 ] $myNode setAttribute x2 [ $node getAttribute x2 ] $myNode setAttribute y2 [ $node getAttribute y2 ] $myNode setAttribute fill none $myNode setAttribute stroke black $myNode setAttribute stroke-width 0.1 $root appendChild $myNode } circle { # circle class="fil0 str2" cx="58.4116" cy="120.791" r="5.04665" # --- dont display the center_object with id="center_00" set myNode [ $flatSVG createElement $nodeName] $myNode setAttribute cx [ $node getAttribute cx ] $myNode setAttribute cy [ $node getAttribute cy ] $myNode setAttribute r [ $node getAttribute r ] $myNode setAttribute fill none $myNode setAttribute stroke black $myNode setAttribute stroke-width 0.1 $root appendChild $myNode } path { # path d="M ......." # absolutPath set svgPath [ absolutPath [ $node getAttribute d ] [ list $transform(this_x) $transform(this_y)] ] set splitIndex [lsearch -exact -all $svgPath {M}] set splitIndex [lappend splitIndex end] set i 0 while {$i < [llength $splitIndex]-1} { set indexStart [lindex $splitIndex $i] set indexEnd [lindex $splitIndex $i+1] incr i if {$indexEnd != {end}} {set indexEnd [expr $indexEnd -1 ]} set pathSegment [lrange $svgPath $indexStart $indexEnd ] # puts " ... $indexStart / $indexEnd" # puts " ... $i [lindex $splitIndex $i]" # puts " ... $pathSegment" if { [lindex $pathSegment end] == {Z} } { set pathSegment [string trim [string map {Z { }} $pathSegment] ] set elementType polygon } else { set elementType polyline } # puts "\n$pathSegment\n_________pathSegment________" set objectPoints [ convertPath2Line $pathSegment ] # puts "\n$objectPoints\n_________objectPoints________" set myNode [ $flatSVG createElement $elementType] $myNode setAttribute points $objectPoints $myNode setAttribute fill none $myNode setAttribute stroke black $myNode setAttribute stroke-width 0.1 $root appendChild $myNode } # puts " ... search for: [lsearch -exact -all $svgPath {M}]\n" } default { } } # puts " $nodeName: $objectPoints" } # puts [$root asXML] return $root } proc convertPath2Line {pathDefinition} { # ------------------------------------------------- # http://www.selfsvg.info/?section=3.5 # # ------------------------------------------------- # puts "\n\n === new pathString =====================\n" # puts "\npathString:\n $pathString\n" # puts " - > pathDefinition:\n$pathDefinition\n" set canvasElementType line set controlString {} set isClosed {no} # puts " ... convertPath2Line :\n$pathString" set pathString [string map { M {_M} L {_L} H {_H} V {_V} C {_C} S {_S} Q {_Q} T {_T} A {_A} } [string trim $pathDefinition] ] set lineString {} set segmentList [split $pathString {_}] # puts "$segmentList\n-------------------------convertPath2Line---" set cleanList {} foreach value $segmentList { if {$value == {}} {continue} set cleanList [lappend cleanList $value] } set segmentList $cleanList # puts "$segmentList\n-------------------------convertPath2Line---" set prevCoord_x 55 set prevCoord_y 55 set ref_x 0 set ref_y 0 set loopControl 0 foreach segment $segmentList { # puts "\n\n_____loop_______________________________________________" # puts "\n\n $ref_x $ref_y\n_____ref_x___ref_y________" # puts "\n\n <$segment>\n_____segment________" # puts " ... $segment" set segmentDef [split [string trim $segment]] set segmentType [lindex $segmentDef 0] set segmentCoords [lrange $segmentDef 1 end] # puts "\n$segmentType - [llength $segmentCoords] - $segmentCoords\n____type__segmentCoords__" switch -exact $segmentType { M { #MoveTo set lineString [ concat $lineString $segmentCoords ] set ref_x [ lindex $segmentCoords 0 ] set ref_y [ lindex $segmentCoords 1 ] } L { #LineTo - absolute set lineString [ concat $lineString $segmentCoords ] set ref_x [ lindex $segmentCoords end-1] set ref_y [ lindex $segmentCoords end ] } C { # Bezier - absolute # puts "\n\n [llength $segmentCoords] - $segmentCoords\n______segmentCoords____" # puts "\n( $ref_x / $ref_y )\n ____start_position__" # puts "\n$segmentType - [llength $segmentCoords] - ( $ref_x / $ref_y ) - $segmentCoords\n ______type__segmentCoords__" set segmentValues {} foreach {value} $segmentCoords { set segmentValues [ lappend segmentValues $value ] } # exception on to less values # - just a line to last coordinate # if {[llength $segmentValues] < 6 } {\ set ref_x [ lindex $segmentValues end-1] set ref_y [ lindex $segmentValues end ] set lineString [ concat $lineString $ref_x $ref_y ] puts "\n\n <[llength $segmentValues]> - $segmentValues\n_____Exception________" continue } # continue Bezier definition # - just a line to last coordinate # set segmentValues [ linsert $segmentValues 0 $ref_x $ref_y ] # puts "\n [llength $segmentValues_abs] - $segmentValues_abs\n______segmentValues_abs____" set bezierValues [ Bezier $segmentValues] set ref_x [ lindex $bezierValues end-1] set ref_y [ lindex $bezierValues end ] # puts " ====================" # puts " $prevCoord -> $prevCoord" # puts " $bezierString" # puts " ====================" set lineString [ concat $lineString [lrange $bezierValues 2 end] ] } default { puts "\n\n ... whats on there? -> $segmentType \n\n" } } # incr loopControl # puts " ... $loopControl" # puts "\n( $ref_x / $ref_y )\n ____end_position__" # puts "\n\n $ref_x $ref_y\n_____ref_x___ref_y________" } foreach {x y} [split $lineString { }] { set pointList [lappend pointList "$x,$y"] } # puts "-> pointList:\n$pointList\n" return $pointList } proc drawSVG {domSVG canvas {transform {0 0}}} { puts "\n" puts " ==============================================" puts " -- drawSVG" puts " ==============================================" puts "\n" set nodeList [$domSVG childNodes] foreach {transform_x transform_y} $transform break; # return foreach node $nodeList { # puts [$node asXML] # -- set defaults set objectPoints {} set nodeName [$node nodeName] switch -exact $nodeName { rect { set x [expr [$node getAttribute x] + $transform_x ] set y [expr [$node getAttribute y] + $transform_y ] set width [$node getAttribute width ] set height [$node getAttribute height] set x2 [expr $x + $width ] set y2 [expr $y - $height] set objectPoints [list $x $y $x $y2 $x2 $y2 $x2 $y] # -- create rectangle # puts "$canvas create polygon $objectPoints -outline black -fill white" $canvas create polygon $objectPoints -outline black -fill white } polygon { set valueList [ $node getAttribute points ] foreach {coords} $valueList { foreach {x y} [split $coords ,] break set x [expr $x + $transform_x ] set y [expr $y + $transform_y ] set objectPoints [lappend objectPoints $x $y ] } # -- create polygon # puts "\n$canvas create polygon $objectPoints -outline black -fill white" $canvas create polygon $objectPoints -outline black -fill {} } polyline { # polyline class="fil0 str0" points="44.9197,137.492 47.3404,135.703 48.7804,133.101 ..." set valueList [ $node getAttribute points ] foreach {coords} $valueList { foreach {x y} [split $coords ,] break set x [expr $x + $transform_x ] set y [expr $y + $transform_y ] set objectPoints [lappend objectPoints $x $y ] } # -- create polyline # puts "$canvas create line $objectPoints -fill black" $canvas create line $objectPoints -fill black } line { # line class="fil0 str0" x1="89.7519" y1="133.41" x2="86.9997" y2= "119.789" set objectPoints [list [expr [$node getAttribute x1] + $transform_x ] [expr -([$node getAttribute y1] + $transform_y )] \ [expr [$node getAttribute x2] + $transform_x ] [expr -([$node getAttribute y2] + $transform_y )] ] # -- create line # puts "$canvas create line $objectPoints -fill black" $canvas create line $objectPoints -fill black } circle { # circle class="fil0 str2" cx="58.4116" cy="120.791" r="5.04665" # --- dont display the center_object with id="center_00" set cx [expr [$node getAttribute cx] + $transform_x ] set cy [expr [$node getAttribute cy] + $transform_y ] set r [$node getAttribute r] set x1 [expr $cx - $r] set y1 [expr $cy - $r] set x2 [expr $cx + $r] set y2 [expr $cy + $r] set objectPoints [list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] # -- create circle # puts "$canvas create oval $objectPoints -fill black" $canvas create oval $objectPoints -fill black } default {} } } } # --- window ---------- # pack [ frame .f -bg yellow] set nb_result [ ttk::notebook .f.nb ] pack $nb_result -expand yes -fill both $nb_result add [frame $nb_result.nb_canvas] -text "... Canvas" $nb_result add [frame $nb_result.nb_original] -text "... original SVG" $nb_result add [frame $nb_result.nb_tree] -text "... simplified SVG" $nb_result add [frame $nb_result.nb_text] -text "... XML as Text" set canvasFrame [ frame $nb_result.nb_canvas.f -relief sunken ] pack $canvasFrame -expand yes -fill both -padx 15 -pady 15 set origFrame [ frame $nb_result.nb_original.f -relief sunken ] pack $origFrame -expand yes -fill both set treeFrame [ frame $nb_result.nb_tree.f -relief sunken ] pack $treeFrame -expand yes -fill both set textFrame [ frame $nb_result.nb_text.f -relief sunken ] pack $textFrame -expand yes -fill both # --- result canvas --- # set resultCanvas [ canvas $canvasFrame.cv -width 900 -height 800 -relief sunken -bg white] pack $resultCanvas -fill both -expand yes -padx 0 -pady 0 # --- result canvas --- # set originalTree [ ttk::treeview $origFrame.t -yscrollcommand "$origFrame.y set" \ -xscrollcommand "$origFrame.x set" -height 40 ] scrollbar $origFrame.x -ori hori -command "$origFrame.t xview" scrollbar $origFrame.y -ori vert -command "$origFrame.t yview" grid $origFrame.t $origFrame.y -sticky news grid $origFrame.x -sticky news grid rowconfig $origFrame 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfig $origFrame 0 -weight 1 # --- result treeview --- # set resultTree [ ttk::treeview $treeFrame.t -xscrollcommand "$treeFrame.x set" \ -yscrollcommand "$treeFrame.y set" -height 40 ] scrollbar $treeFrame.x -ori hori -command "$treeFrame.t xview" scrollbar $treeFrame.y -ori vert -command "$treeFrame.t yview" grid $treeFrame.t $treeFrame.y -sticky news grid $treeFrame.x -sticky news grid rowconfig $treeFrame 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfig $treeFrame 0 -weight 1 # --- result textview --- set resultText [ text $textFrame.txt -wrap none -xscroll "$textFrame.h set" \ -yscroll "$textFrame.v set" -height 50 -width 160 ] scrollbar $textFrame.v -orient vertical -command "$textFrame.txt yview" scrollbar $textFrame.h -orient horizontal -command "$textFrame.txt xview" # Lay them out grid $textFrame.txt $textFrame.v -sticky nsew grid $textFrame.h -sticky nsew # Tell the text widget to take all the extra room grid rowconfigure $textFrame.txt 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $textFrame.txt 0 -weight 1 # --- compute ---------- # if {$argc == 0} { set fileName [tk_getOpenFile] if {$fileName == {}} {exit} set fp [open $fileName] } else { set fp [open [file join [lindex $argv 0]]] } fconfigure $fp -encoding utf-8 set xml [read $fp] close $fp dom parse $xml doc $doc documentElement root set flatSVG [simplifySVG $root {0 0}] # set flatSVG [simplifySVG $root {50 50} ] drawSVG $flatSVG $resultCanvas {15 15} recurseInsert $originalTree $root {} recurseInsert $resultTree $flatSVG {} $resultText insert end [$flatSVG asXML] # exit #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======