Version 1 of richards_bench

Updated 2010-04-26 22:30:40 by dkf

Tcl version of Martin Richards' benchmark program.

set Count           10000
set Qpktcountval    23246
set Holdcountval    9297
# 100x
#set Count          1000000
#set Qpkcountval    2326410
#set Holdcountval   930563

set BUFSIZE         3
set I_IDLE          1
set I_WORK          2
set I_HANDLERA      3
set I_HANDLERB      4
set I_DEVA          5
set I_DEVB          6
set PKTBIT          1
set WAITBIT         2
set HOLDBIT         4

set S_RUN           0
set S_RUNPKT        1
set S_WAIT          2
set S_WAITPKT       3
set S_HOLD          4
set S_HOLDPKT       5
set S_HOLDWAIT      6

set K_DEV       1000
set K_WORK      1001

set taskmax     10
set tasktab     [list 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
set tasklist    0

set tcb         0
set taskid      0
set qpktcount   0
set holdcount   0

set tracing     0
set layout      0

set buf0 [list]
for {set i 0} {$i <= $BUFSIZE} {incr i} {
    lappend buf0 0

namespace eval task {
    variable counter 0
    variable tasks [dict create]

proc task::new {id pri wkq state func v1 v2} {
    global tasktab tasklist
    variable counter
    variable tasks

    incr counter

    lset tasktab $id $counter
    dict set tasks $counter link $tasklist
    dict set tasks $counter id $id
    dict set tasks $counter pri $pri
    dict set tasks $counter wkq $wkq
    dict set tasks $counter state $state
    dict set tasks $counter fn $func
    switch $func {
        idlefn {
            dict set tasks $counter hh $v1
            dict set tasks $counter cnt $v2
        workfn {
            dict set tasks $counter sender $v1
            dict set tasks $counter data $v2
        handlerfn {
            dict set tasks $counter wpktag $v1
            dict set tasks $counter dpktag $v2
        devfn {
            dict set tasks $counter workdone $v1
        default {
            error "Invalid func name '$func'"
    set tasklist $counter

    return $counter

proc task::dump {tag} {
    variable tasks
    return [dict get $tasks $tag]

proc task::setkv {tag key value} {
    variable tasks
    dict set tasks $tag $key $value

proc task::getk {tag key} {
    variable tasks
    return [dict get $tasks $tag $key]

namespace eval packet {
    variable counter 0
    variable packets [dict create]

proc packet::new {link id kind} {
    variable counter
    variable packets
    global buf0

    incr counter

    dict set packets $counter link $link
    dict set packets $counter id $id
    dict set packets $counter kind $kind
    dict set packets $counter a1 0
    dict set packets $counter a2 $buf0
    return $counter

proc packet::dump {tag} {
    variable packets
    return [dict get $packets $tag]

proc packet::getk {tag key} {
    variable packets
    return [dict get $packets $tag $key]

proc packet::setkv {tag key value} {
    variable packets
    dict set packets $tag $key $value

proc packet::append {pt1 pt2} {
    packet::setkv $pt1 link 0

    if {!$pt2} {
        return $pt1

    set currpt $pt2
    set next [packet::getk $pt2 link]
    while {$next} {
        set currpt $next
        set next [packet::getk $currpt link]
    packet::setkv $currpt link $pt1

    return $pt2

proc createtask {id pri wkq state func v1 {v2 {}}} {
    task::new $id $pri $wkq $state $func $v1 $v2

proc pkt {link id kind} {
    return [packet::new $link $id $kind]

proc findtcb {id} {
    global tasktab taskmax

    if {$id > 0 && $id < $taskmax} {
        return [lindex $tasktab $id]
    error "Bad task id '$id'"

proc qpkt {ptag} {
    global qpktcount taskid tcb
    global PKTBIT

    set t [findtcb [packet::getk $ptag id]]
    if {!$t} {
        return $t

    incr qpktcount

    packet::setkv $ptag link 0
    packet::setkv $ptag id $taskid
    if {![task::getk $t wkq]} {
        task::setkv $t wkq $ptag
        task::setkv $t state [expr {[task::getk $t state] | $PKTBIT}]
        if {[task::getk $t pri] > [task::getk $tcb pri]} {
            return $t
    } else {
        packet::append $ptag [task::getk $t wkq]

    return $tcb

proc handlerfn {ptag} {
    global tcb
    global K_WORK BUFSIZE

    set wpktag [task::getk $tcb wpktag]
    set dpktag [task::getk $tcb dpktag]

    if {$ptag} {
        set pkt_kind [packet::getk $ptag kind]
        if {$pkt_kind == $K_WORK} {
            set wpktag [packet::append $ptag $wpktag]
            task::setkv $tcb wpktag $wpktag
        } else {
            set dpktag [packet::append $ptag $dpktag]
            task::setkv $tcb dpktag $dpktag

    if {$wpktag} {
        set count [packet::getk $wpktag a1]
        if {$count > $BUFSIZE} {
            task::setkv $tcb wpktag [packet::getk $wpktag link]
            return [qpkt $wpktag]

        if {$dpktag} {
            task::setkv $tcb dpktag [packet::getk $dpktag link]
            packet::setkv $dpktag a1 [lindex [
                packet::getk $wpktag a2] $count]
            packet::setkv $wpktag a1 [expr {$count + 1}]
            return [qpkt $dpktag]

    return [wait]

