Version 11 of save and restore widgets

Updated 2003-06-23 08:28:12

* Serializing a bitmap

Hopefully someone will fill in some code here demonstrating how one can save off all an application's widgets in such a way that the next time the application is invoked, it looks just like it did when the save occured.

One would then invoke this code at various event points in the application (when the user resizes a widget, changes a color or language, etc.) so that they have a rather seamless environment.

here is my attempt at saving widget state --AF 22-06-03

male - 2003-06-23:

Sorry, but why don't we think about integrating serializibility in the core?

Sometimes I really would like to be able to serialize an UI or parts of an UI!

One possiblity would be to have serialize commands for each widget to generate widgets serialization data, that could be saved into a file. This serialization data could be binary or better ascii data containing a tcl script configuring the widget with the needed data, recreating embedded windows like images in canvas or text widgets.

An example:

 proc serialize {widget path} {
   set serializeData {};

   foreach childWidget [winfo children $widget] {
     lappend serializeData [$childWidget serialize];

   set fid [open [file join $path $widget.SerializeData] w];
   puts $fid [join $serializeData ";"];
   close $fid;


A addition could be to add an serialize subcommand to the winfo command accepting only toplevels to easy up the serialization of complete UIs. This subcommand would collect and return serialization data from the toplevel itself and the whole widget tree below the given toplevel.

An example:

 proc serialize {widget path} {
   if {[winfo toplevel $widget] != $widget} {
     set serializeData {};

     foreach childWidget [winfo children $widget] {
       lappend serializeData [$childWidget serialize];

     set serializeData [join $serializeData ";"];
   } else {
     set serializeData [winfo serialize $widget];

   set fid [open [file join $path $widget.SerializeData] w];
   puts $fid $serializeData;
   close $fid;


And to take to the top - what's about a clone (sub)command for each widget or toplevels like the serialize (sub)command described above?

Category GUI