proc wait {} {
    global tcb
    global WAITBIT

    task::setkv $tcb state [expr {[task::getk $tcb state] | $WAITBIT}]
    return $tcb

proc release {id} {
    global tcb
    global NOTHOLDBIT

    set t [findtcb $id]
    if {!$t} {
        return $t

    task::setkv $t state [expr {[task::getk $t state] & $NOTHOLDBIT}]
    if {[task::getk $t pri] > [task::getk $tcb pri]} {
        return $t
    return $tcb

proc holdself {} {
    global holdcount tcb
    global HOLDBIT

    incr holdcount
    task::setkv $tcb state [expr {[task::getk $tcb state] | $HOLDBIT}]
    return [task::getk $tcb link]

proc idlefn {ptag} {
    global tcb
    global I_DEVA I_DEVB

    task::setkv $tcb cnt [expr {[task::getk $tcb cnt] -1}]

    if {![task::getk $tcb cnt]} {
        return [holdself]

    set hh [task::getk $tcb hh]
    if {($hh & 1) == 0} {
        task::setkv $tcb hh [expr {$hh >> 1}] 
        return [release $I_DEVA]
    } else {
        task::setkv $tcb hh [expr {($hh >> 1) ^ 0xD008}]
        return [release $I_DEVB]

proc devfn {ptag} {
    global tcb tracing

    if {!$ptag} {
        set wdone [task::getk $tcb workdone]
        if {!$wdone} {
            return [wait]
        set ptag $wdone
        task::setkv $tcb workdone 0
        return [qpkt $ptag]
    } else {
        task::setkv $tcb workdone $ptag 
        if {$tracing} {
            trace_ [format %c [packet::getk $ptag a1]]
        return [holdself]

proc workfn {ptag} {
    global tcb

    if {!$ptag} {
        return [wait]

    if {[task::getk $tcb sender] == $I_HANDLERA} {
        task::setkv $tcb sender $I_HANDLERB
    } else {
        task::setkv $tcb sender $I_HANDLERA
    packet::setkv $ptag id [task::getk $tcb sender]
    packet::setkv $ptag a1 0
    set a2 [packet::getk $ptag a2]
    set count [task::getk $tcb data]
    for {set i 0} {$i <= $BUFSIZE} {incr i} {
        incr count
        if {$count > 26} {
            set count 1
        # A = 65 in ascii
        lset a2 $i [expr {65 + $count - 1}]
    task::setkv $tcb data $count
    packet::setkv $ptag a2 $a2

    return [qpkt $ptag] 

proc schedule {} {
    global tcb taskid tracing

    while {$tcb} {
        set state [task::getk $tcb state]
        set pkt_tag 0

        if {$state == $S_WAITPKT || $state == $S_RUN ||
            $state == $S_RUNPKT} {

            if {$state == $S_WAITPKT} {
                set pkt_tag [task::getk $tcb wkq]
                set pkt_link [packet::getk $pkt_tag link]
                task::setkv $tcb wkq $pkt_link

                if {!$pkt_link} {
                    task::setkv $tcb state $S_RUN
                } else {
                    task::setkv $tcb state $S_RUNPKT
            set taskid [task::getk $tcb id]

            if {$tracing} { trace_ $taskid }

            set func [task::getk $tcb fn]
            set tcb [$func $pkt_tag]

        if {$state == $S_WAIT || $state == $S_HOLD ||
            $state == $S_HOLDPKT || $state == $S_HOLDWAIT ||
            $state == $S_HOLDWAITPKT} {

            set tcb [task::getk $tcb link]


proc trace_ {char} {
    global layout

    incr layout -1
    if {$layout <= 0} {
        puts {}
        set layout 50
    puts -nonewline $char

proc main {} {
    global Count Qpktcountval Holdcountval
    global tasktab tcb tasklist qpktcount holdcount layout

    puts "Bench mark starting"

    createtask $I_IDLE 0 0 $S_RUN idlefn 1 $Count

    set wkq [pkt 0 0 $K_WORK]
    set wkq [pkt $wkq 0 $K_WORK]
    createtask $I_WORK 1000 $wkq $S_WAITPKT workfn $I_HANDLERA 0

    set wkq [pkt 0 $I_DEVA $K_DEV]
    set wkq [pkt $wkq $I_DEVA $K_DEV]
    set wkq [pkt $wkq $I_DEVA $K_DEV]
    createtask $I_HANDLERA 2000 $wkq $S_WAITPKT handlerfn 0 0

    set wkq [pkt 0 $I_DEVB $K_DEV]
    set wkq [pkt $wkq $I_DEVB $K_DEV]
    set wkq [pkt $wkq $I_DEVB $K_DEV]
    createtask $I_HANDLERB 3000 $wkq $S_WAITPKT handlerfn 0 0

    createtask $I_DEVA 4000 0 $S_WAIT devfn 0
    createtask $I_DEVB 5000 0 $S_WAIT devfn 0

    set tcb $tasklist
    set qpktcount 0
    set holdcount 0
    set layout 0

    puts "Starting"


    puts "\nfinished"
    puts "qpkt count = $qpktcount, holdcount = $holdcount"
    puts -nonewline "These results are "
    if {$qpktcount == $Qpktcountval && $holdcount == $Holdcountval} {
        puts "correct"
    } else {
        puts "incorrect"
    puts "end of run"

puts [time main 1]